Shifting the dial on ESG

Published on 08 March 2023

For international women's day we have produced a special episode of our Taxing Matters podcast, in which we discuss macro trends in ESG and gender diversity at work, the meso-level changes within organisations and the micro changes on a personal level talking through trends in ESG. Did we lose momentum during Covid? Do we still have the emphasis in the right places? And what can each of us do to shift the dial?

We are joined by Kelly Thomson and Phoebe Waters who talk about moving the dial – making a change in your own behaviour that helps to create overall change at an organisational or societal level.

Phoebe is Chair of The Female Fraud Forum, delegate to the United Nations' Commission on the Status of Women and visiting lecturer on gender equality.

Kelly is a partner in RPC's Employment, Engagement and Equality team. She leads RPC's ESG strategy and is a co-host of the equality podcast The Fix, with Michelle King.  

We hope you enjoy the episode. Please subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify to keep up with future episodes.

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All information is correct at the time of recording. Taxing Matters is not a substitute for legal advice.

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