Taxing Matters: An interview with the President of the First-tier Tribunal

Published on 23 November 2020

Welcome to the Taxing Matters podcast - in this episode, we are joined by a very special guest; Judge Sinfield, President of the First Tier Tribunal Tax Chamber (FTT). Judge Sinfield shares his impressive knowledge of the inner workings and intricacies of the tax tribunals, including little known facts like the FTT deals with appeals concerning MPs' expenses!

Alice Kemp and Judge Sinfield also discuss:  

  • What tax tribunals actually are, their function and scope, and how they work;
  • How tax tribunals differ from the 'normal' civil process;
  • What you need to have in mind when starting an appeal to the FTT; and
  • The impact of COVID-19 and lockdown on the tax tribunals.

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All information is correct at the time of recording. Taxing Matters is not a substitute for legal advice.

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