Professional and financial risks

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SRA v Ryan Beckwith and the regulation of the private lives of solicitors

Published on 17 February 2020. By Graham Reid, Partner

In October 2019, the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) upheld professional misconduct allegations against Mr Ryan Beckwith, an ex-magic circle partner. The Tribunal’s reasons were published on 30 January 2020.

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Legal advice privilege not lost by repeating the client's instructions

Published on 17 February 2020. By Will Sefton, Partner and Head of Professional and Financial Risks

In Raiffeisen Bank International AG v Asia Coal Energy Ventures Ltd (1) Ashurst LLP (2) [2020] EWCA Civ 11, the Court of Appeal has confirmed that legal advice privilege over a client's instructions to their lawyers is not lost, merely because the client authorises their lawyers to repeat the substance of those instructions to another party.

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FRC - The Final Curtain Call

Published on 13 February 2020. By Rachael Healey, Partner

The FRC has released its draft budget plan and budget for 2020/21.

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High Court grants proprietary injunction over Bitcoin cyber ransom payment to a third party

Published on 31 January 2020. By Bethan Griffiths, Senior Associate

Instances of Ransomware are becoming increasingly common. We regularly deal with these types of cases and are seeing an escalation in both the sophistication of the attacks and the ransom demands being made.

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Bossing the rules: lowering the standard?

Published on 27 January 2020. By Graham Reid, Partner

Solicitors everywhere will be concerned at the recent move of the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal, alongside the recent SRA Standards and Regulations reforms, to alter the standard of proof to be applied in disciplinary proceedings. This article looks at the background to the Tribunal's recent decision, the reasons for the change, and the concerns around it.

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Disciplinary investigations against architects #2 - Complaints to the ARB

Published on 23 January 2020. By Sarah O'Callaghan, Senior Associate and Emma Wherry, Senior Associate

Further to our previous article which provided an overview of the Architect Registration Board's disciplinary process, we explain the first stage of a disciplinary investigation against an Architect, the complaint stage.

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Bossing the rules: Your obligations to report concerns

Published on 20 January 2020. By Graham Reid, Partner

Our lawyers' liability and regulatory team continue their series demystifying the SRA's new Standards and Regulations in this article looking at solicitors' revised reporting obligations under #StaRs Rules 7.7 and 7.8.

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Part 36 – Stick, Twist…. or Stay?

Published on 13 January 2020. By James Ainsworth, Senior Associate and Will Sefton, Partner and Head of Professional and Financial Risks

The case of Allen Campbell v Ministry of Defence [2019] EWHC 2121 (QB) provides useful guidance on the appropriate way to respond to a Part 36 offer when you are unsure of the value of the claim (and therefore the merits of the offer), in order to avoid the costs consequences of late acceptance.

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Bossing the Rules: StaRs Rule 1.4: “you do not mislead anyone”

Published on 23 December 2019. By Graham Reid, Partner and Aimee Talbot, Knowledge Lawyer

The Solicitors’ Practice Rules 1990 (“SPR”) did not contain any express prohibition on misleading anyone; although, depending on the circumstances, such conduct was likely to have contravened the basic principles. Like today’s principles, these required solicitors not to do anything in the course of practising as a solicitor (or permit anyone to do anything on their behalf) which compromises or impairs (or is likely to compromise or impair) the good repute of the solicitor or the profession or the solicitor’s duty to the court.

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Disciplinary investigations against architects #1 - the process

Published on 19 December 2019. By Ben Goodier, Partner and Sarah O'Callaghan, Senior Associate and Emma Wherry, Senior Associate

In this series of articles, we explain the procedure for disciplinary investigations against architects. This article gives an overview of the process. The remaining articles will examine each stage of the process and highlight the dos and don'ts for architects unfortunate enough to be the subject of investigations. In essence, there are 4 stages.

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Bossing the rules

Published on 03 December 2019. By Aimee Talbot, Knowledge Lawyer

Watch out for RPC's new blog mini-series on the SRA Standards and Regulations 2019.

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Costs proportionality: answers at last?

Published on 22 November 2019. By Aimee Talbot, Knowledge Lawyer

Practitioners have been waiting six years for authoritative guidance on how the new post-April 2013 proportionality test applies in the hope that we will be better able to predict the outcome of costs assessment and, therefore, better equipped to advise our clients. A recent Court of Appeal decision has been described as delivering this; however, it raises a number of new issues which are sure to give rise to further satellite litigation. As such, proportionality remains the great unknown.

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Regulatory change as far as the PI can see

Published on 21 November 2019. By Ben Gold, Partner

Dramatic regulatory change, and an increase in regulatory action, is affecting a number of important sectors in the professional indemnity market, as we exit 2019 and look ahead at 2020. We consider below some key points to be aware of.

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The Supreme Court holds that "subsequently acquired evidence" is to be disregarded in assessing loss of chance in a DTI compensation scheme

Published on 21 November 2019. By Nick Bird, Partner and Cheryl Laird, Senior Associate (Scottish Qualified)

On 20 November 2019 the Supreme Court handed down its second 2019 judgment on loss of chance principles in Edwards v Hugh James Ford Simey Solicitors [2019] UKSC 54. It held in favour of the claimant rejecting the lawyers' argument that the issue of loss should be determined based on all of the facts available at the date of the professional negligence proceedings.

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Travelers Insurance Company Ltd (Appellant) v XYZ (Respondents) [2019] UKSC 48

Published on 31 October 2019. By Nick Bird, Partner

The Supreme Court has reviewed the principles concerning third-party costs orders and ruled that an insurer was not liable for uninsured claimants' costs.

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Challenging extensions of time to serve writs on defendants in Hong Kong

22 October 2019

In another recent high profile judgment, the High Court of Hong Kong has (in effect) sent out an important warning to plaintiffs who apply to the court for an extension of time in which to serve their writ on a defendant. On making such applications, plaintiffs must be very careful to discharge their continuing and important duty to be full and frank with the court – in particular, in the evidence filed in support of such applications, plaintiffs must specifically and clearly confirm the position regarding the limitation periods for different claims in the writ and whether any claim is time barred.

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Abridged Advice and Workplace Pension Schemes - digging deeper into the FCA's Latest Pension Transfer Consultation Paper

Published on 15 August 2019.

Now that the dust has settled on the FCA's latest Consultation Paper on Pension Transfers (CP19/25), is there more to the regulator's proposals than first met the eye?

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The problem of integrity

21 June 2019

Integrity is beginning to look like the indispensable quality that we could all do without.

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Lost chances à la Moda

Published on 04 June 2019. By Graham Reid, Partner and Nick Bird, Partner

Lost chance case-law has come a long way since the ground-breaking decision in Allied Maples. One of its more interesting offshoots is the case of Moda International Brands Ltd v Gateley LLP & Anor. Moda is required reading for any firm of solicitors who wants to defend a lost chance claim arising from its transactional work for a claimant.

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What’s gone wrong with putting things right?

Published on 21 May 2019. By Graham Reid, Partner and Nick Bird, Partner

Solicitors are becoming concerned about their ability to put things right when they make mistakes. We do not consider that much has changed in this area. It is as important as it has always been for a solicitor to realise if he or she has made a mistake and to think carefully about how to remedy it. This is not an easy task. We hope this article will assist in guiding solicitors and their insurers through this complex area.

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Court of Appeal considers the test for dishonest assistance following Ivey

25 April 2019

In Group Seven v Notable Services LLP the Court of Appeal considered and applied the two stage test of dishonesty set out by the Supreme Court in Ivey v Genting in a claim for dishonest assistance in a breach of trust by various members of a legal disciplinary practice.

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Audit profession – a year of reflection

25 March 2019

In this legal update we look back at some of the key developments for the audit profession in 2018 and consider what the rest of 2019 may hold for the industry.

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Judge makes alarming comments about validity of standstill agreements in Inheritance Act claims

Published on 12 March 2019. By Aimee Talbot, Knowledge Lawyer and Rhian Howell, Partner & Head of Office, Bristol

In a recent judgment, the High Court has cast doubt on the extent to which the court will recognise standstill agreements in applications under the Inheritance (Provision for Family & Dependents) Act 1975.

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Law Society introduces new Code for Completion by Post

Published on 04 March 2019. By Will Sefton, Partner and Head of Professional and Financial Risks

Conveyancing practitioners need of course to familiarise themselves with the new Code, in advance of its implementation date of 1 May 2019. Following Dreamvar, the new Code underlines the fact that the burden of detecting fraudulent sellers falls squarely on the sellers' solicitors.

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Supreme Court Refuses to allow a Claim against Lawyers for Loss of a Dishonest Claim

Published on 13 February 2019. By Nick Bird, Partner and Will Sefton, Partner and Head of Professional and Financial Risks

On 13 February 2019 the Supreme Court handed down judgment in its first decision on loss of chance principles for 14 years (in Perry v Raleys Solicitors [2019] UKSC 5).

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SAAMCo and BPE re-affirmed: the proper approach to loss in professional negligence cases

Published on 31 January 2019. By Nick Bird, Partner

A recent Court of Appeal decision reaffirms the importance of the "information" and "advice" categories when considering the losses for which a professional should be held liable.

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Four UK financial crime compliance predictions for 2019

Published on 15 January 2019. By Sam Tate, Partner

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Last week we published our "UK white-collar crime enforcement predictions for 2019". This week, it is the turn of financial crime compliance.

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Four UK white collar crime predictions for 2019

Published on 08 January 2019. By Sam Tate, Partner

The coming year presents itself as particularly unpredictable for white collar crime enforcement in the UK, given the shadow of Brexit, changes of staff at the SFO and a series of long-standing cases due for resolution. Nostradamus would struggle, but, nevertheless, here is RPC's forecast of what to expect in 2019.

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LSB approves SRA’s revolution in legal services regulation

Published on 07 November 2018. By Graham Reid, Partner

The Solicitors Regulation Authority’s new regulatory arrangements were approved by the Legal Services Board on 6 November 2018. Part of the changes will allow solicitors of England & Wales to sell legal advice to the public from within unregulated firms, as long as they steer clear of reserved legal activities such as conveyancing and litigation. These firms will not be regulated by the SRA and will not need to take out full SRA-mandated professional indemnity insurance. These new kinds of legal practice offer unique opportunities for competition with big law firms, and for in-house legal teams to be converted from a cost to a profit centre. RPC has exceptional degree of experience in advising on innovation in the the provision of legal services.

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Court of Appeal enforces fraudster’s claim against lawyers

Published on 08 October 2018. By Nick Bird, Partner

In Stoffel & Co v Maria Grondona the Court of Appeal applied Lord Toulson’s judgment in Patel v Mirza to permit a fraudulent mortgagor to enforce her claim against her conveyancing solicitors. There may though be stronger grounds for the defence in other claims against professionals.

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Section 14A, don't delay!

Published on 24 May 2018. By Aimee Talbot, Knowledge Lawyer

The Court of Appeal has upheld a judge's decision to deal summarily with a dispute as to the claimant's date of knowledge under s14a Limitation Act 1980. The judgment also contains a handy summary of the key law in the area.

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Dreamvar and identity fraud in conveyancing transactions

Published on 17 May 2018. By Graham Reid, Partner

The issue at stake in the combined appeals of Dreamvar (UK) Ltd v Mishcon de Reya and P&P Property Ltd v Owen Catlin LLP was a fairly fundamental one, namely: “Who ought to bear the risk of loss when a fraudster pretends to sell a property?”

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Professional negligence adjudication – it's all part of the Protocol

Published on 04 May 2018. By Will Sefton, Partner and Head of Professional and Financial Risks

On 1 May 2018, an amendment to the Professional Negligence Pre-Action Protocol saw a further attempt to encourage parties to use the professional negligence adjudication scheme first devised as a pilot scheme in February 2015.

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Asset management market study update

10 April 2018

On 5 April 2018 the FCA published proposals to address concerns identified in its asset management market study

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Enhancing the cross-border distribution of collective investment funds

16 March 2018

The European Commission has published a draft Regulation and Directive on the cross-border distribution of investment funds. The aim is to establish a genuine internal capital market by addressing fragmentation and removing regulatory barriers (namely Member States’ marketing requirements, regulatory fees and notification and administrative requirements), which can all prevent the cross-border distribution of investment funds in the European Union.

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Frederick & Others v Positive Solutions Limited – a win for principals on vicarious liability

Published on 14 March 2018. By David Allinson, Partner

The Court of Appeal has reinforced the idea that liability will only attach to a principal in cases where a tort committed by an agent can be shown to have been completed as an integral part of the business activities of the principal. Furthermore, all elements composing the tort must take place within the course of the agency. The case thickens the lines defining what conduct of an agent could lead to recovery from the principal.

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Bad news for litigants in person?

21 February 2018

When a litigant in person fails to correctly serve a claim form they can expect the courts to take a firm approach, following the Supreme Court's decision in Barton v Wright Hassall

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Insuring Cryptocurrency risk, and why a duck might not actually be a duck

13 February 2018

Cryptocurrencies have dominated headlines with their soaring value and accelerating use. Their regulation has remained somewhat of an afterthought, however. This blog post looks at some of the pitfalls and the larger implications for financial professionals and the insurance industry that the risks of cryptocurrency present.

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FOS consultation on SME access to Ombudsman service

Published on 23 January 2018. By David Allinson, Partner

The FCA is currently consulting on proposed new rules to allow larger small and medium sized enterprises to refer complaints to the FOS.

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To each his own: which papers belong to the solicitor?

Published on 12 January 2018. By Claire Revell, Partner

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Although it has previously been established that clients don't necessarily own all of their solicitors' file, clients don't always appreciate this when making a file request. Some recent case law provides support to solicitors when dealing with such requests.

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Name and Shame: HM Land Registry to publish list of worst offenders

Published on 09 January 2018. By Claire Revell, Partner

HM Land Registry has announced plans to publish a list of the top 500 entities responsible for the highest number of applications and ranking them by their track record of correctly completing Land Registry forms and applications.

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Unauthorised introducers, the Pension Ombudsman and SSASs

Published on 04 January 2018. By Rachael Healey, Partner

The Pension Ombudsman has rejected a complaint against a SSAS provider in relation to investments in carbon credit investments made on the instigation of an unauthorised introducer. In contrast to FOS decisions we have seen, the Pension Ombudsman appeared to put the onus and risk on the consumer for engaging with an unauthorised introducer.

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Broken bonds - the FCA clamps down on firm promoting mini-bonds

Published on 21 November 2017. By David Allinson, Partner

According to a recent article in Citywire, the FCA has ordered a firm promoting mini-binds to "cease all regulated activity" following a series of losses being incurred by investors in respect of mini-bonds.

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Favourable approach for insurers to the construction of exclusion clauses

31 October 2017

In a recent decision the Commercial Court has followed the Supreme Court in the Impact Funding case. It declined to apply the contra proferentem rule to an exclusion clause in an insurance policy. Insurers will welcome the decision.

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PE funds: Risks to LP limited liability status 

24 October 2017

One of the key attributes of an English limited partnership is that the general partner has unlimited liability for the debts and obligations of the limited partnership.

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Transferring limited partnership interests

24 October 2017

A limited partner may assign its interest in a limited partnership, subject to the general partner's consent and any contrary agreement between the limited partners.

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Are there dark clouds on the horizon for SIPP providers?

Published on 17 October 2017. By David Allinson, Partner

According to Citywire, the FCA is poised to complete further supervisory work on the SIPP industry with a specific focus on non-standard investments. We understand that the FCA has questioned SIPP providers on the number of high risk investments they hold following a spate of complaints about such products in recent years.

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Over the Insured's Dead Body

13 September 2017

One year on from the entry into force of the Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act 2010 and the fun and games are just getting started.

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A level playing Field?

Published on 31 August 2017. By David Allinson, Partner

Frank Field's Work and Pensions Select Committee is intending to review the impartiality of defined benefit pension transfer advice. What could this mean for the advisory industry and its PI insurers?

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