New Development: Updated ICO guidance on “likely to be accessed by children”
Following consultation, the ICO has updated its guidance “Likely to be accessed’ by children – FAQs, list of factors and case studies”. The guidance supports Information Society Service (ISS) providers to ascertain whether the service they provide falls within scope of the Age Appropriate Design Code (the Code). ISS providers should review the guidance, which includes a checklist, FAQs and context specific case studies (such as social media and gaming), to assess scope and compliance with the Code.
If the ISS provider concludes its service is “likely to be accessed by children” and the service is not appropriate for children, it must apply age-based measures to restrict access to the service. If the ISS provider concludes children are not likely to access the service, the reasoning for and evidence in support of this conclusion must be documented.
For our coverage on the consultation, see our Summer 2023 edition of Snapshots.
Autumn 2023
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