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Supply chain sustainability: new rules, new risks
On 25 July 2024, the EU's new flagship supply chain law, the Corporate Sustainability and Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), came into force.
Read more'Popping to the shop' a thing of the past?
Have you noticed that overnight, seemingly every poster on London's streets and billboard in its tube stations advertise a service that will magic groceries to your front door in an impossibly short timeframe? These are signifiers of the battle being fought in the instant grocery delivery space.
Read more'Nosecco' is a no-no, says the High Court
In recent years, health and wellbeing has been big business in the UK. The COVID-19 outbreak has only further stoked the desire to obtain and maintain healthy minds and bodies and the trend looks set to continue, across the retail sector.
Read moreThe ASA bites back – Burger King 'Rebel Whopper' ads ruled to be misleading and in breach of advertising rules
At the start of the year, Veganuary hit the headlines, with the British public challenged to ditch animal by-products in favour of a plant-based diet for the month of January.
Read moreSix steps to AI Literacy (whether legally required to or not)
At the beginning of February 2025, the AI literacy requirement under the EU AI Act came into force. The effect of this is that certain businesses must take measures to ensure a sufficient level of AI literacy in their staff.
Read moreFCA consults on new reporting obligations for (i) incidents and (ii) third party arrangements
On 13 December 2024, the FCA published consultation paper CP24/28 (the CP) on proposals for firms to report on operational incidents and, separately, on material third party arrangements. The CP mirrors similar proposals put forward by the PRA and Bank of England on the same day and is designed to align with current international standards (e.g. the EU Regulation on digital operational resilience (DORA)).
Read moreHow will the "Genny lec" impact the world of cyber and tech?
On 22 May 2024, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stood in the pouring rain to announce a General Election, thus commencing a summer of political and meteorological uncertainty for those in the UK.
Read moreParliamentary 'wash up' – which Bills made it through?
On 22 May 2024, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that a General Election will take place on 4 July 2024. Parliament was then prorogued on 24 May 2024 which allowed a mere 2 days for 'wash up' - the process by which outstanding bills may be rushed through the parliamentary process.
Read moreThe November 2023 AI safety summit and the UK's direction of travel
The government has confirmed that the UK AI safety summit will be held at Bletchley Park on 1 and 2 November 2023.
Read moreTelecoms supply agreement excludes "loss of profit" claim under "anticipated profits" liability exclusion (EE v Virgin Mobile)
In line with a number of recent cases, in EE Limited v Virgin Mobile Telecoms Limited [2023] EWHC 1989 (TCC) the courts have shown that parties generally cannot avoid clear wording contained in exclusion clauses in order to recover losses that have been expressly excluded (in this case, loss of profits).
Read moreRolls-Royce entitled to hit the brakes in dispute over termination of a software services agreement (Topalsson v Rolls-Royce)
In Topalsson GmbH v Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited [2023] EWHC 1765 (TCC), the High Court has provided useful guidance on how to determine whether a software implementation timeline agreed by the parties is binding, when implementation is considered complete and in what circumstances failing to complete implementation by the contractual deadlines entitles the customer to terminate the contract.
Read moreA narrow escape – software services provider entitled to rely on single aggregate liability cap (Drax v Wipro)
When it comes to bespoke software development projects, a lot can go wrong. There's risk for the customer such as project delays, software defects, functionality issues and a lack of meeting of minds in terms of project requirements.
Read moreNew developments in AI may put law firms at greater risk of phishing fraud
As the computing power of Artificial Intelligence continues to grow exponentially, we consider how generative technology may expand the reach of traditional phishing frauds aimed at law firms.
Read moreSnapshots Winter 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Autumn 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Summer 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreNew Development: National Cyber Security Centre warns AI is likely to heighten global ransomware threat
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), part of GCQH, has published a report on the “near-term impact of AI on the cyber threat” over the next two years, which concludes that: (i) AI is already being used in cyber activity in a malicious way; and (ii) the volume of cyber attacks and the global ransomware threat are likely to be heightened over the next two years.
Read moreUK Government publishes response to AI White Paper consultation
What approach has the UK Government’s adopted in its response to the consultation on the AI regulation White Paper (the White Paper)?
Read moreWhat the AI is going on… December 2023 to March 2024
Google launched its newest GenAI, Gemini Nano. Designed specifically for mobile phones it presents new competition to market leaders OpenAI. Gemini Nano will allow AI apps that operate offline as opposed to only on servers and provide improved privacy for users.
Read moreCourt of Appeal holds Samsung liable for trade mark infringement by third-party apps
Can online platforms be liable for trademark infringement by third-party apps?
Read moreUK Supreme Court rejects AI as “inventor” under the Patents Act
What is the scope and meaning of “inventor” in the UK’s patent framework, and will it accept an AI machine as being the sole inventor?
Read moreSnapshots Spring 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreThe new EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
What can financial services entities and ICT providers expect from DORA and what do they need to do prepare for it?
Read moreSnapshots Winter 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Autumn 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Summer 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreEthics in the age of AI: new Institute of Directors checklist
What are the key considerations for boards regarding the ethical use of AI within their companies based on the Institute of Directors’ (IoD) Checklist for Boards (Checklist)?
Read moreGovernment White Paper sets out UK approach to AI regulation
How is the UK Government looking to regulate AI?
Read moreDigital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill opens door for stricter regulation of news platforms
How might the proposed Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill (the Bill) affect news reporting by digital platforms?
Read moreSnapshots Spring 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreDCMS publishes new Code of Practice for app developers and app store operators
What do app developers and app store operators need to do to comply with the new Code of Practice published by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)?
Read moreNew Metaverse regulation proposal to be discussed by EU Commission
How does the European Commission (EC) intend to regulate the Metaverse?
Read moreOnline Safety Bill: Latest amendments increase focus on children safety
What is the focus of the latest round of amendments proposed to the Online Safety Bill and how will these impact online platforms?
Read moreSnapshots Winter 2022
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read more6 April 2025 - date confirmed for UK consumer protection law regime overhaul
The Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024 (DMCCA) is set to substantially overhaul the UK's consumer protection law and enforcement regime. We now know the date that key consumer protection and enforcement changes will come into force: 6 April 2025.
Read moreThe EU Compliance headache you don't know you have? A priority primer on the European Accessibility Act
It is now less than a year until the EU Accessibility Act (EAA) comes into force, which will require businesses to ensure a range of products (eg smartphones and computers) and services (eg e-commerce services, consumer banking services, and ebooks) are accessible for persons with disabilities.
Read moreSeeing the wood for the trees: preparing for new deforestation due diligence rules in the UK and EU
Read moreGoing Green – staying on the right side of competition law
Environmental issues are high on the agenda for many consumers and businesses alike. They are also increasingly an area of focus for competition authorities around the world, including the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), who are keen to ensure that competition law concerns do not unnecessarily prevent businesses from collaborating legitimately on environmental sustainability initiatives.
Read moreRPC Bites #63: Aldi Kefir - copycat or collab? No more carbon credits for Brewdog and a rollercoaster for Carlsberg's portfolio
Welcome back to RPC Bites. Our aim in the next 2 minutes is to provide you with a flavour of the key legal, regulatory, and commercial developments in the Food & Drink sector over the last fortnight… with the occasional bit of industry gossip thrown in for good measure.
Read moreRPC Bites #62: misleading 'freshly baked bread' claims, trademark troubles for Campari and McDonalds and more
Welcome back to RPC Bites. Our aim in the next 2 minutes is to provide you with a flavour of the key legal, regulatory, and commercial developments in the Food & Drink sector over the last fortnight… with the occasional bit of industry gossip thrown in for good measure.
Read moreRPC Bites #61: Trade mark trouble for Tony's Chocolonely, ASA scalding for Jack Daniels but Hovis fare better and FSA guidance on vegan labelling
Welcome back to RPC Bites. Our aim in the next 2 minutes is to provide you with a flavour of the key legal, regulatory, and commercial developments in the Food & Drink sector over the last fortnight… with the occasional bit of industry gossip thrown in for good measure.
Read moreGinfringement: Success for M&S in the Court of Appeal in registered design spat with Aldi
M&S and Aldi's gin bottle battle over design rights has reached a conclusion (for now) as the Court of Appeal has unanimously upheld the IPEC's decision that Aldi's bottle infringed M&S' design.
Read moreRPC Bites #60: M&S vs Aldi, UKIPO win for Oatly and ASA guidance on supplement marketing
Welcome back to RPC Bites. Our aim in the next 2 minutes is to provide you with a flavour of the key legal, regulatory, and commercial developments in the Food & Drink sector over the last fortnight… with the occasional bit of industry gossip thrown in for good measure.
Read moreClear as gin: M&S and Aldi take liquor bottle battle to the Court of Appeal
Intellectual property enthusiasts' favourite supermarket adversaries were back at loggerheads this week as M&S and Aldi appear before the Court of Appeal. The pair sought to thrash out a first instance decision handed down in the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC) regarding alleged infringement of M&S' registered design rights in a gin bottle.
Read moreRPC Bites #59: Festive Bumper Issue
Welcome back to RPC Bites. Our aim in the next 2 minutes is to provide you with a festive flavour of key legal, regulatory, and commercial developments in the Food & Drink sector over the last fortnight… with the occasional bit of industry gossip thrown in for good measure. Enjoy and Happy Christmas and New Year to all of our readers!!
Read moreRPC Bites #58: Trade mark troubles, cheese-y appeals, warm ice cream and low-alcohol labelling...
Welcome back to RPC Bites. With a definite chill in the autumn air, our aim in the next 2 minutes is to provide you with a warming flavour of key legal, regulatory, and commercial developments in the Food & Drink sector over the last fortnight… with the occasional bit of industry gossip thrown in for good measure. Enjoy!
Read moreRPC Bites #57: New FSA guidance on CBD consumption, "irresponsible" alcohol ads and greenwashing accusations strike Tesco
Welcome to RPC Bites. Our aim in the next 2 minutes is to provide you with a flavour of some key legal, regulatory and commercial developments in the Food & Drink sector over the last fortnight… with the occasional bit of industry gossip thrown in for good measure. Enjoy!!
Read moreRPC Bites #56 - HFSS delays, Percy Pig's legal pursuits and Getir fails to deliver on promotion…
Welcome to RPC Bites. Our aim in the next 2 minutes is to provide you with a flavour of some key legal, regulatory and commercial developments in the Food & Drink sector over the last fortnight… with the occasional bit of industry gossip thrown in for good measure. Enjoy!!
Read moreRPC Bites #55 - BrewDog gold can competition strikes again and Miller High Life cans crushed by Belgian customs
Welcome to RPC Bites. Our aim in the next 2 minutes is to provide you with a flavour of some key legal, regulatory and commercial developments in the Food & Drink sector over the last fortnight… with the occasional bit of industry gossip thrown in for good measure. Enjoy!!
Read moreM&S v Aldi – lookalike claims lit up by design rights
As lookalike products rise in prominence, the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court's (IPEC) recent ruling that the sale and advertisement of Aldi's 'Infusionist' range of favoured gins infringed M&S's UK registered designs protecting the light-up bottles containing its 'Snow Globe' gin range (Marks and Spencer PLC v Aldi Stores Limited [2023] EWHC 178) highlights the utility of registered design rights in circumstances where other intellectual property rights (IPR) are often less able to provide protection.
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