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European consumer body challenges in-game premium currencies
When does the use of in-app and in-game premium currencies pose consumer regulatory issues? Does this consumer complaint herald a tightening by the EU on revenue streams for game and app developers and platforms?
Read moreConstruction and Engineering Law 2024
We are delighted to have contributed once again to ICLG's Construction and Engineering Law guide for 2024. The comprehensive guide delves into the multifaceted world of construction and engineering law, providing an essential reference for understanding and comparing the handling of common legal challenges across various jurisdictions.
Read moreCode of Conduct for Leasing of Retail Premises to take effect from 1 February 2024
Following from the passing of the Lease Agreements for Retail Premises Bill which mandates compliance with the Code of Conduct for Leasing of Retail Premises in Singapore ("Code") for qualifying leases of retail premises earlier this year, the Lease Agreements for Retail Premises Act ("Act') is expected to take effect from 1 February 2024.
Read moreAdvertisement consent – five rules for retailers
A summary of advertisement control for retailers in England, including deemed consent provisions, applications, standard conditions and discontinuance orders.
Read moreThe EU Compliance headache you don't know you have? A priority primer on the European Accessibility Act
It is now less than a year until the EU Accessibility Act (EAA) comes into force, which will require businesses to ensure a range of products (eg smartphones and computers) and services (eg e-commerce services, consumer banking services, and ebooks) are accessible for persons with disabilities.
Read moreSeeing the wood for the trees: preparing for new deforestation due diligence rules in the UK and EU
Read moreGoing Green – staying on the right side of competition law
Environmental issues are high on the agenda for many consumers and businesses alike. They are also increasingly an area of focus for competition authorities around the world, including the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), who are keen to ensure that competition law concerns do not unnecessarily prevent businesses from collaborating legitimately on environmental sustainability initiatives.
Read moreThe EU's Cyber Resilience Act: 10 on the 10
Today the EU's Cyber Resilience Act (Regulation (EU) 2024/2847) ('CRA') enters into force. The CRA recognises that the continuously evolving world of smart products is frequently challenged by vulnerabilities which can potentially lead to cyber-security incidents. Whilst most of the Act's obligations will not be applicable until three years from now, 10 December is the day when the EU takes a big step towards it's ten-year Cybersecurity Strategy. To mark the occasion, we have outlined ten key points that entities in scope must be aware of in preparation for compliance with the CRA.
Read moreNew Data (Use and Access) Bill
What does the new Data (Use and Access) Bill (the Data Bill) mean for businesses?
Read moreNew Development: National Cyber Security Centre warns AI is likely to heighten global ransomware threat
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), part of GCQH, has published a report on the “near-term impact of AI on the cyber threat” over the next two years, which concludes that: (i) AI is already being used in cyber activity in a malicious way; and (ii) the volume of cyber attacks and the global ransomware threat are likely to be heightened over the next two years.
Read moreUK Government publishes response to AI White Paper consultation
What approach has the UK Government’s adopted in its response to the consultation on the AI regulation White Paper (the White Paper)?
Read moreWhat the AI is going on… December 2023 to March 2024
Google launched its newest GenAI, Gemini Nano. Designed specifically for mobile phones it presents new competition to market leaders OpenAI. Gemini Nano will allow AI apps that operate offline as opposed to only on servers and provide improved privacy for users.
Read moreCourt of Appeal holds Samsung liable for trade mark infringement by third-party apps
Can online platforms be liable for trademark infringement by third-party apps?
Read moreUK Supreme Court rejects AI as “inventor” under the Patents Act
What is the scope and meaning of “inventor” in the UK’s patent framework, and will it accept an AI machine as being the sole inventor?
Read moreThe new EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
What can financial services entities and ICT providers expect from DORA and what do they need to do prepare for it?
Read moreVirtual billboards: the future of immersive advertising?
With the deployment of immersive technologies poised to become the norm, the implementation of infrastructure for "virtual billboards", and the "property digital rights" which they demand, is demonstrating a lucrative gap in the market and huge growth potential.
Read moreChanges to the One Stop Shop
In July 2023 the European Commission issued a Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down additional procedural rules relating to the enforcement of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the 'GDPR' Regulations).
Read moreEthics in the age of AI: new Institute of Directors checklist
What are the key considerations for boards regarding the ethical use of AI within their companies based on the Institute of Directors’ (IoD) Checklist for Boards (Checklist)?
Read moreGovernment White Paper sets out UK approach to AI regulation
How is the UK Government looking to regulate AI?
Read moreDigital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill opens door for stricter regulation of news platforms
How might the proposed Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill (the Bill) affect news reporting by digital platforms?
Read moreUK Government wants understanding of video games to move to the next level
On 30 May 2023, the UK Government published a Video Games Research Framework which encourages research on video games and emerging game-related technologies.
Read moreDCMS publishes new Code of Practice for app developers and app store operators
What do app developers and app store operators need to do to comply with the new Code of Practice published by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)?
Read moreNew Metaverse regulation proposal to be discussed by EU Commission
How does the European Commission (EC) intend to regulate the Metaverse?
Read moreOnline Safety Bill: Latest amendments increase focus on children safety
What is the focus of the latest round of amendments proposed to the Online Safety Bill and how will these impact online platforms?
Read moreICO publishes guidance on compliance of game design with the Children’s Code
What steps can game designers take to ensure their games comply with the Children’s Code?
Read moreAI technology projects – the regulatory landscape
Parties engaged in AI technology projects should be mindful of the regulatory landscape, and the changes taking place within it. A failure to do so could result in an AI solution that is not compliant from a regulatory perspective, the use of which potentially creates risk for the technology provider and user.
Read moreRPC Law x Web3: Gambling regulations – Don't Play Games of Chance with the Law
This is part of a series of RPC x Web3 articles designed to help Web3 participants and enthusiasts understand their rights in this rapidly evolving space.
Read moreNew Digital Regulators on the 2023 Horizon: the Digital Markets Unit and the European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency
For a number of years, the UK Government has been laying the groundwork to bring in a digital markets regime to regulate digital firms designated as having ‘strategic market status’ (SMS). To be designated as having SMS, a firm must have 'substantial and entrenched market power' in at least one activity. Companies having SMS are likely to include the largest tech firms such as Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft and Meta (the so called 'GAMMA' firms).
Read moreDigital services providers—Commission to focus on implementation phase of EU consumer protection legislation
The Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) are published in the Official Journal and the plenary vote of the European Parliament on the proposed text of the AI Act is expected once amendments are agreed by negotiators. The Commission is now turning its focus to the implementation phase of these landmark regimes. So, what does the future hold for the European tech sector and how might it differ for the UK?
Read moreThe EU Digital Markets Act - a focus on gatekeeper obligations and sanctions
What key obligations will the Digital Markets Act (DMA) impose on online platforms designated as gatekeepers?
Read moreCMA ends its investigation into online console gaming subscription practices
The UK Competition Markets Authority (CMA) has now closed its investigation into subscription practices in the online console gaming sector after key players Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft committed to making improvements to their contract terms with a view to better protecting customers.
Read moreAI in Construction
There is a lot of discussion around Artificial Intelligence ("AI") and its application to industry. We have considered what AI is, the benefits and risks, how it fits into the construction industry, the effect on insurers and what the future holds.
Read moreCourt considers requirements for a condition precedent to litigation in Local Authority application
In Lancashire Schools SPC Phase 2 Ltd v Lendlease Construction (Europe) Ltd [2024] EWHC 37 (TCC) a local authority failed in its application to have the claim against it stayed or struck out on the basis of non-compliance with a contractual dispute resolution mechanism.
Read moreJCT 2024 has landed! This is the ideal time to update your contracts
The JCT 2024 suite of contracts has arrived, with the Design and Build Contract being the first to be released.
Read moreFirst out the traps: Dissecting the first remediation order under the Building Safety Act
Our non-contentious construction team have recently contributed an article to Practical Law considering the first remediation order made by the First-tier Tribunal under section 123 of the Building Safety Act 2022 in Waite and others v Kedai Ltd (2023) LON/00AY/HYI/2022/0005 & 0016.
Read moreWhistle-blowing on illegal cartels drops 70% in 5 years
Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) recently increased award to £250,000 Calls to the CMA hotline have plummeted from 1,442 in 2017 to 427 in 2022
Read moreWilko becomes 'yet another casualty' of tough economic conditions facing UK retailers
'Perfect storm' of rising interest rates, increased energy bills, supply chain issues and squeezed customer spending is hitting retailers hard
Read moreProperty Digital Rights – A New Revenue Stream in a Digital World
Advances in technology are opening up exciting new frontiers for property owners and managers. Almost two billion people globally use augmented reality (AR) on their mobile phones and nearly 400 million engage in a virtual metaverse reality.
Read moreThe fit-out problem
An article considering the insurance strategy of fit-out works, which looks at co-insurance following the Court of Appeal's judgment in FM Conway Ltd v The Rugby Football Union and others [2023] EWCA Civ 418, the approach under JCT contracts, public liability insurance and the tenant's liability.
Read moreChoppy waters ahead? The significance of Oceanfill
The economic outlook for the UK in 2023 remains uncertain, and more companies may need to restructure their businesses to ensure survival. This
Read moreRegister of Overseas Entities – one month since the deadline and thousands still face penalties from failure to register
The Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022 ("the Act") enacted in March 2022 brought into force the register of overseas entities on 1 August 2022. Companies House holds and manages the new register which was introduced to provide greater transparency around UK land ownership. The transitional period ended on 31 January 2023, and as at 3 March 2023, 26,481 out of an estimated 32,440 have registered. Thousands of companies are still to register over a month on from the end of the transitional period, so we've turned our minds to consider the possible consequences of not registering, or delaying registering, as an overseas entity in accordance with the Act, including the potential for the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 to apply.
Read moreNew building safety requirements
The Building Safety Act 2022 (the Act) is the central plank in the government’s response to the Grenfell Tower disaster. The Act was enacted with the aim of improving the standard of buildings in England and securing the safety of people in or about those buildings, with a particular focus on fire safety.
Read moreRPC expands real estate practice with the hire of Partner, Jon Ely
International law firm RPC announced today that commercial property lawyer Jon Ely has joined the firm in Bristol as a Partner in the real estate practice.
Read moreTwo-stage procurement: some key considerations for PCSAs
In our previous blog post, we introduced two-stage procurement and two key options for documenting it (a pre-construction services agreement (PCSA) followed by a separate main works contract and a Combined PCSA/Main Contract) noting that the differences were generally presentational or mechanical. For the purposes of this post, we will refer only to the PCSA and main contract option, but please note that the same principles apply to the Combined PCSA/Main Contract.
Read moreCladding and Valuation: Important RICS guidance under consultation until 31 October 2022 – have your say!
The consultation is part of RICS' plan to introduce a new professional standard for valuing properties in multi-storey, multi-occupancy residential buildings with cladding. This will take the form of an RICS-approved technical guidance note, with the objective of supporting an effective homebuying market.
Read moreTwo-stage procurement
In a recent survey undertaken as part of the RIBA Construction Contracts and Law Report 2022, it was reported that over a third (37%) of respondents had used two-stage procurement over the last 12 months. We are similarly seeing two-stage procurement being used more and more in the construction industry, particularly for major building projects. In fact, the majority of recent development projects we have advised on in the UK were procured on a two-stage basis.
Read moreRegister of Overseas Entities – Register now to keep transactions running smoothly
The Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022 ("the Act") has been enacted as part of the Government's drive to increase transparency in the ownership of UK land. Companies and other legal entities governed by the law of a country or territory outside of the UK which own land in the UK satisfying certain requirements, or wish to own such land, must now register information with Companies House. A new Register of Overseas Entities ("the ROE") has been created and certain details of the registered overseas entities and their beneficial owners are available to the public.
Read moreInternational Comparative Legal Guide - Construction & Engineering 2022
Read moreBusiness Rates – an unpopular tax imposed in unfortunate circumstances
It is almost trite to say that retailers have had a tricky time over the last 20 months. The combination of enforced closures, and more recent supply chain difficulties and staff shortages have left them reeling. On 1 July the business rates holiday ended and, although rates will be discounted by up to 2/3rds for smaller retailers until March 2022, most will come under increased pressures. It is unsurprising that many are calling for a complete overhaul of the business rates system.
Read moreWhat about the arrears?
On 4 August 2021 the Government published a policy statement clarifying their announcement made on 16 June 2021 in relation to the extension of the forfeiture moratorium, the ringfencing of COVID-19 commercial rent debts and the introduction of a binding arbitration process. The Government has also published its own response to the views of over 500 respondents to the call for evidence.
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