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All change! No extension means major changes for IP rights holders from 1 January 2021
Under Article 132 of the Withdrawal Agreement, 30 June 2020 was the last day that the UK could have requested an extension to the Brexit transition period. The COVID-19 outbreak prompted many to speculate that a request would be made but the deadline passed, without event.
Read moreFast-growing IP and tech practice at RPC welcomes Caroline Tuck as Partner
International law firm RPC is pleased to announce the appointment of Caroline Tuck as a Partner in its Intellectual Property and Technology (IP & Tech) team. Caroline Tuck joins RPC from Deloitte, where she was a Director in the Disputes team.
Read moreThe November 2023 AI safety summit and the UK's direction of travel
The government has confirmed that the UK AI safety summit will be held at Bletchley Park on 1 and 2 November 2023.
Read moreTelecoms supply agreement excludes "loss of profit" claim under "anticipated profits" liability exclusion (EE v Virgin Mobile)
In line with a number of recent cases, in EE Limited v Virgin Mobile Telecoms Limited [2023] EWHC 1989 (TCC) the courts have shown that parties generally cannot avoid clear wording contained in exclusion clauses in order to recover losses that have been expressly excluded (in this case, loss of profits).
Read moreRolls-Royce entitled to hit the brakes in dispute over termination of a software services agreement (Topalsson v Rolls-Royce)
In Topalsson GmbH v Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited [2023] EWHC 1765 (TCC), the High Court has provided useful guidance on how to determine whether a software implementation timeline agreed by the parties is binding, when implementation is considered complete and in what circumstances failing to complete implementation by the contractual deadlines entitles the customer to terminate the contract.
Read moreA narrow escape – software services provider entitled to rely on single aggregate liability cap (Drax v Wipro)
When it comes to bespoke software development projects, a lot can go wrong. There's risk for the customer such as project delays, software defects, functionality issues and a lack of meeting of minds in terms of project requirements.
Read moreThe Times recognises RPC among Best Law Firms 2024
International law firm, RPC, has been recognised by The Times in its Best Law Firms 2024 report, an annual ranking of the top 250 law firms in England and Wales.
Read moreThaler v Comptroller [2023] UKSC 49: the UKSC rules that AI cannot be an 'inventor'
To the surprise of no one, the UK Supreme Court (UKSC) has finally ruled that an artificial intelligence (AI) cannot be an inventor for the purposes of UK patent law. This judgment accords with the decisions of the lower courts in the UK and the initial ruling of the UKIPO. It also reflects similar findings from most of courts around the world where the claimant, Dr Thaler, brought similar actions.
Read moreGenerative AI and intellectual property rights—the UK government's position
The IPO is to produce a code of practice by the summer that will provide guidance to support AI firms in accessing copyright protected works as an input to their models.
Read moreSnapshots Winter 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Autumn 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Summer 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreParliamentary 'wash up' – which Bills made it through?
On 22 May 2024, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that a General Election will take place on 4 July 2024. Parliament was then prorogued on 24 May 2024 which allowed a mere 2 days for 'wash up' - the process by which outstanding bills may be rushed through the parliamentary process.
Read moreSnapshots Spring 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreOfcom's 'Roadmap to Regulation' underway with its consultation on illegal harms duties under the Online Safety Act
In November, Ofcom, as new online safety regulator, published the first of four major consultations under the Online Safety Act ("OSA"), which sets out its proposals for how "user-to-user" ("U2U") services (essentially any online website or app that allows users to interact with each other) and online search services (i.e. Google, Bing and similar) should approach their illegal content duties under the new legislation. The consultation provides guidance in a number of areas including governance, content moderation, reporting and complaints mechanisms, terms of service, supporting child users, and user empowerment.
Read moreSnapshots Winter 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Autumn 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreThe Online Safety Bill is set to become law
The Online Safety Bill will shortly become law in the UK as soon as it receives Royal Assent. The legislation will introduce a new regulatory regime for online platforms and search engines which target the UK, imposing wide-ranging obligations on in-scope services with serious consequences for non-compliance.
Read moreSnapshots Summer 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreThe Online Safety Bill and the risk of unintended consequences
The Online Safety Bill was reintroduced to Parliament late last year, with new amendments receiving scrutiny in the House of Commons in December, before the bill entered the House of Lords in January. The bill continues to evolve, most notably with the government removing the requirement for user-to-user platforms and search engines to prevent adult users from encountering "legal but harmful" content, instead requiring online platforms to provide users with enhanced content controls (i.e., choice as to what content is seen), and imposing further obligations around transparency and enforcement of online platforms' terms and conditions. "Legal but harmful" obligations remain in place for under 18s. The government has recently agreed to introduce criminal sanctions for senior managers who fail to take proportionate measures to protect children from potentially harmful content.
Read moreSnapshots Spring 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Winter 2022
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreAccessory liability: when will directors be held liable for IP infringements committed by their companies – and what is counted as "profits"?
The Supreme Court in Lifestyle Equities CV & Anor v Ahmed & Anor [2024] UKSC 17, has allowed an appeal by two company directors who were found liable as accessories to trade mark infringement by the company in which they were directors. The decision provides helpful clarification on the required elements for accessory liability in the context of IP right infringement claims and confirms the sums to be included in an account of profits if liability is established (spoiler alert: a director's salary is not considered to be "profit").
Read moreOnline platforms should Swatch out: Samsung found liable for infringing third-party content available on the Samsung Galaxy App store
The Court of Appeal in Montres Breguet SA v Samsung Electronics [2023] EWCA Civ 1478 has dismissed Samsung's appeal and upheld a first instance decision which found it liable for trade mark infringement in relation to third-party watch faces available on the Samsung Galaxy App store. This judgment provides guidance on what constitutes "use" of a sign by an online app store and the applicability of the e-Commerce Directive hosting defence.
Read moreReproduction of infringing content online: who's liable?
Keyword advertising, search engine optimisation and liability for infringement via online marketplaces: In recent years, there has been a plethora of cases concerning the various ways that trade marks may be infringed, through use on the internet.
Read moreUK tech cases warn of liability clause drafting pitfalls
Excluding and limiting liability is a vital part of any commercial contract. The irony, though, is that despite its importance, almost any exclusion or limitation of liability — if pored over to the nth degree — will have some ambiguity in the face of complex and often unforeseen consequences of breach.
Read moreThirty minutes in Decentraland: A metaverse adventure
Decentraland is one of the best known 'metaverses' that currently exist. It is a giant virtual world where users can create 'avatars' (a digital representation of yourself) and interact with one another. Users can also buy and develop virtual land, the mechanics of which involve purchasing an NFT (non-fungible token) connected with the relevant land plot. Users can then develop their land and build unique 3D environments.
Read moreMyth busting and moving the dial in DEI
This article is a summary of a session delivered by Kelly Thomson (Partner, Employment, Engagement & Equality and ESG Strategy Lead at RPC) and Rachel Pears (Head of Responsible Business at RPC), at the second Annual D&I Conference, in partnership with the British Retail Consortium (BRC). During this particular session, common myths and misconceptions surrounding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) were discussed and different sides of various issues were dissected, drawing out the nuances of seemingly polarised positional statements. Below, we address a handful of these myths, offering a balanced perspective on the complexities of DEI and exploring how to drive meaningful progress in our organisations.
Read moreEmployer lessons from teacher's menopause bias win
On May 31, a Scottish employment tribunal made its decision in Allison Shearer v. South Lanarkshire Council and awarded a teacher over £60,000 ($77,829) for disability discrimination and unfair dismissal, following her dismissal for ill health after a period of long¬term sickness absence.
Read moreMenopause discrimination: Where are we now?
October heralded an important legal first when a Leicester employment tribunal began hearing the case of Rooney v Leicester City Council. It is the first case where a person's menopausal symptoms have been deemed by an appeal court to potentially amount to a disability for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010.
Read moreAdjusting your recruitment process for a candidate with a disability: What is reasonable?
The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has held that a failure to make enquiries into a job applicant's disability amounted to a failure to make reasonable adjustments.
Read moreRecent judgment on ad hoc admission of overseas counsel tells of wider COVID-19 story
Applications for ad hoc admission, pursuant to section 27(4) of the Ordinance, are fact dependent and the relevant legal principles are well-established.
Read moreWhat if the CEO asks me about… the EU's Omnibus Directive?
On 26 February 2025, the EU Commission published its proposed Omnibus Directive, aiming to simplify EU rules, boost competitiveness and reduce the perceived regulatory burden on businesses, particularly SMEs. Here, we break down the key takeaways for busy in-house teams and discuss what we can expect next from the EU Parliament and Council.
Read moreRegulatory Radar - quick takes - March 2025
Welcome to the latest edition of our bi-monthly Regulatory Radar: quick takes update, which collates the latest developments from across the UK’s regulators.
Read moreRegulatory Radar - Winter 2025
Welcome to the Winter 2025 edition of RPC's bi-annual Regulatory Radar – a guide to the key regulatory changes worth having on your radar.
Read moreLeveraging ABC frameworks for ESG compliance
With ESG regulations evolving rapidly, businesses are facing increasing obligations, ranging from supply chain due diligence (CSDDD, EU Deforestation Regulation) to corporate reporting (CSRD, ISSB).
Read moreFRC thematic review: climate-related financial disclosures by AIM and large private companies
On 21 January 2025, the FRC published a thematic review of climate-related financial disclosures (CFD) by AIM and large private companies, following the first cycle of mandatory reporting.
Read moreGreen claims update: February 2025
Welcome to our round-up of the key legal and regulatory developments relating to green claims.
Read moreGreen claims update: December 2024
Welcome to our round-up of the key legal and regulatory developments relating to green claims.
Read moreNavigating risk in the energy transition (With Joe Dutton)
Welcome to Insurance Covered, the podcast that covers everything insurance. In this episode Peter is joined by Joe Dutton, Energy Innovation Lead, at AXIS and in this episode they discuss a recent report Joe co-wrote, Navigating Risk in the Energy Transition.
Read moreThe EU Compliance headache you don't know you have? A priority primer on the European Accessibility Act
It is now less than a year until the EU Accessibility Act (EAA) comes into force, which will require businesses to ensure a range of products (eg smartphones and computers) and services (eg e-commerce services, consumer banking services, and ebooks) are accessible for persons with disabilities.
Read moreGreen claims update: October 2024
Welcome to our round-up of the key legal and regulatory developments relating to green claims.
Read moreSeeing the wood for the trees: preparing for new deforestation due diligence rules in the UK and EU
Read moreThe insurance of systemic risks (Trevor Maynard)
Welcome to Insurance Covered, the podcast that covers everything insurance. In this episode Peter is joined by Trevor Maynard, Senior Insurance Advisor at Insurtech Sotera and Vice Chair and Executive Director at Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies. In this episode they discuss systemic risks.
Read moreNavigating retail's sustainable revolution as ESG shapes the industry's future
As the retail regulatory landscape continues to develop at pace and affordability and sustainability remain important for consumers, ESG poses a variety of opportunities and challenges for those in the retail and consumer market.
Read moreSustainability and insurance (with Rachel Delhaise)
Welcome to Insurance Covered, the podcast that covers everything insurance. In this episode Peter is joined by Rachel Delhaise, Head of Sustainability at Convex Insurance. In this episode they discuss her role as Head of Sustainability and what that means for insurance.
Read moreGreen claims update: September 2024
Welcome to our round-up of the key legal and regulatory developments relating to green claims.
Read moreNavigating the ISSB’s sustainability disclosure standards: practical insights
The global sustainability reporting landscape is evolving fast. In 2025, the UK government will consult on new sustainability reporting standards for large and listed companies based on the ISSB’s sustainability disclosure standards.
Read moreStaying green and true: navigating the new FCA anti-greenwashing rule
In an era where sustainability is now firmly on the investor agenda and under increasing scrutiny, the FCA has recently introduced a new 'anti-greenwashing' rule to prevent firms from exaggerating the green or social credentials of their products and services. The implications of the new rule are significant, with the risk of regulatory action and civil claims for non-compliance. Against this backdrop, IR professionals can play a key role in helping ensure transparency with investors, raising the firm's profile in the sustainability space and mitigating legal risk.
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