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Directors beware: Key legal shifts in 2024 and what’s ahead for 2025
The legal landscape for directors and officers (D&O) underwent significant developments in 2024, with court rulings and regulatory changes raising the stakes for company leaders and their insurers.
Read moreNavigating PRA's data request for crypto-asset exposure
On Dec. 12, the Prudential Regulation Authority issued a data request to identify firms' current and expected future crypto-asset exposures. In this blog, we discuss the request, and what implications may arise for financial institutions and their insurers.
Read moreCrypto: issues for solicitors and their PI insurers
We explore the types of work lawyers are doing in this area, the risks this work may give rise to and issues for solicitors and their PI insurers to consider.
Read moreD'Aloia – High Noon for Crypto-Tracing
The High Court judgment in D'Aloia v. Persons Unknown and others [2024] EWHC 2342 (Ch) is arguably the most significant crypto judgment of 2024. Critical deficiencies in the claimant's blockchain tracing analysis, evidence presented at trial and pleadings were ultimately fatal to his claims seeking to recover assets misappropriated by fraudsters.
Read moreHigh Court permits enforcement of foreign judgment in crypto recovery case
Tai Mo Shan Ltd v. Persons Unknown [2024] EWHC 1514 (Comm)
Read moreCrypto damages quantification: valuation at the date of breach or date of judgment?
In Southgate v. Graham [2024] EWHC 1692 (Ch), the High Court addressed an appeal from the County Court concerning inter alia the appropriate date for assessing damages in a cryptocurrency loan dispute. Initially, the County Court determined that the damages should be based on the cryptocurrency's fiat value at the breach date. Due to the volatility of the cryptocurrency, this decision would have resulted in significantly lower fiat damages award than if the valuation were based on a later date. The High Court allowed the valuation date part of the appeal, directing a further hearing to establish the appropriate date.
Read moreSummary judgment against persons unknown – a tale of two crypto judgments
Two recent crypto judgements in the High Court, Mooij v Persons Unknown (February 2024) and Boonyaem v Persons Unknown (December 2023) reached different conclusions regarding whether a summary judgment could be granted against unidentified (and unidentifiable) fraudsters, with Mooji deciding 'yes' and Boonyaem deciding 'no'.
Read moreRPC earns top ranking for Crypto-Asset Disputes in the UK
International law firm RPC has been ranked for the first time in Chambers and Partners 2024 FinTech Guide, achieving Band 1 for Crypto-Asset Disputes in the UK.
Read moreCracking Down on High-Risk Investments: FCA considers industry performance
After introducing stricter rules for the promotion of Restricted Mass Market Investments (RMMIs) in February 2023, the FCA continues to monitor the performance of firms, is conducting a multi-firm review and has outlined good and poor practices in the industry.
Read moreFCA rules could trigger 'marked drop' in finfluencers marketing crypto
Regulator clamping down over concerns consumers are being 'influenced into high risk investments without understanding consequences'
Read moreThe FCA sets expectations ahead of incoming cryptoasset marketing rules
The FCA has issued a "final warning" to firms promoting cryptoassets to UK consumers to prepare for the cryptoassets financial promotion regime. Effective from 8 October 2023, this regime aims to protect consumers from promotions that make exaggerated claims about the benefits in investing in cryptoassets.
Read moreWhat To Know About AI Fraudsters Before Facing Disputes
Fraudsters are quick to weaponise new technological developments and artificial intelligence is proving no exception, with AI-assisted scams increasingly being reported in the news, including most recently one using a likeness of a BBC broadcaster.
Read moreValue of NFT fraud plummets 82% in UK
The value of Non-Fungible Token (NFT) fraud in the UK has dropped 82% over the last year as the collapse in prices and lower trading volumes make these digital assets less attractive to fraudsters, reveals new data from international law firm RPC.
Read moreNew legislation proposed to bring FCA regulation to cryptoasset promotions
What will the Government’s new legislation mean for the promotion of cryptoassets?
Read moreBinance successfully challenges interim proprietary injunction over deposited cryptoassets
In Piroozzadeh v Persons Unknown and Others [2023] EWHC 1024 (Ch), the cryptocurrency exchange Binance successfully applied to discharge an interim proprietary injunction obtained by a claimant whose misappropriated cryptoassets had been deposited at the exchange. This is the first recorded case of an exchange successfully having discharged such an injunction.
Read moreThe FTX fallout so far and what may come next
The collapse of FTX Trading Ltd. has been as dramatic as it has been fast. Until then, FTX had been the second-largest exchange in the world.
Read moreThree Crypto firsts for the English courts
The recent judgment handed down in Jones v Persons Unknown [2022] EWHC 2543 (Comm) contained three firsts in the English Court: the imposition of a constructive trust between a crypto exchange and a victim of crypto fraud, an order for delivery up of Bitcoin, and summary judgment served by NFT airdrop. It shows the English courts' continued willingness to push the boundaries of English law in relation to the recovery of misappropriated cryptoassets. The innovative application of English law procedures and remedies to the growing problem of crypto theft and fraud is of considerable assistance to the victims of this pernicious and widespread fraudulent activity.
Read moreYou've been airdropped: English court approves service by NFT and finds it arguable that cryptocurrency-exchanges hold misappropriated assets as constructive trustees
In D’Aloia v (1) Persons Unknown (2) Binance Holdings Limited & Others [2022] EWHC 1723 (Ch), the English court approved service of proceedings by NFT and found that it was arguable that cryptocurrency exchanges owed constructive trustee duties to cyber-fraud victims.
Read moreFirst judgment obtained in proceedings brought by a cryptocurrency exchange in the English Courts
In HDR v Shulev and Nexo [2022] EWHC 1685 (Comm), HDR (represented by RPC), which operates the cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX, initiated stakeholder proceedings under CPR Part 86 to resolve a dispute between two rival parties claiming control, and ownership of the contents, of a trading account.
Read moreInjunction granted over stolen NFTs held on constructive trust
In a highly anticipated judgment, the Commercial Court in Lavinia Deborah Osbourne v (1) Persons Unknown (2) Ozone Networks Inc held that "there is at least a realistically arguable case" that non-fungible tokens ('NFTs') are to be treated as property in English Law.
Read moreIs the crypto market at the end of its Tether?
The crashing out of Terra has unleashed fears of unsettled investors, rising disputes and fraud exposure.
Read moreHigh Court finds that a cryptocurrency exchange arrangement was not a trust
The High Court decided that no trust could arise where two parties had agreed to an exchange of cryptocurrencies (in essence a sale and repurchase agreement), as the essential economic reciprocity precluded the existence of any trust.
Read moreCrypto-assets again confirmed as property by the English Commercial Court
In the Commercial Court's latest crypto-related judgment, Fetch.AI(1), a proprietary injunction and worldwide freezing order were granted against various categories of persons unknown who had misappropriated various crypto-assets from one of the claimant's Binance trading accounts. In doing so, the Court agreed with the key finding in the seminal case AA v Persons Unknown, Re Bitcoin [2019] EWHC 3556 (Comm) – that bitcoin is 'property' – albeit it did so on a different basis.
Read moreNo interim injunction over bitcoin account where damages would be adequate
The court has declined to continue interim injunctions granted in respect of a 'coin depot account' holding bitcoin over which the claimants asserted a proprietary right.
Read moreBitcoin is 'property' and can therefore be subject of proprietary injunction
Following recent case law on the matter, the High Court has found that bitcoin can be 'property' and can therefore be the subject of a proprietary injunction.(1) In reaching its conclusion, the court adopted the detailed analysis of the issue set out in the UK Jurisdictional Task Force's November 2019 Legal Statement on Crypto-Assets and Smart Contracts, thereby providing a far more detailed judicial basis for the finding than found in previous cases. The bitcoins at the heart of this case were part of a ransom payment paid to a hacker who installed malware on a company's IT systems.
Read moreRegulation of cryptocurrency pre-ICO funding under English Law
Launching a cryptocurrency typically involves an initial fundraising process followed by a public sale process, by way of initial coin offering or token sale ("ICO").
Read moreCrypto & Digital Assets Disputes
Our crypto and digital asset dispute lawyers have deep technical knowledge of the sector and the technology powering it alongside vast experience in navigating the commercial and legal complexities. Where fraud has occurred, we move fast to secure and recover stolen digital assets.
Read moreAnnual Insurance Review 2025
With the Christmas and New Year festivities already becoming a blur in the rear-view mirror, what better way to blow away the few remaining cobwebs and see-off the January blues than to immerse yourself in RPC's Annual Insurance Review 2025.
Read moreRising to the challenge, how insurers will adapt in 2025
The global insurance industry is on the brink of transformation as geopolitical tensions, accelerating AI adoption, and escalating climate crises converge to create a perfect storm in 2025. From navigating a volatile economic landscape to addressing emerging risks in cyber and ESG, insurers face a year of unparalleled complexity and opportunity.
2024 highlighted the importance of a directors' duty to consider or act in the interests of creditors where a company is insolvent or bordering on insolvency. The claim brought by the liquidators of BHS Group against certain of its former directors following the group's collapse into insolvency in 2016 saw the first time where a court held company directors guilty of "misfeasant trading". The directors were held to have not considered the creditors' interests before entering into an onerous and expensive secured loan which would exhaust the group's assets if it could not be repaid. The directors were therefore found to have acted against their statutory duties by entering into the loan instead of the group going into administration.
Read morePensions
A key development in 2024 has been the Court of Appeal's ruling in Virgin Media v NTL Pensions Trustees II Ltd [2024] EWCA Civ 843, which has significant implications for contracted out final salary pension schemes. The court confirmed that any amendments affecting guaranteed minimum in these schemes must be accompanied by a so-called Section 37 actuarial conformation. Without this confirmation, the amendment is deemed void, regardless of whether such confirmation would have been granted had it been sought at the time of the amendment.
Read moreConstruction
This year the new Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act 2024 (the LFRA) enacted various amendments to the Building Safety Act 2022 (BSA), which came into force on 24 July 2024 and 31 October 2024.
Read moreCyber and data
Last year's edition of the Annual Insurance Review included predictions that 2024 would see a trend towards an increased general level of cyber security given (i) the importance placed on security measures by regulatory bodies such as the ICO and (ii) the focus cyber underwriters had placed on assessing prospective insureds' security before offering cover.
Read moreFinancial professionals
In March 2024 the FCA published the findings from its Thematic Review of retirement income advice, looking at the landscape c. 9 years post-pension freedoms against the backdrop of an ageing population. No fundamental problems were identified but the FCA set out some areas for improvement, from more consistent fact finding to considering the value being provided in respect of any ongoing services.
Read moreInternational arbitration
The Arbitration Bill received its first and second readings in parliament in July 2024. Having first come before parliament in September 2023 under the UK's then Conservative government, it will once again proceed through the House of Lords and House of Commons, before receiving Royal Assent and becoming law.
Read moreHealth and Safety
As the single greatest cause of work-related deaths due to past exposure (according to HSE's Annual health and safety statistics 2024.
Read moreAsia
As the soft market continues, insurance premiums in Asia have consistently declined across all major product lines during Q1-Q3 due to increased competition and challenging economic conditions.
Read moreMedical Malpractice
2024 has seen an increase in the number of physician associates (PAs) working across the medical sector (NHS and private). Employment of PAs is considered a fast and cost-effective method of addressing workforce shortages and ever-growing healthcare demands. In June 2022, there were 1300 PAs in England and Wales, rising to over 3,300 by June 2024. The numbers are expected to increase.
Read moreMedia
The Online Safety Act 2023 (OSA) introduced a suite of obligations for "user-to-user" services and search engines which target the UK and/or have a significant number of UK users. In 2024, secondary legislation and Codes of Practice published by the regulator, Ofcom, began the process of giving the OSA practical effect.
Read moreRestructuring & Insolvency
2024 has seen one of the most significant insolvency cases in recent years. In June, Justice Leech handed down his judgment on the claim brought by the liquidators of BHS against certain of its former directors for wrongful trading and misfeasance. This judgment is likely to have important consequences for the D&O market.
Read moreLatin America
The Latin American insurance market witnessed remarkable growth in 2024, reflected in an increase in product sophistication and robust premium growth. This is due to the continued economic growth in different countries, which has led to Latin America becoming one of the fastest-growing regional insurance markets in the world.
Read moreIntellectual property
Since our 2021 Review we have returned frequently to Sky v Skykick, a trade mark dispute that has been ongoing since 2016. In November 2024, the Supreme Court overturned the decision of the Court of Appeal (see here) finding that an inference of bad faith may be drawn if sufficient evidence exists – as there was in this case – that the applicant had never had any intention to supply or provide certain goods or services for which it sought trade mark protection. Once an inference of bad faith has been drawn, this may prove grounds for a mark to be wholly or partially invalidated.
Read moreNetherlands
In a class action brought by ‘Stichting Fossielvrij’ against KLM concerning greenwashing, the Court of Amsterdam ruled on 24 March 2024 that several of the advertisements run by KLM were misleading and therefore unlawful. The public attention for the harmful effects of PFAS also continued. In April 2024 eleven interest groups (including firemen, military personnel and residents living near airports) commenced a lawsuit against the Dutch State, asking the State to take faster measures to curb both the emissions and spread of PFAS. The lawsuit also calls for improved monitoring and quicker enforcement. Further developments will likely take place in 2025.
Read moreLegal practices
A crumbling regulator? The SRA is facing difficult questions about its effectiveness as a regulator in the wake of the collapse of Axiom Ince, which led to the disappearance of £62million and the loss of around 1,400 jobs. Initially Insurers received a flood of claims totalling around £33million. In an unpopular move, the SRA announced the profession will cover the loss through a 270% rise in contributions to the Compensation Fund.
Read moreMiddle East & Africa
In our last Annual Insurance Review, we predicted strong growth in the renewable energy sector in the Middle East, with solar and wind energy expected to play a major role in increasing the region's energy capacity, alongside a rise in investment and infrastructure development throughout 2024.
Read moreEnergy
In last year's Annual Insurance Review, we anticipated that we would see further growth in hydrogen power and that the renewable energy insurance market would continue to respond to this.
Read moreMarine and shipping
Two words are dominating the shipping sector in 2024 – "shadow fleet". The shadow (or "dark" or "grey") fleet is a reference to vessels which transport oil and petrochemical cargoes on behalf of sanctioned countries. Western economies finance, operate and insure the vast majority of the world's merchant fleet. Expansion of US, EU and UK sanctions means that, in general, vessels carrying cargoes from sanctioned countries cannot operate within the usual international shipping infrastructure. They are forced to go "dark" in a far more opaque part of the shipping sector. Until 2022 the shadow fleet was relatively small – restricted mainly to the carriage of Venezuelan and Iranian oil/petrochemical cargoes. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 – and the expansion of international sanctions against Russia – has vastly increased the shadow fleet.
Read moreFinancial institutions
As we predicted last year, ESG continues to be a source of risk for financial institutions. On 31 May 2024, the Financial Conduct Authority's anti greenwashing rule came into effect. The rule applies to all FCA-authorised firms, including UK asset managers, who make sustainability related claims about financial products and services. Under the rule, sustainability related claims must be fair, clear, and not misleading. In addition, the FCA has introduced naming and marketing requirements for asset managers, differentiating between products that have sustainability objectives and use a label, and products that have sustainability characteristics but do not use or qualify for a label. Following consultation in 2024, the rule looks set to be extended to portfolio managers in Q2 2025.
Read moreProperty and business interruption
Technip Saudi Arabia Limited v The Mediterranean & Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance Co. (MedGulf) [2024] EWCA Civ 481 concerned a dispute over coverage for a claim by Technip under its construction all risks policy with MedGulf written on an amended WELCAR wording. The claim arose from damage to a wellhead platform offshore of Saudi Arabia caused by a tug. The tug was chartered by Technip, who had contracted with the wellhead's owner, KJO, an unincorporated joint venture.
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