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Money Covered: The Week That Was - 28 February 2025
Welcome to The Week That Was, a round-up of key events in the financial services sector over the last seven days.
Read moreDirectors beware: Key legal shifts in 2024 and what’s ahead for 2025
The legal landscape for directors and officers (D&O) underwent significant developments in 2024, with court rulings and regulatory changes raising the stakes for company leaders and their insurers.
Read moreMoney Covered: The Week That Was – 14 February 2025
Welcome to The Week That Was, a round-up of key events in the financial services sector over the last seven days.
Read moreMoney Covered: The Week That Was - 31 January 2025
Welcome to The Week That Was, a round-up of key events in the financial services sector over the last seven days.
Read moreNavigating PRA's data request for crypto-asset exposure
On Dec. 12, the Prudential Regulation Authority issued a data request to identify firms' current and expected future crypto-asset exposures. In this blog, we discuss the request, and what implications may arise for financial institutions and their insurers.
Read moreMoney Covered: The Week That Was – 10 January 2025
Welcome to The Week That Was, a round-up of key events in the financial services sector over the last seven days.
Read moreFOS complaints on the rise – is enough being done?
The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) has recently published its yearly complaint data, revealing that complaints regarding fraud, scams, current accounts and credit cards between July and September 2024 hit record levels, rising more than 50% compared to the same period in 2023. The data provides a breakdown of the areas where complaints appear to have increased the most.
Read moreMoney Covered: The Week That Was – 22 November 2024
Welcome to The Week That Was, a round-up of key events in the financial services sector over the last seven days.
Read moreMoney Covered: The Week That Was - 1 November
Welcome to The Week That Was, a round-up of key events in the financial services sector over the last seven days.
Read moreClientEarth challenges claims made by BlackRock in its sustainable funds
Not only are regulators clamping down on greenwashing but, as previously highlighted, ClientEarth, a non-profit international environmental law organisation, also has this issue squarely in its sights.
Read moreThe 'Audit Reform and Corporate Governance Bill': Momentum for legislative reform continues, but what does the proposed legislation mean for management liability?
We consider what we know about the proposed Audit Reform and Corporate Governance Bill.
Read moreUncertainty around the mandatory reimbursement cap for APP frauds – a new headache for FI firms and their insurers?
New regulations coming on 7 October 2024 will force payment firms to reimburse victims of authorised push payment (APP) fraud up to a set limit. On 4 September 2024, the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) announced a consultation proposing to set this limit at £85,000, vastly reduced from the previously proposed £415,000 cap. This is a potential headache for insurers as the level of the cap will impact assessment of risk and apportionment of liability between sending and receiving payment firms – and the industry will only have 7 days to prepare.
Read moreFurther welcome news from the FCA – this time on co-manufacturing
Following on from our earlier blog, our review of the FCA's 'Discussion Paper' (DP24/1) continues, this time considering the rules relating to co-manufacturers of insurance products.
Read morePotential deregulation and a pragmatic approach to commercial insurance – welcome news from the FCA
The FCA has published a 'Discussion Paper' (DP24/1) seeking feedback on its rules on commercial insurance including in respect of the types of commercial customers in-scope, co-manufacturing of products and bespoke insurance products.
Read moreNew Labour government – what is in store for the UK?
We have a new Labour Party government for the first time in 14 years. The new government has already made various announcements, with more set to follow in the coming days, and then we have the King’s Speech on 17 July, when the Labour Party will set out its opening legislative agenda – but what can we expect from the new government impacting services regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, pensions and accountants?
Read moreMoney Covered: The Week That Was – 10 May
Welcome to The Week That Was, a round-up of key events in the financial services sector over the last seven days.
Read moreMoney Covered: The Week That Was – 3 May
Welcome to The Week That Was, a round-up of key events in the financial services sector over the last seven days.
Read moreMoney Covered: The Week That Was – 26 April
Welcome to The Week That Was, a round-up of key events in the financial services sector over the last seven days.
Read moreMoney Covered: The Week that Was - 19 April
Welcome to The Week That Was, a round-up of key events in the financial services sector over the last seven days.
Read moreMoney Covered: The Week that Was - 25 August
Welcome to The Week That Was, a round-up of key events in the financial services sector over the last seven days.
Read moreMoney Covered: The Week that Was - 04 August
Welcome to The Week That Was, a round-up of key events in the financial services sector over the last seven days.
Read moreFix up, look sharp: FRC update
What's the latest on fixed recoverable costs in professional negligence claims?
Read moreMoney Covered: The Week that Was - 28 July
Welcome to The Week That Was, a round-up of key events in the financial services sector over the last seven days.
Read moreMoney Covered: The Week that Was - 07 July
Welcome to The Week That Was, a round-up of key events in the financial services sector over the last seven days.
Read moreFinancial Services: Minimising Risk in a Dawn of Opportunity
Over the last few years, firms have been asking themselves how they will make money in the post RDR world.
Read moreLead market regulator's lawsuit includes professional advisers
In another significant development in the Securities and Futures Commission's (SFC) efforts to combat market misconduct-type activity involving listed shares in Hong Kong, the lead market regulator has commenced civil proceedings under Section 213 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) in respect of China Forestry Holdings Co Ltd (in official liquidation). What makes the proceedings noteworthy is that besides naming the company and two of its directors as co-defendants, the regulator's civil complaint also names two co-sponsors and the auditor involved with the company's initial public offering (IPO) in 2009.(1)
Read moreMyth busting and moving the dial in DEI
This article is a summary of a session delivered by Kelly Thomson (Partner, Employment, Engagement & Equality and ESG Strategy Lead at RPC) and Rachel Pears (Head of Responsible Business at RPC), at the second Annual D&I Conference, in partnership with the British Retail Consortium (BRC). During this particular session, common myths and misconceptions surrounding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) were discussed and different sides of various issues were dissected, drawing out the nuances of seemingly polarised positional statements. Below, we address a handful of these myths, offering a balanced perspective on the complexities of DEI and exploring how to drive meaningful progress in our organisations.
Read moreEmployer lessons from teacher's menopause bias win
On May 31, a Scottish employment tribunal made its decision in Allison Shearer v. South Lanarkshire Council and awarded a teacher over £60,000 ($77,829) for disability discrimination and unfair dismissal, following her dismissal for ill health after a period of long¬term sickness absence.
Read moreMenopause discrimination: Where are we now?
October heralded an important legal first when a Leicester employment tribunal began hearing the case of Rooney v Leicester City Council. It is the first case where a person's menopausal symptoms have been deemed by an appeal court to potentially amount to a disability for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010.
Read moreAdjusting your recruitment process for a candidate with a disability: What is reasonable?
The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has held that a failure to make enquiries into a job applicant's disability amounted to a failure to make reasonable adjustments.
Read moreRecent judgment on ad hoc admission of overseas counsel tells of wider COVID-19 story
Applications for ad hoc admission, pursuant to section 27(4) of the Ordinance, are fact dependent and the relevant legal principles are well-established.
Read moreThe Times recognises RPC among Best Law Firms 2024
International law firm, RPC, has been recognised by The Times in its Best Law Firms 2024 report, an annual ranking of the top 250 law firms in England and Wales.
Read moreA matter of interpretation – the Supreme Court look at contractual interpretation once more
In their recent Judgment in Sara & Hossein Asset Holdings Ltd (a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) v Blacks Outdoor Retails Ltd [2023] UKSC 2 the Supreme Court adopted a commercially balanced interpretation of a lease; rejecting the overly textual approach of the Court of Appeal in favour of reading the relevant clause in the context of the lease as a whole.
Read moreRegulators support government growth objective and aim to reduce regulatory burden
Since the general election, the new Labour government has been signalling its intentions for financial services as a key driver of its economic growth agenda and, following the Autumn Budget, HM Treasury launched a call for evidence which outlined the government's plans for its Financial Services Growth & Competitiveness Strategy (Strategy).
Read moreFCA consults on new reporting obligations for (i) incidents and (ii) third party arrangements
On 13 December 2024, the FCA published consultation paper CP24/28 (the CP) on proposals for firms to report on operational incidents and, separately, on material third party arrangements. The CP mirrors similar proposals put forward by the PRA and Bank of England on the same day and is designed to align with current international standards (e.g. the EU Regulation on digital operational resilience (DORA)).
Read morePrivacy developments – looking back and looking forward
In this article, we give you a high-level snapshot of the key data protection and privacy developments in the UK and EU in 2024 as well as developments we anticipate for 2025.
Read moreDigital operational resilience: the UK regulatory landscape
Operational Resilience in the supply chain has become an undeniable priority for all financial service providers across the continent.
Read moreSIPP providers – What's next?
Last week the FCA issued a Dear CEO letter to SIPP operators. The letter is one of many the FCA has sent as follow-ups on the consumer duty (including the most recent letters to lifetime mortgage providers) and is a must read for those in the SIPP sector. The letter highlights the FCA's focus areas of ensuring redress is paid (where the FCA does not consider sufficient progress has been made), "outlier firms" when it comes to holdings in non-standard assets, and implementation of the consumer duty, particularly around distribution strategies/identifying target markets.
Read moreGovernment consults on regulation of Buy-Now Pay-Later products
In 2021, HM Treasury announced its intention to regulate certain unregulated buy-now pay-later (BNPL) products in the UK. This followed recommendations made in the Woolard Review which raised concerns about the increased use of BNPL products during the pandemic and the significant risk that these unregulated credit products could cause consumer harm.
Read moreFCA consults on changes to the payments safeguarding regime
Under the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (PSRs) and the E-Money Regulations 2011 (EMRs) payment institutions (PIs), electronic money institutions (EMIs), small EMIs and credit unions are required to protect "relevant funds" which they receive when making a payment or in exchange for e-money that has been issued. Current safeguarding requirements are set out in the PSRs and EMRs, with guidance contained in the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) Approach Document.
Read moreWhat does a new Labour government mean for the management liability market?
We have a new government and the first Labour government for 14 years. What does it mean for the management liability market? We look at what Labour has promised and with that the areas those in the market will want to consider across directors and officers, employment liability and pensions.
Read moreCracking Down on High-Risk Investments: FCA considers industry performance
After introducing stricter rules for the promotion of Restricted Mass Market Investments (RMMIs) in February 2023, the FCA continues to monitor the performance of firms, is conducting a multi-firm review and has outlined good and poor practices in the industry.
Read moreFCA rules could trigger 'marked drop' in finfluencers marketing crypto
Regulator clamping down over concerns consumers are being 'influenced into high risk investments without understanding consequences'
Read moreThe FCA sets expectations ahead of incoming cryptoasset marketing rules
The FCA has issued a "final warning" to firms promoting cryptoassets to UK consumers to prepare for the cryptoassets financial promotion regime. Effective from 8 October 2023, this regime aims to protect consumers from promotions that make exaggerated claims about the benefits in investing in cryptoassets.
Read moreFCA announces thematic review of retirement income advice
The pension freedom reforms changed the way consumers access their retirement funds. This FCA thematic review will put firms under the spotlight with a focus on how the retirement income advice market is functioning in response to changing consumer needs in the current economic downturn.
Read moreFCA responds to criticism of the Public Accounts Committee when it comes to BSPS with rejection of suggestion it should reconsider a wider defined benefit transfer review
In a July blog I reported on the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee report entitled "Investigation into the British Steele Pension Scheme". The blog set out a number of recommendations of the Committee in light of its investigations into the FCA's conduct and regulatory oversight of BSPS and, in particular, the 7,834 members that transferred out of BSPS into a personal pension scheme. We have now had a sneak preview of the FCA's response in the recent Committee minutes. Here's what the FCA had to say.
Read moreFCA Review of AML failings at challenger banks
Throughout 2021, the FCA conducted a detailed review into the financial crime controls of challenger banks as they continued to enter the UK financial industry at a rapid pace. Their surge in popularity is partially linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has prompted significant changes in the habits of service providers worldwide. Whilst the FCA's review indicated some evidence of good practice, it is clear that challenger banks must do more to reduce the significant risks of financial crime occurring both at the time of customer onboarding and throughout the subsequent customer journey.
Read moreFCA consults on British Steel redress scheme
The FCA intends to open consultation on an industry wide redress scheme covering British Steel Pension transfers. This is perhaps the only option left for the regulator, but a redress scheme will heap further pressure on an area of the advice industry that is already under fire.
Read moreFCA looks to tighten up appointed representative regime
On Friday the FCA published a consultation paper on potential changes to the existing appointed representative (AR) regime.
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