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Look to the future: Trainees take on 2019
The trainees didn't fare too badly with their 2018 predictions. They doubted England's ability to make it past the group stages of the World Cup, but foresaw how Brexit would dominate the news agenda. They over-optimistically predicted the introduction of automated bundling, but came very close on the value of Bitcoin. Read on to see this year's predictions.
Read moreCan the WTO assist British trade post-Brexit?
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has been in the press recently perhaps more than it would like, with concerns being raised about whether its rules would be sufficient to maintain British trade in the event of a "hard Brexit". But what is the WTO, and how does it deal with disputes?
Read moreBrexit - a legal analysis: Competition
The implications for competition law and practice will very much depend on what form of Brexit the UK will end up negotiating. At one end of the spectrum the UK could join the European Free Trade Association and the European Economic Area, an avenue that is likely to generate the fewest changes. If the UK were to seek a total exit, falling back on World Trade Organisation (“WTO”) rules to continue trading with the EU, the potential changes would be more wide-ranging as outlined below.
Read moreBrexit - a legal analysis: IP rights
IP rights in the UK are all influenced and moulded to a greater or lesser degree by European law.
Read moreHealth and Safety Bulletin – September 2024
Welcome to this month's health and safety update, keeping you updated with a round-up of the latest fines, sentences, and environmental news.
Read moreHealth and Safety Bulletin – March 2024
Welcome to this month's health and safety update. View the headlines below or click the pdf at the bottom of the page to read the full articles.
Read moreHealth and Safety Bulletin – August 2023
Welcome to this month's health and safety update. View the headlines below or click the pdf at the bottom of the page to read the full articles.
Read moreHealth and Safety Bulletin – November 2022
Welcome to this month's health and safety update. View the headlines below or click the pdf at the bottom of the page to read the full articles.
Read moreHealth and Safety Bulletin – February 2022
Welcome to this month's health and safety update. View the headlines below or click the pdf at the bottom of the page to read the full articles.
Read moreHealth and safety update - June 2021
Welcome to this month's health and safety update. View the headlines below or click the pdf at the bottom of the page to read the full articles.
Read moreHealth and safety update - September 2020
Welcome to this month's health and safety update. View the headlines below or click the pdf at the bottom of the page to read the full articles.
Read moreCOVID-19 Secure – Government Guidance released
Following Prime Minster Boris Johnson's announcement on Sunday 10 May about limited easing lockdown restrictions, the government published various guidance documents to businesses on 11 May to assist with the process of returning to work.
Read moreHealth and safety update December 2019
Welcome to our December 2019 health and safety update where we look at the health and safety stories that have recently hit the headlines as well as the latest fines and sentences that have been handed down.
Read moreHealth and safety update September 2019
Welcome to our September 2019 health and safety update where we look at the health and safety stories that have recently hit the headlines as well as the latest fines and sentences that have been handed down.
Read moreHealth and safety update June 2019
Welcome to our June 2019 health and safety update where we look at the health and safety stories that have recently hit the headlines as well as the latest fines and sentences that have been handed down.
Read moreHealth and safety update March 2019
Welcome to our March 2019 health and safety update where we look at the health and safety stories that have recently hit the headlines as well as the latest fines and sentences that have been handed down.
Read moreHealth and safety update December 2018
Welcome to the latest edition of our health and safety update where we look at the health and safety stories that have recently hit the headlines as well as the latest fines and sentences that have been handed down.
Read moreHealth and safety update September 2018
Welcome to the latest edition of our health and safety update where we look at the health and safety stories that have recently hit the headlines as well as the latest fines and sentences that have been handed down.
Read moreHealth and safety update June 2018
Welcome to the latest edition of our health and safety update where we look at the health and safety stories that have recently hit the headlines as well as the latest fines and sentences that have been handed down.
Read moreHealth and safety update March 2018
Welcome to the latest edition of our health and safety update where we look at the health and safety stories that have recently hit the headlines as well as the latest fines and sentences that have been handed down.
Read moreHealth and safety update December 2017
Welcome the the latest edition of our Health and safety update, where we look at the health and safety stories that have recently hit the headlines as well as well as the latest fines and sentences that have been handed down.
Read moreHealth and safety law update, December 2016
Welcome to the December issue of our Health & Safety law update.
Read moreHealth and Safety update, September 2016
This edition includes details of Merlin Attractions' £5 million fine following the Smiler crash in 2015 at Alton Towers, in addition to the latest case law and health & safety news.
Read moreNational Grid Gas plc hit with £2m fine for health and safety breach
National Grid Gas plc hit with £2m fine for health and safety breach
Read moreDisputes Yearbook 2021: Retail disputes
As part of the acclaimed Disputes Yearbook, Legal Business interviewed members of our disputes team exploring the litigation landscape and what RPC brings to the table.
Read moreAll is not (necessarily) lost: Crypto crime recovery
With over 2 million people in the UK now holding and using cryptocurrency, and the Chancellor announcing that a government backed non-fungible token ("NFT") is to be issued by the Royal Mint this summer, the market for crypto-assets is expected to continue to grow in the coming months and years; so much so that legislation is planned to implement a new regulatory regime for the crypto market.
Read moreFTT prevents HMRC from having two bites of the cherry!
In Lady Henrietta Pearson v HMRC [2014] UKFTT 890 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber) ('FTT') concluded that HMRC had "ignored" its previous decision by seeking to reduce the amount of a VAT refund which it had ordered HMRC make to Lady Henrietta Pearson ('the taxpayer').
Read moreSix steps to AI Literacy (whether legally required to or not)
At the beginning of February 2025, the AI literacy requirement under the EU AI Act came into force. The effect of this is that certain businesses must take measures to ensure a sufficient level of AI literacy in their staff.
Read moreWhat impact will the Employment Rights Bill have on the hospitality sector?
The Employment Rights Bill (the Bill) - championed as "the biggest upgrade to workers' rights in a generation" - introduces 28 individual employment law reforms. The key changes of relevance to the hospitality sector include the implementation of "day one" rights, including unfair dismissal protection, and the end of zero-hour contracts.
Read moreCMA investigates Ticketmaster for dynamic pricing of Oasis tickets
Can dynamic pricing breach consumer protection rules?
Read moreEuropean consumer body challenges in-game premium currencies
When does the use of in-app and in-game premium currencies pose consumer regulatory issues? Does this consumer complaint herald a tightening by the EU on revenue streams for game and app developers and platforms?
Read moreCMA publishes guidance for fashion retailers on environmental claims
How best can fashion retailers protect themselves from regulatory action when making green claims?
Read moreUK pricing practices in the spotlight
What should businesses take note of recent amendments to the UK’s Price Marking Order and the CMA’s newly published report on loyalty pricing?
Read moreNews Flash: Timeline for the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act
On 24 May 2024, the UK’s Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act (DMCCA) received Royal Assent.
Read moreA new era for sustainability consumer products: the EU’s new Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR)
On 18 July 2024 the ESPR entered into force setting a framework for new ecodesign rules in the EU. It will have significant impacts for retailers and consumer brands selling products in the EU. It will introduce new minimum ecodesign requirements for specific product categories (with an initial focus on textiles), make digital product passports mandatory and set rules on the destruction of unsold products. Companies face the risk of fines, consumer claims and reputational damage for non-compliance.
Read moreProduct liability and safety legislative refurb
The current legislation governing product safety is the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD), but its shortcomings, especially on tech, are evident.On 13 December 2024 the EU will be replacing the GPSD with the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR), and the latest King’s Speech indicated it will be replaced in the UK by a Product Safety and Metrology Bill.Separately, EU Member States are rolling out a revised Product Liability Directive (PLD) which captures the provision of software, digital services and online marketplaces.
Read moreThe EU Compliance headache you don't know you have? A priority primer on the European Accessibility Act
It is now less than a year until the EU Accessibility Act (EAA) comes into force, which will require businesses to ensure a range of products (eg smartphones and computers) and services (eg e-commerce services, consumer banking services, and ebooks) are accessible for persons with disabilities.
Read moreSeeing the wood for the trees: preparing for new deforestation due diligence rules in the UK and EU
Read moreUrgently Misleading: the CMA secures undertakings from Wowcher and £4 million of customer refunds
When does a selling practice create a false sense of urgency that is considered misleading by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)?
Read moreExemption from HFSS product restrictions for Ofcom-regulated internet protocol television (IPTV) services
What is the UK Government's proposal for the incoming HFSS restrictions in relation to IPTV advertising?
Read moreCMA targets Simba for misleading online choice architecture
What types of promotional tactics are in the Competition and Markets Authority's (CMA) line of sight when it comes to misleading online choice architecture?
Read moreCMA publishes draft guidance on enforcement of DMCCA consumer law
How will the CMA look to enforce the consumer protection law sections of the recently enacted Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024 (DMCCA)?
Read moreNavigating retail's sustainable revolution as ESG shapes the industry's future
As the retail regulatory landscape continues to develop at pace and affordability and sustainability remain important for consumers, ESG poses a variety of opportunities and challenges for those in the retail and consumer market.
Read moreRetail Compass Autumn 2024
Welcome to the autumn edition of Retail Compass. This edition sees a surge of ESG-related legislative and regulatory updates. We hope to guide you through the most pressing, as well as the wider upcoming legal and policy changes affecting retail and consumer brands.
Read moreTop tips for Influencing Senior Stakeholders on Environmental Programmes: Insights from a Responsible Business Professional
Effectively influencing senior stakeholders is essential for the success of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) programmes.
Read moreThe EU’s Product Liability Directive expands to cover digital technology
What changes to civil product liability have been implemented by the European Commission for defective digital products and software?
Read moreProduct Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Regulations: a new security regime for smart devices
What does the new cyber security regime mean for “smart” devices in the UK?
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