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New developments in AI may put law firms at greater risk of phishing fraud
As the computing power of Artificial Intelligence continues to grow exponentially, we consider how generative technology may expand the reach of traditional phishing frauds aimed at law firms.
Read moreNew Development: National Cyber Security Centre warns AI is likely to heighten global ransomware threat
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), part of GCQH, has published a report on the “near-term impact of AI on the cyber threat” over the next two years, which concludes that: (i) AI is already being used in cyber activity in a malicious way; and (ii) the volume of cyber attacks and the global ransomware threat are likely to be heightened over the next two years.
Read moreUK Government publishes response to AI White Paper consultation
What approach has the UK Government’s adopted in its response to the consultation on the AI regulation White Paper (the White Paper)?
Read moreWhat the AI is going on… December 2023 to March 2024
Google launched its newest GenAI, Gemini Nano. Designed specifically for mobile phones it presents new competition to market leaders OpenAI. Gemini Nano will allow AI apps that operate offline as opposed to only on servers and provide improved privacy for users.
Read moreCourt of Appeal holds Samsung liable for trade mark infringement by third-party apps
Can online platforms be liable for trademark infringement by third-party apps?
Read moreUK Supreme Court rejects AI as “inventor” under the Patents Act
What is the scope and meaning of “inventor” in the UK’s patent framework, and will it accept an AI machine as being the sole inventor?
Read moreThe new EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
What can financial services entities and ICT providers expect from DORA and what do they need to do prepare for it?
Read moreVirtual billboards: the future of immersive advertising?
With the deployment of immersive technologies poised to become the norm, the implementation of infrastructure for "virtual billboards", and the "property digital rights" which they demand, is demonstrating a lucrative gap in the market and huge growth potential.
Read moreEthics in the age of AI: new Institute of Directors checklist
What are the key considerations for boards regarding the ethical use of AI within their companies based on the Institute of Directors’ (IoD) Checklist for Boards (Checklist)?
Read moreGovernment White Paper sets out UK approach to AI regulation
How is the UK Government looking to regulate AI?
Read moreDigital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill opens door for stricter regulation of news platforms
How might the proposed Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill (the Bill) affect news reporting by digital platforms?
Read moreDCMS publishes new Code of Practice for app developers and app store operators
What do app developers and app store operators need to do to comply with the new Code of Practice published by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)?
Read moreNew Metaverse regulation proposal to be discussed by EU Commission
How does the European Commission (EC) intend to regulate the Metaverse?
Read moreOnline Safety Bill: Latest amendments increase focus on children safety
What is the focus of the latest round of amendments proposed to the Online Safety Bill and how will these impact online platforms?
Read moreAI technology projects – the regulatory landscape
Parties engaged in AI technology projects should be mindful of the regulatory landscape, and the changes taking place within it. A failure to do so could result in an AI solution that is not compliant from a regulatory perspective, the use of which potentially creates risk for the technology provider and user.
Read moreNew Digital Regulators on the 2023 Horizon: the Digital Markets Unit and the European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency
For a number of years, the UK Government has been laying the groundwork to bring in a digital markets regime to regulate digital firms designated as having ‘strategic market status’ (SMS). To be designated as having SMS, a firm must have 'substantial and entrenched market power' in at least one activity. Companies having SMS are likely to include the largest tech firms such as Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft and Meta (the so called 'GAMMA' firms).
Read moreDigital services providers—Commission to focus on implementation phase of EU consumer protection legislation
The Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) are published in the Official Journal and the plenary vote of the European Parliament on the proposed text of the AI Act is expected once amendments are agreed by negotiators. The Commission is now turning its focus to the implementation phase of these landmark regimes. So, what does the future hold for the European tech sector and how might it differ for the UK?
Read moreThe EU Digital Markets Act - a focus on gatekeeper obligations and sanctions
What key obligations will the Digital Markets Act (DMA) impose on online platforms designated as gatekeepers?
Read moreThe EU Compliance headache you don't know you have? A priority primer on the European Accessibility Act
It is now less than a year until the EU Accessibility Act (EAA) comes into force, which will require businesses to ensure a range of products (eg smartphones and computers) and services (eg e-commerce services, consumer banking services, and ebooks) are accessible for persons with disabilities.
Read moreSeeing the wood for the trees: preparing for new deforestation due diligence rules in the UK and EU
Read moreGreen claims update: July 2024
Welcome to our round-up of the key legal and regulatory developments relating to green claims.
Read moreThe Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive expert briefing
The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) was adopted on 24 May 2024 and was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 5 July. This means the law will enter into force 20 days later on 26 July, and will apply to companies from 2027.
Read moreGreen claims update: June 2024
Welcome to our round-up of the key legal and regulatory developments relating to green claims.
Read moreEnvironmental sustainability: a snapshot of a changing regulatory landscape
Sophie Tuson charts the key legal developments in the UK and EU across the product lifecycle and flags practical considerations for businesses.
Read moreNavigating risk in the energy transition (With Joe Dutton)
Welcome to Insurance Covered, the podcast that covers everything insurance. In this episode Peter is joined by Joe Dutton, Energy Innovation Lead, at AXIS and in this episode they discuss a recent report Joe co-wrote, Navigating Risk in the Energy Transition.
Read moreThe insurance of systemic risks (Trevor Maynard)
Welcome to Insurance Covered, the podcast that covers everything insurance. In this episode Peter is joined by Trevor Maynard, Senior Insurance Advisor at Insurtech Sotera and Vice Chair and Executive Director at Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies. In this episode they discuss systemic risks.
Read moreSustainability and insurance (with Rachel Delhaise)
Welcome to Insurance Covered, the podcast that covers everything insurance. In this episode Peter is joined by Rachel Delhaise, Head of Sustainability at Convex Insurance. In this episode they discuss her role as Head of Sustainability and what that means for insurance.
Read moreA look at climate insurance (With Richard Matsui)
Welcome to Insurance Covered, the podcast that covers everything insurance. In this episode Peter is joined by Richard Matsui, Co-founder of kWh Analytics, and they will be discussing the insurance of renewable energy sources with a particular focus on solar power.
Read moreInsurers need their own Hippocratic Oath
Does insurance have a role to play in setting the ethical standard for corporate ESG and promoting a ‘do no harm’ philosophy?"
Read moreA look at sustainable insurance (a podcast with Julian Richardson)
Welcome to Insurance Covered, the podcast that covers everything insurance. In this episode Peter is joined by Julian Richardson, CEO of Parhelion Underwriting and our topic for this episode is sustainable insurance.
Read moreA look at Flood Re (a podcast with Andy Bord)
Welcome to Insurance Covered, the podcast that covers everything insurance. In this episode Peter is joined by Andy Bord, CEO of Flood Re, a specialist UK reinsurer of flood risks. In this episode we will be discussing all things Flood Re.
Read moreLook to the future: Trainees take on 2019
The trainees didn't fare too badly with their 2018 predictions. They doubted England's ability to make it past the group stages of the World Cup, but foresaw how Brexit would dominate the news agenda. They over-optimistically predicted the introduction of automated bundling, but came very close on the value of Bitcoin. Read on to see this year's predictions.
Read moreCan the WTO assist British trade post-Brexit?
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has been in the press recently perhaps more than it would like, with concerns being raised about whether its rules would be sufficient to maintain British trade in the event of a "hard Brexit". But what is the WTO, and how does it deal with disputes?
Read moreBrexit - a legal analysis: Competition
The implications for competition law and practice will very much depend on what form of Brexit the UK will end up negotiating. At one end of the spectrum the UK could join the European Free Trade Association and the European Economic Area, an avenue that is likely to generate the fewest changes. If the UK were to seek a total exit, falling back on World Trade Organisation (“WTO”) rules to continue trading with the EU, the potential changes would be more wide-ranging as outlined below.
Read moreBrexit - a legal analysis: IP rights
IP rights in the UK are all influenced and moulded to a greater or lesser degree by European law.
Read moreFCA consults on new reporting obligations for (i) incidents and (ii) third party arrangements
On 13 December 2024, the FCA published consultation paper CP24/28 (the CP) on proposals for firms to report on operational incidents and, separately, on material third party arrangements. The CP mirrors similar proposals put forward by the PRA and Bank of England on the same day and is designed to align with current international standards (e.g. the EU Regulation on digital operational resilience (DORA)).
Read moreHow will the "Genny lec" impact the world of cyber and tech?
On 22 May 2024, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stood in the pouring rain to announce a General Election, thus commencing a summer of political and meteorological uncertainty for those in the UK.
Read moreThe November 2023 AI safety summit and the UK's direction of travel
The government has confirmed that the UK AI safety summit will be held at Bletchley Park on 1 and 2 November 2023.
Read moreTelecoms supply agreement excludes "loss of profit" claim under "anticipated profits" liability exclusion (EE v Virgin Mobile)
In line with a number of recent cases, in EE Limited v Virgin Mobile Telecoms Limited [2023] EWHC 1989 (TCC) the courts have shown that parties generally cannot avoid clear wording contained in exclusion clauses in order to recover losses that have been expressly excluded (in this case, loss of profits).
Read moreRolls-Royce entitled to hit the brakes in dispute over termination of a software services agreement (Topalsson v Rolls-Royce)
In Topalsson GmbH v Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited [2023] EWHC 1765 (TCC), the High Court has provided useful guidance on how to determine whether a software implementation timeline agreed by the parties is binding, when implementation is considered complete and in what circumstances failing to complete implementation by the contractual deadlines entitles the customer to terminate the contract.
Read moreA narrow escape – software services provider entitled to rely on single aggregate liability cap (Drax v Wipro)
When it comes to bespoke software development projects, a lot can go wrong. There's risk for the customer such as project delays, software defects, functionality issues and a lack of meeting of minds in terms of project requirements.
Read moreThe Times recognises RPC among Best Law Firms 2024
International law firm, RPC, has been recognised by The Times in its Best Law Firms 2024 report, an annual ranking of the top 250 law firms in England and Wales.
Read moreSilicon Valley, Signature and Credit Suisse: what do they all share(holder) in common?
In what has been termed "the biggest banking crisis since 2008", both Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank have collapsed, and Credit Suisse has been rescued. Whether more banks are to follow suit is yet to be seen.
Read moreClientEarth challenges claims made by BlackRock in its sustainable funds
Not only are regulators clamping down on greenwashing but, as previously highlighted, ClientEarth, a non-profit international environmental law organisation, also has this issue squarely in its sights.
Read moreArchitects' Code reforms – it's important that you have your say!
The Architects Registration Board (ARB) is consulting on a proposed new code of professional conduct for architects. The proposed new Code is shorter and simpler, but may be more complex to apply and more onerous. Architects should consider responding to the consultation by the deadline of 12 December 2024.
Read moreUncertainty around the mandatory reimbursement cap for APP frauds – a new headache for FI firms and their insurers?
New regulations coming on 7 October 2024 will force payment firms to reimburse victims of authorised push payment (APP) fraud up to a set limit. On 4 September 2024, the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) announced a consultation proposing to set this limit at £85,000, vastly reduced from the previously proposed £415,000 cap. This is a potential headache for insurers as the level of the cap will impact assessment of risk and apportionment of liability between sending and receiving payment firms – and the industry will only have 7 days to prepare.
Read moreConstruction disciplinary trends analysis #3: fraud and dishonesty
This article is the third instalment in our mini-series analysing trends in disciplinary decisions involving construction professionals, with insight from our specialist disciplinary team.
Read moreFurther welcome news from the FCA – this time on co-manufacturing
Following on from our earlier blog, our review of the FCA's 'Discussion Paper' (DP24/1) continues, this time considering the rules relating to co-manufacturers of insurance products.
Read morePotential deregulation and a pragmatic approach to commercial insurance – welcome news from the FCA
The FCA has published a 'Discussion Paper' (DP24/1) seeking feedback on its rules on commercial insurance including in respect of the types of commercial customers in-scope, co-manufacturing of products and bespoke insurance products.
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