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Construction and Engineering Law 2024
We are delighted to have contributed once again to ICLG's Construction and Engineering Law guide for 2024. The comprehensive guide delves into the multifaceted world of construction and engineering law, providing an essential reference for understanding and comparing the handling of common legal challenges across various jurisdictions.
Read moreThe November 2023 AI safety summit and the UK's direction of travel
The government has confirmed that the UK AI safety summit will be held at Bletchley Park on 1 and 2 November 2023.
Read moreNew developments in AI may put law firms at greater risk of phishing fraud
As the computing power of Artificial Intelligence continues to grow exponentially, we consider how generative technology may expand the reach of traditional phishing frauds aimed at law firms.
Read moreAI in Construction
There is a lot of discussion around Artificial Intelligence ("AI") and its application to industry. We have considered what AI is, the benefits and risks, how it fits into the construction industry, the effect on insurers and what the future holds.
Read moreRegulatory Radar - quick takes - March 2025
Welcome to the latest edition of our bi-monthly Regulatory Radar: quick takes update, which collates the latest developments from across the UK’s regulators.
Read moreRegulatory Radar - Winter 2025
Welcome to the Winter 2025 edition of RPC's bi-annual Regulatory Radar – a guide to the key regulatory changes worth having on your radar.
Read moreThe EU Compliance headache you don't know you have? A priority primer on the European Accessibility Act
It is now less than a year until the EU Accessibility Act (EAA) comes into force, which will require businesses to ensure a range of products (eg smartphones and computers) and services (eg e-commerce services, consumer banking services, and ebooks) are accessible for persons with disabilities.
Read moreSeeing the wood for the trees: preparing for new deforestation due diligence rules in the UK and EU
Read moreGreen claims update: July 2024
Welcome to our round-up of the key legal and regulatory developments relating to green claims.
Read moreThe Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive expert briefing
The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) was adopted on 24 May 2024 and was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 5 July. This means the law will enter into force 20 days later on 26 July, and will apply to companies from 2027.
Read moreGreen claims update: June 2024
Welcome to our round-up of the key legal and regulatory developments relating to green claims.
Read moreEnvironmental sustainability: a snapshot of a changing regulatory landscape
Sophie Tuson charts the key legal developments in the UK and EU across the product lifecycle and flags practical considerations for businesses.
Read moreRegulatory Radar - January 2024
Hello and welcome to the January 2024 edition of RPC’s bi-annual Regulatory radar – a guide to the key regulatory changes worth having on your radar. We hope this will be a useful resource, helping you scan the regulatory horizon and highlight changes that could impact your business.
Read moreSix steps to AI Literacy (whether legally required to or not)
At the beginning of February 2025, the AI literacy requirement under the EU AI Act came into force. The effect of this is that certain businesses must take measures to ensure a sufficient level of AI literacy in their staff.
Read moreAI in auditing: Embracing a new age for the profession
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rather new concept for many (ignoring those versed in 80’s Sci-Fi movies); it’s something many don’t know much about and certainly don’t use in our day-to-day lives (or at least appreciate we are using). However, that’s not the case for everyone. Auditors have long been reaping the benefits of AI, but are auditors just scratching the surface of what AI can offer and what impact will an increased use have on their insurance requirements and claims they face?
Read moreVirtual billboards: the future of immersive advertising?
With the deployment of immersive technologies poised to become the norm, the implementation of infrastructure for "virtual billboards", and the "property digital rights" which they demand, is demonstrating a lucrative gap in the market and huge growth potential.
Read moreThaler v Comptroller [2023] UKSC 49: the UKSC rules that AI cannot be an 'inventor'
To the surprise of no one, the UK Supreme Court (UKSC) has finally ruled that an artificial intelligence (AI) cannot be an inventor for the purposes of UK patent law. This judgment accords with the decisions of the lower courts in the UK and the initial ruling of the UKIPO. It also reflects similar findings from most of courts around the world where the claimant, Dr Thaler, brought similar actions.
Read moreAI and ChatGPT in Law firms
First published by 39 Essex Chambers, in this episode Patrick Brodie, Head of Employment, Engagement and Equality at law firm, RPC, discusses with Katherine Apps KC the issues raised by the use of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT in a law firm environment.
Read moreEthics in the age of AI: new Institute of Directors checklist
What are the key considerations for boards regarding the ethical use of AI within their companies based on the Institute of Directors’ (IoD) Checklist for Boards (Checklist)?
Read moreGovernment White Paper sets out UK approach to AI regulation
How is the UK Government looking to regulate AI?
Read moreUnlocking Generative AI’s Potential: Ethics, Creativity, and Impact
What if you could unlock the full potential of Generative AI and its impact on your life and company?
Read moreThe "Unicorn Kingdom's" AI White Paper
The UK's pro-innovation AI White paper has been published. It landed almost simultaneously with an open letter from the Future of Life Institute which called for a six-month halt in work on AI systems more powerful than the generative AI system: GPT-4.
Read moreGenerative AI and intellectual property rights—the UK government's position
The IPO is to produce a code of practice by the summer that will provide guidance to support AI firms in accessing copyright protected works as an input to their models.
Read moreUnderstanding and managing the risks in artificial intelligence (AI) technology projects
How do you go about managing the risks and challenges that might arise during the deployment of AI technology?
Read moreAI technology projects – the regulatory landscape
Parties engaged in AI technology projects should be mindful of the regulatory landscape, and the changes taking place within it. A failure to do so could result in an AI solution that is not compliant from a regulatory perspective, the use of which potentially creates risk for the technology provider and user.
Read moreSports Ticker (27 April 2023) – PL gambling sponsor ban, WWE x UFC merger and Schumacher's AI interview – a speed-read of commercial updates from the sports world
In a fortnight which saw Corach Rambler win the Grand National, the UK & Ireland submit its bid to host the UEFA Euro 2028 men's tournament, and 48,000 runners take to the streets for the London Marathon, we bring you updates on Spotify's new integration with Strava and Team GB's collaboration with Birds Eye. We also feature stories on a controversial AI-generated interview with Michael Schumacher and our own Kate O'Malley's sub-three hour marathon success.
Read moreProperty Digital Rights – A New Revenue Stream in a Digital World
Advances in technology are opening up exciting new frontiers for property owners and managers. Almost two billion people globally use augmented reality (AR) on their mobile phones and nearly 400 million engage in a virtual metaverse reality.
Read moreFCA consults on new reporting obligations for (i) incidents and (ii) third party arrangements
On 13 December 2024, the FCA published consultation paper CP24/28 (the CP) on proposals for firms to report on operational incidents and, separately, on material third party arrangements. The CP mirrors similar proposals put forward by the PRA and Bank of England on the same day and is designed to align with current international standards (e.g. the EU Regulation on digital operational resilience (DORA)).
Read moreHow will the "Genny lec" impact the world of cyber and tech?
On 22 May 2024, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stood in the pouring rain to announce a General Election, thus commencing a summer of political and meteorological uncertainty for those in the UK.
Read moreTelecoms supply agreement excludes "loss of profit" claim under "anticipated profits" liability exclusion (EE v Virgin Mobile)
In line with a number of recent cases, in EE Limited v Virgin Mobile Telecoms Limited [2023] EWHC 1989 (TCC) the courts have shown that parties generally cannot avoid clear wording contained in exclusion clauses in order to recover losses that have been expressly excluded (in this case, loss of profits).
Read moreRolls-Royce entitled to hit the brakes in dispute over termination of a software services agreement (Topalsson v Rolls-Royce)
In Topalsson GmbH v Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited [2023] EWHC 1765 (TCC), the High Court has provided useful guidance on how to determine whether a software implementation timeline agreed by the parties is binding, when implementation is considered complete and in what circumstances failing to complete implementation by the contractual deadlines entitles the customer to terminate the contract.
Read moreA narrow escape – software services provider entitled to rely on single aggregate liability cap (Drax v Wipro)
When it comes to bespoke software development projects, a lot can go wrong. There's risk for the customer such as project delays, software defects, functionality issues and a lack of meeting of minds in terms of project requirements.
Read moreThe Times recognises RPC among Best Law Firms 2024
International law firm, RPC, has been recognised by The Times in its Best Law Firms 2024 report, an annual ranking of the top 250 law firms in England and Wales.
Read moreCourt considers requirements for a condition precedent to litigation in Local Authority application
In Lancashire Schools SPC Phase 2 Ltd v Lendlease Construction (Europe) Ltd [2024] EWHC 37 (TCC) a local authority failed in its application to have the claim against it stayed or struck out on the basis of non-compliance with a contractual dispute resolution mechanism.
Read moreJCT 2024 has landed! This is the ideal time to update your contracts
The JCT 2024 suite of contracts has arrived, with the Design and Build Contract being the first to be released.
Read moreFirst out the traps: Dissecting the first remediation order under the Building Safety Act
Our non-contentious construction team have recently contributed an article to Practical Law considering the first remediation order made by the First-tier Tribunal under section 123 of the Building Safety Act 2022 in Waite and others v Kedai Ltd (2023) LON/00AY/HYI/2022/0005 & 0016.
Read moreWhistle-blowing on illegal cartels drops 70% in 5 years
Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) recently increased award to £250,000 Calls to the CMA hotline have plummeted from 1,442 in 2017 to 427 in 2022
Read moreThe fit-out problem
An article considering the insurance strategy of fit-out works, which looks at co-insurance following the Court of Appeal's judgment in FM Conway Ltd v The Rugby Football Union and others [2023] EWCA Civ 418, the approach under JCT contracts, public liability insurance and the tenant's liability.
Read moreNew building safety requirements
The Building Safety Act 2022 (the Act) is the central plank in the government’s response to the Grenfell Tower disaster. The Act was enacted with the aim of improving the standard of buildings in England and securing the safety of people in or about those buildings, with a particular focus on fire safety.
Read moreTwo-stage procurement: some key considerations for PCSAs
In our previous blog post, we introduced two-stage procurement and two key options for documenting it (a pre-construction services agreement (PCSA) followed by a separate main works contract and a Combined PCSA/Main Contract) noting that the differences were generally presentational or mechanical. For the purposes of this post, we will refer only to the PCSA and main contract option, but please note that the same principles apply to the Combined PCSA/Main Contract.
Read moreCladding and Valuation: Important RICS guidance under consultation until 31 October 2022 – have your say!
The consultation is part of RICS' plan to introduce a new professional standard for valuing properties in multi-storey, multi-occupancy residential buildings with cladding. This will take the form of an RICS-approved technical guidance note, with the objective of supporting an effective homebuying market.
Read moreTwo-stage procurement
In a recent survey undertaken as part of the RIBA Construction Contracts and Law Report 2022, it was reported that over a third (37%) of respondents had used two-stage procurement over the last 12 months. We are similarly seeing two-stage procurement being used more and more in the construction industry, particularly for major building projects. In fact, the majority of recent development projects we have advised on in the UK were procured on a two-stage basis.
Read moreInternational Comparative Legal Guide - Construction & Engineering 2022
Read moreCLC issue new Guidance on dispute resolution in the construction industry
COVID-19 continues to cause significant disruption and delay to the construction industry. Whilst things are slowly returning to normal and construction sites are resuming work, there are concerns that the effect of the pandemic on projects may result in long-running and costly disputes arising. Accordingly, the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) have issued guidance in an effort to promote a more pragmatic approach to dispute resolution.
Read moreHart v Large: Important guidance for surveyors when advising prospective purchasers
The judgment in Hart v Large provides important guidance on the scope of a surveyor's duty when advising prospective purchasers. It also highlights that the courts may be willing to depart from the usual measures of loss, in order to achieve what they consider to be a fair outcome.
Read moreLockdown inspections: Guidance from the RICS
The RICS has issued two sets of guidance to its members focusing on physical inspections. The guidance builds on the most recent government advice regarding appropriate conduct and the timetable for lifting restrictions.
Read moreImpact of COVID-19 on telecommunications apparatus
With COVID 19 keeping individuals and businesses in various states of lockdown around the world, the importance of telecommunications in keeping the country connected, both professionally and socially, has been thrown into sharp relief.
Read moreLease frustration and COVID-19
Frustration of a contract occurs due to a supervening event meaning the contract is no longer capable of performance. If frustration is found to have occurred, the contract is automatically terminated.
Read moreCould I mitigate my losses by using my premises for other purposes?
With the inevitable impact of the coronavirus on retail businesses, many will be looking to mitigate their losses. One obvious way of doing this would be to use their premises, often their single largest overhead, for other uses. But is this possible and what must you consider?
Read moreGround conditions: An entitlement to additional costs despite accepting risk?
The High Court published a decision late last year which deals with a frequently encountered issue; a claim for additional payment where a sub-contractor encountered adverse ground conditions. The sub-contractor, Clancy Docwra, was engaged by E.ON Energy to excavate trenches in connection with the installation of a district heat network in central London. During the course of the project Clancy Docwra encountered adverse ground conditions (in particular underground brick walls and brick rubble) and the parties were in dispute over what additional entitlement Clancy Docwra had in relation to those works.
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