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Look to the future: Trainees take on 2019
The trainees didn't fare too badly with their 2018 predictions. They doubted England's ability to make it past the group stages of the World Cup, but foresaw how Brexit would dominate the news agenda. They over-optimistically predicted the introduction of automated bundling, but came very close on the value of Bitcoin. Read on to see this year's predictions.
Read moreBrexit - a legal analysis: IP rights
IP rights in the UK are all influenced and moulded to a greater or lesser degree by European law.
Read moreFTT prevents HMRC from having two bites of the cherry!
In Lady Henrietta Pearson v HMRC [2014] UKFTT 890 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber) ('FTT') concluded that HMRC had "ignored" its previous decision by seeking to reduce the amount of a VAT refund which it had ordered HMRC make to Lady Henrietta Pearson ('the taxpayer').
Read moreCollective actions under consumer law: proposed amendments to the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill
Are class actions under consumer protection law likely following the UK’s new DMCC Bill, and if so, what will the impact on businesses be?
Read more6 April 2025 - date confirmed for UK consumer protection law regime overhaul
The Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024 (DMCCA) is set to substantially overhaul the UK's consumer protection law and enforcement regime. We now know the date that key consumer protection and enforcement changes will come into force: 6 April 2025.
Read moreA new era for sustainability consumer products: the EU’s new Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR)
On 18 July 2024 the ESPR entered into force setting a framework for new ecodesign rules in the EU. It will have significant impacts for retailers and consumer brands selling products in the EU. It will introduce new minimum ecodesign requirements for specific product categories (with an initial focus on textiles), make digital product passports mandatory and set rules on the destruction of unsold products. Companies face the risk of fines, consumer claims and reputational damage for non-compliance.
Read moreProduct liability and safety legislative refurb
The current legislation governing product safety is the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD), but its shortcomings, especially on tech, are evident.On 13 December 2024 the EU will be replacing the GPSD with the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR), and the latest King’s Speech indicated it will be replaced in the UK by a Product Safety and Metrology Bill.Separately, EU Member States are rolling out a revised Product Liability Directive (PLD) which captures the provision of software, digital services and online marketplaces.
Read moreThe EU Compliance headache you don't know you have? A priority primer on the European Accessibility Act
It is now less than a year until the EU Accessibility Act (EAA) comes into force, which will require businesses to ensure a range of products (eg smartphones and computers) and services (eg e-commerce services, consumer banking services, and ebooks) are accessible for persons with disabilities.
Read moreSeeing the wood for the trees: preparing for new deforestation due diligence rules in the UK and EU
Read moreA shifting landscape? The outlook for data regulation in 2023
With a relatively new Information Commissioner in the UK and a renewed focus on getting post-Brexit data protection laws through Parliament, attention is turning to the ICO’s priorities and how they fit into this new landscape.
Read moreTransitioning to a net zero economy
The TPT has published a draft disclosure framework and implementation guidance for private sector entities to transition to a net zero economy, making recommendations for companies and financial institutions to develop gold-standard transition plans.
Read moreCSRD: shakeup of the EU's sustainability reporting rules
The EU’s new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) entered into force on 5 January 2023.
Read moreDeposit Return Scheme: Key considerations for drinks producers and retailers in the UK
Defra has now responded to its consultation on the introduction of a DRS in England, Wales and NI. The DRS will require retailers to charge a small fee on certain drinks containers sold, which consumers can reclaim if they return the container to a designated return point.
Read moreGoing Green – staying on the right side of competition law
Environmental issues are high on the agenda for many consumers and businesses alike. They are also increasingly an area of focus for competition authorities around the world, including the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), who are keen to ensure that competition law concerns do not unnecessarily prevent businesses from collaborating legitimately on environmental sustainability initiatives.
Read moreNew REUL? How will the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) affect UK businesses?
When the Brexit transition period ended, so did the alignment of EU law with UK domestic law.
Read moreCasting your net zero ambitions: eight key steps for retailers
With climate change at the forefront of the ESG agenda, the employment relationship, and the opportunities to engage with the workforce on this subject, are crucial ingredients in the quest to becoming a truly green retailer.
Read moreExtended producer responsibility for packaging: How to prepare
In the Spring 2022 edition of Retail Compass, we reported on the Government's consultation on regulations covering extended producer responsibility (EPR) which places the financial burden of dealing with packaging once it becomes waste on producers as opposed to taxpayers.
Read moreWhere to next for Buy Now Pay Later?
On Monday 20 June 2022, HM Treasury responded to its consultation on proposals to extend regulation to unregulated Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) products. This consultation closed in January 2022. The Treasury's response confirmed the scope of regulation will cover BNPL products and short-term interest free credit (STIFC) provided by third-party lenders.
Read moreOnline Sales Tax: the right way forward?
On 25 February 2022, HM Treasury launched a consultation exploring the possible introduction of an online sales tax (OST) to address the imbalance resulting from the higher business rates applying to in store retailers, compared to online businesses. The consultation closed on 20 May 2022.
Read moreGreenwashing: UK regulators set their sights on misleading green claims with an increasing focus on sectors such as fashion retail and F&D
UK consumer regulators, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), are ramping up their enforcement of green claims to protect consumers from 'greenwashing'
Read moreAll is not (necessarily) lost: Crypto crime recovery
With over 2 million people in the UK now holding and using cryptocurrency, and the Chancellor announcing that a government backed non-fungible token ("NFT") is to be issued by the Royal Mint this summer, the market for crypto-assets is expected to continue to grow in the coming months and years; so much so that legislation is planned to implement a new regulatory regime for the crypto market.
Read moreParliamentary 'wash up' – which Bills made it through?
On 22 May 2024, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that a General Election will take place on 4 July 2024. Parliament was then prorogued on 24 May 2024 which allowed a mere 2 days for 'wash up' - the process by which outstanding bills may be rushed through the parliamentary process.
Read moreGoing Green - Draft Sustainability Guidance from the CMA
Following its public consultation, the CMA has published its advice to government on how competition and consumer laws can help meet the UK's environmental goals.
Read moreHype Economics: the haves and the have bots
With the most wanted items selling out in the blink of an eye, consumers are leveraging automation to get ahead. Is the use of bots creating more than a moral dilemma for retailers?
Read moreTen tips for retailers entering the metaverse
Once the province of online gaming and social media, the metaverse is the new hot topic in retail.
Read moreVertical Agreements: The New Reality
For those operating in the retail sector (amongst others), 1st June 2022 saw changes to the UK and EU competition law rules and the "safe harbour" or exemption from the application of competition law for certain types of vertical agreements, i.e. for contractual parties operating at different levels of the supply chain.
Read moreLow2NoBev Show - RPC takes front row seat as exclusive legal sponsor as the "No/Lo" alcohol drinks category soars
Ahead of RPC acting as the exclusive legal sponsor of the Low2NoBev Show taking place at Olympia London later this month (26 – 28 September 2022), it is useful to understand the fundamental changes happening in this growing sector and the potential discussion points that may arise relating to the marketing of these products.
Read moreWhat'SUP? Single-Use Plastics (SUP) are next target in UK government's war on plastic waste
It only takes a short walk along London's Regent's Canal to witness the sheer volume of littered single-use plastics (SUP).
Read moreThe Summer of ‘Pre-Love’: Has Fast Fashion been Dumped by the British Public?
ITV’s Love Island is back on our screens, officially marking the British summer. This year the show is dumping fast fashion and ‘coupling up’ with its first-ever second-hand clothing sponsor, eBay, with contestants now donning pre-loved pieces sourced from the resale platform.
Read moreTips for approaching innovations using consumer data
Now more than ever, retailers are faced with a wide array of opportunities to use customer data to achieve their commercial objectives. By spotting and assessing key risks early, organisations will be better equipped to avoid breaches of data protection law that may lead to costly fines or claims, failed projects and reputational damage.
Read moreAre the brakes on for Quick Commerce?
With consumers continuing to prioritise speed and convenience in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been significant consumer uptake in the use of ultra-fast grocery delivery apps such as Zapp, Gorillas and Getir since early 2020.
Read moreFake it till you make it? The Government says no more to fake reviews plus tightens up on subscription models
The UK Government has confirmed that new consumer rules will come into force to "shield the public from rip-offs and boost competition". Although not confirmed when these will be introduced, the top three issues on its hit list are fake reviews, "subscription traps" and prepayment schemes.
Read moreCMA pushing for more powers on sustainability
Following its public consultation, the CMA has published its advice to government on how competition and consumer laws can help meet the UK's environmental goals.
Read moreHire Heels: why the rental clothing market matters
The old saying that "you can't wear the same outfit twice" doesn't fit well with younger consumers in particular, who are concerned about sustainability and the environmental hazards posed by fast fashion outlets.
Read moreBuy-Now-Pay-Later under the regulatory microscope
Growth in the Buy-Now-Pay-Later (BNPL) sector is showing no signs of slowing. Square's recent $29 billion acquisition of BNPL behemoth Afterpay being the latest signal that the market is on an upward trajectory. In 2020 alone over 10 million Brits used BNPL to purchase goods online, accounting for nearly 4% of online retail sales. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) found that usage had very nearly quadrupled to account for £2.7 billion of spending in 2020. Such popularity, particularly among Gen-Z and Millennials, spans the globe with American consumers spending an estimated $20 billion to $25 billion in 2020 by way of deferred payments.
Read moreA meaty debate: traditional vs lab-grown alternatives
The number of vegans and vegetarians in the UK has skyrocketed in recent years and there are an increasing number of 'flexitarians' aiming to reduce their meat intake for health and environmental reasons. Barclays predicts the meat-alternatives market could be worth £140bn by 2029, which is equivalent to 10% of the global meat industry. This market includes both plant-based foods and newer lab-grown meats.
Read moreMarketing mishap costs Papa John's
Last month, the Information Commissioner's Office ("ICO") has issued a £10,000 fine to Papa John's for sending over 165,000 marketing messages without properly meeting the requirements of the "soft opt-in" rule.
Read moreRetailers to be consulted on new legislation for protection from terrorist attacks
The Government is currently consulting with the public and retailers to seek their views on proposed legislation requiring the occupiers of "publicly accessible locations" to implement measures to protect employees and members of the public in the event of a terrorist attack.
Read moreRe-commerce: the future of luxury fashion?
With Gen Z successfully catapulting fashion resale platforms like Depop, StockX and Vinted into the limelight over the last decade, has the time come for the luxury market to enter the world of re-commerce?
Read moreThe Great British (Local) High Street
There is no doubt that the UK high street has been hit hard in recent years, not least by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. But alongside the headline grabbing news of shop closures, there were in fact over 7,500 new shop openings between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020.
Read moreTerraLex virtual meeting: The new wave of M&A
In this video presentation, RPC's Neil Brown and Paul Joukador meet with Lori Green and Rick McGuirk to discuss issues related to force majeure, frustration of purpose, material adverse change, and how they’ve been impacted and will likely change in the post-pandemic world.
Read moreJudicial developments in recent treaty cases
A spate of recent cases concerning the application of double tax treaties has seen the courts and tribunals striving for common¬sense, policy-driven outcomes.
Read moreJudicial review: does the Court of Appeal’s decision in Murphy offer taxpayers a glimmer of hope?
Judicial review provides a constitutionally important judicial check on the exercise of statutory powers by public bodies such as HMRC. However, the wide margin of appreciation afforded to public bodies by the courts, coupled with recent reforms to the judicial review process, make it a remedy of last resort that can be difficult for taxpayers to pursue successfully. In overturning the High Court’s refusal of the taxpayers’ judicial review claim, the Court of Appeal in Murphy v HMRC confirmed that HMRC had breached their legitimate expectation as to the application of an extra-statutory concession. While Murphy is unlikely to be the harbinger of a wholesale rebalancing of the judicial review scales in the taxpayer’s favour, it is a welcome step in the right direction.
Read moreHigh Court permits recission in EBT case enabling taxpayers to avoid IHT liability
In JTC Employer Solutions Trustee Ltd and others v Garnett and another, the High Court allowed the claimants' claim and permitted rescission in relation to various Employee Benefit Trust appointments to sub-trusts, with the result that there was no IHT liability as the mistake in creating the sub-trusts was sufficiently serious to render it unconscionable to leave the mistaken disposition uncorrected.
Read moreTaxing Matters: IWD 2025 special with Ele Theochari
This month, RPC Senior Associate and Taxing Matters host, Alexis Armitage, is joined by Ele Theochari, Partner at Blick Rothenberg for a special episode to celebrate International Women's Day.
Read moreTribunal allows taxpayer's appeal in R&D relief claim
In Stage one Creative Services Ltd v HMRC [2024] UKFTT 1059 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal allowed the taxpayer's appeal against HMRC's decision to refuse R&D relief claims on the basis that the relevant projects were not "subsidised" or "contracted out".
Read moreTax Bites – March 2025
Welcome to the latest edition of RPC's Tax Bites – providing monthly bite-sized updates from the tax world.
Read moreSupreme Court rejects taxpayers' appeals and denies enterprise zone allowances
In R (ota of Cobalt Data Centre 2 LLP and another) v HMRC [2024] UKSC 40, the Supreme Court dismissed the taxpayers' appeals concerning capital allowances on enterprise zone expenditure, confirming the correct interpretation of section 298 of the Capital Allowances Act 2001.
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