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Construction and Engineering Law 2024
We are delighted to have contributed once again to ICLG's Construction and Engineering Law guide for 2024. The comprehensive guide delves into the multifaceted world of construction and engineering law, providing an essential reference for understanding and comparing the handling of common legal challenges across various jurisdictions.
Read moreAI in Construction
There is a lot of discussion around Artificial Intelligence ("AI") and its application to industry. We have considered what AI is, the benefits and risks, how it fits into the construction industry, the effect on insurers and what the future holds.
Read moreCode of Conduct for Leasing of Retail Premises to take effect from 1 February 2024
Following from the passing of the Lease Agreements for Retail Premises Bill which mandates compliance with the Code of Conduct for Leasing of Retail Premises in Singapore ("Code") for qualifying leases of retail premises earlier this year, the Lease Agreements for Retail Premises Act ("Act') is expected to take effect from 1 February 2024.
Read moreCould I mitigate my losses by using my premises for other purposes?
With the inevitable impact of the coronavirus on retail businesses, many will be looking to mitigate their losses. One obvious way of doing this would be to use their premises, often their single largest overhead, for other uses. But is this possible and what must you consider?
Read moreAdvertisement consent – five rules for retailers
A summary of advertisement control for retailers in England, including deemed consent provisions, applications, standard conditions and discontinuance orders.
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