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The November 2023 AI safety summit and the UK's direction of travel
The government has confirmed that the UK AI safety summit will be held at Bletchley Park on 1 and 2 November 2023.
Read moreFCA consults on new reporting obligations for (i) incidents and (ii) third party arrangements
On 13 December 2024, the FCA published consultation paper CP24/28 (the CP) on proposals for firms to report on operational incidents and, separately, on material third party arrangements. The CP mirrors similar proposals put forward by the PRA and Bank of England on the same day and is designed to align with current international standards (e.g. the EU Regulation on digital operational resilience (DORA)).
Read moreAI in auditing: Embracing a new age for the profession
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rather new concept for many (ignoring those versed in 80’s Sci-Fi movies); it’s something many don’t know much about and certainly don’t use in our day-to-day lives (or at least appreciate we are using). However, that’s not the case for everyone. Auditors have long been reaping the benefits of AI, but are auditors just scratching the surface of what AI can offer and what impact will an increased use have on their insurance requirements and claims they face?
Read moreThaler v Comptroller [2023] UKSC 49: the UKSC rules that AI cannot be an 'inventor'
To the surprise of no one, the UK Supreme Court (UKSC) has finally ruled that an artificial intelligence (AI) cannot be an inventor for the purposes of UK patent law. This judgment accords with the decisions of the lower courts in the UK and the initial ruling of the UKIPO. It also reflects similar findings from most of courts around the world where the claimant, Dr Thaler, brought similar actions.
Read moreGenerative AI and intellectual property rights—the UK government's position
The IPO is to produce a code of practice by the summer that will provide guidance to support AI firms in accessing copyright protected works as an input to their models.
Read moreTelecoms supply agreement excludes "loss of profit" claim under "anticipated profits" liability exclusion (EE v Virgin Mobile)
In line with a number of recent cases, in EE Limited v Virgin Mobile Telecoms Limited [2023] EWHC 1989 (TCC) the courts have shown that parties generally cannot avoid clear wording contained in exclusion clauses in order to recover losses that have been expressly excluded (in this case, loss of profits).
Read moreRolls-Royce entitled to hit the brakes in dispute over termination of a software services agreement (Topalsson v Rolls-Royce)
In Topalsson GmbH v Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited [2023] EWHC 1765 (TCC), the High Court has provided useful guidance on how to determine whether a software implementation timeline agreed by the parties is binding, when implementation is considered complete and in what circumstances failing to complete implementation by the contractual deadlines entitles the customer to terminate the contract.
Read moreA narrow escape – software services provider entitled to rely on single aggregate liability cap (Drax v Wipro)
When it comes to bespoke software development projects, a lot can go wrong. There's risk for the customer such as project delays, software defects, functionality issues and a lack of meeting of minds in terms of project requirements.
Read moreWhat To Know About AI Fraudsters Before Facing Disputes
Fraudsters are quick to weaponise new technological developments and artificial intelligence is proving no exception, with AI-assisted scams increasingly being reported in the news, including most recently one using a likeness of a BBC broadcaster.
Read moreNetflix files lawsuit over 'Unofficial Bridgerton Musical'
On 29 July, Netflix filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. against two TikTok stars, Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, alleging that their Grammy-winning “The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical” project infringed the hit show's intellectual property rights.
Read moreStream on! CMA halts plans to investigate music streaming market
The UK's Competition & Markets Authority recently published its interim report on the music streaming market, prompting mixed responses from the music industry. Record labels, publishers and streaming providers appear generally pleased with the findings, but various artists, musicians, songwriters and managers say they believe it has underdelivered.
Read moreParliamentary Group urges UK government to help musicians and crew tour Europe more easily
The All-Parliamentary Group on Music (a cross-party group of more than 100 MPS and Peers) together with representatives from the music industry set out the urgent steps the Government needs to take to help UK musicians following Brexit.
Read moreCMA ends its investigation into online console gaming subscription practices
The UK Competition Markets Authority (CMA) has now closed its investigation into subscription practices in the online console gaming sector after key players Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft committed to making improvements to their contract terms with a view to better protecting customers.
Read moreEurovision contestant and Rudimental come out on pop in copyright dispute
Coming out on pop: Rudimental's single Waiting All Night, composed by Eurovision 2021 contestant James Newman, was not the product of copying a song written in 2001 by a contestant on the Voice UK.
Read more(Sex) Pistols at dawn over Danny Boyle's new biopic series
Sex Pistols band members accuse frontman John Lydon of being No Fun and creating Anarchy for refusing to authorise licences for the use of the band's music in Danny Boyle's forthcoming TV series, Pistol.
Read moreWho gets to deliver my news? - Ofcom starts its consultation on changes to media ownership restrictions
Ofcom is looking to update old rules governing media ownership in the UK to reflect consumers increased access to news online and the fragmented use of traditional media, and the implications of reform could be far reaching.
Read moreStreaming platforms to consolidate? "The stuff that dreams are made of"
Discovery and AT&T's WarnerMedia are merging to create a streaming behemoth named Warner Bros. Discovery, and Amazon is reportedly in talks to acquire Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM). Will this mark a trend in the consolidation of streaming platforms, and what are the implications?
Read moreCourt of Appeal upholds copyright infringement decision against digital radio aggregator
The Court of Appeal has refused TuneIn's appeal of a 2019 judgment finding that it had infringed the copyright of Warner and Sony by linking to online radio stations.
Read moreUK Courts find hidden voice in film authorship dispute
The Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC) has found that there was there was an additional joint author of the Florence Foster Jenkins screenplay – in a decision of significant relevance to the film industry.
Read moreReproduction of infringing content online: who's liable?
Keyword advertising, search engine optimisation and liability for infringement via online marketplaces: In recent years, there has been a plethora of cases concerning the various ways that trade marks may be infringed, through use on the internet.
Read moreLeveraging ABC frameworks for ESG compliance
With ESG regulations evolving rapidly, businesses are facing increasing obligations, ranging from supply chain due diligence (CSDDD, EU Deforestation Regulation) to corporate reporting (CSRD, ISSB).
Read moreEU publishes draft Code for general-purpose AI models
What measures are proposed by the EU AI Office to regulate general-purpose AI (GPAI) models?
Read moreOfcom rolls out implementation phases for compliance with the Online Safety Act
What is Ofcom’s timeframe for implementation of the Online Safety Act (OSA) and what actions will in-scope services need to take to ensure compliance?
Read moreNew Safer Phones Bill aims at “making social media less addictive” for young people
How does the Safer Phones Bill intend to protect young people online?
Read moreTwo years on from the Digital Services Act
How has the European Commission (Commission) enforced the Digital Services Act (DSA) since its inception?
Read moreUK’s Digital Regulation Co-operation Forum announces new AI and Digital Hub Pilot
What is the AI and Digital Hub and how can AI innovators use it?
Read moreEU designates Apple a gatekeeper for iPadOS but not for iMessage
Can a business avoid being designated a “gatekeeper” under the Digital Markets Act (DMA) even if it satisfies the quantitative criteria under the DMA?
Read moreOnline Safety Act: Ofcom consults on draft codes to protect children online
What must businesses do to ensure online safety for children under the latest codes of practice published by Ofcom?
Read moreWhat in the AI is going on… April to June 2024
Meta launched its newest generation of its open-source LLM (large language model), Llama 3, which is the technology that powers its AI systems. The launch of Llama 3 signals a step closer to human-like AI that can reason and bestow a memory. OpenAI also discussed plans for its next AI model, GPT-5. Like Llama 3, GPT-5 will see improvements to the model’s planning and reasoning capabilities, going beyond its current capability to deal with discrete tasks. GPT-5 is expected to be released later in the year.
Read moreEU AI Act is signed!
What are the core elements of the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act and how does it impact the regulation of AI systems?
Read moreCMA publishes update paper on AI Foundation Models
What is the state of play for the market of AI Foundation Models (FM) and what issues in the market is the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) most concerned about?
Read moreNew EU guidelines on mitigating risks for electoral
What are the European Commission’s new guidelines and how do they protect the integrity of electoral processes?
Read moreCommercial Court cracks down on crypto-fraudsters (if it can find them)
In the first initial coin offering 'ICO' fraud case before the Commercial Court, Ion Science Limited & Duncan Johns v Persons Unknown & Ors, the court granted permission to serve disclosure orders on two cryptocurrency exchanges through which the claimants' stolen bitcoin had been traced, granted a world-wide freezing order against persons unknown, and gave ground-breaking guidance on the lex situs of crypto-assets.
Read moreThe Role of AI in Disputes
While lawyers have had various forms of AI available to them for years, it is generative AI and the development of large language models (LLMs) which is likely to represent a fundamental shift for dispute resolution. This technology now offers language capabilities that have never been seen before, and is likely to transform the way lawyers conduct proceedings.
Read moreCAT Collective Proceedings - Summer 2024 update
Developments in the UK’s competition collective proceedings regime continue apace with new claims recently issued in the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT).
Read moreUK authorities seize £179m from suspected criminals – up 16% in a year
UK authorities, including the SFO, HMRC and police, seized £179m last year[1] from criminals using draconian Confiscation Orders – an increase of 16% on £154m a year earlier, according to analysis of new data by international law firm RPC.
Read moreThe CAT's new approach: I can't afford a carriage (dispute)
Since the collective proceedings regime in the UK's Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) kicked off, a number of carriage disputes have arisen. So-called 'carriage disputes' arise when there are two or more competing proposed class representatives (PCRs) seeking certification (and therefore 'carriage') of overlapping class actions.
Read more2023 Update - CAT Collective Proceedings
A new era of consumer-focussed competition class actions is now well underway. It kicked off with the first collective proceedings order (CPO) granted by the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) in Merricks in the summer of 2021, opening the gates for further collective claims to be certified.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q4 2024
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read moreGovernment consults on regulation of Buy-Now Pay-Later products
In 2021, HM Treasury announced its intention to regulate certain unregulated buy-now pay-later (BNPL) products in the UK. This followed recommendations made in the Woolard Review which raised concerns about the increased use of BNPL products during the pandemic and the significant risk that these unregulated credit products could cause consumer harm.
Read moreFCA consults on changes to the payments safeguarding regime
Under the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (PSRs) and the E-Money Regulations 2011 (EMRs) payment institutions (PIs), electronic money institutions (EMIs), small EMIs and credit unions are required to protect "relevant funds" which they receive when making a payment or in exchange for e-money that has been issued. Current safeguarding requirements are set out in the PSRs and EMRs, with guidance contained in the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) Approach Document.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q3 2024
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q2 2024
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read moreUK government updates NSIA market guidance and statement on call-in powers
Recent developments such as the removal of Huawei from the UK's 5G networks and President Biden's 2023 executive order on outbound investment in sensitive technologies have brought into focus potential national security risks arising from global trade and investment.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q1 2024
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q4 2023
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q3 2023
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q2 2023
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q1 2023
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q4 2022
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
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