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Thaler v Comptroller [2023] UKSC 49: the UKSC rules that AI cannot be an 'inventor'
To the surprise of no one, the UK Supreme Court (UKSC) has finally ruled that an artificial intelligence (AI) cannot be an inventor for the purposes of UK patent law. This judgment accords with the decisions of the lower courts in the UK and the initial ruling of the UKIPO. It also reflects similar findings from most of courts around the world where the claimant, Dr Thaler, brought similar actions.
Read moreGenerative AI and intellectual property rights—the UK government's position
The IPO is to produce a code of practice by the summer that will provide guidance to support AI firms in accessing copyright protected works as an input to their models.
Read moreWhat To Know About AI Fraudsters Before Facing Disputes
Fraudsters are quick to weaponise new technological developments and artificial intelligence is proving no exception, with AI-assisted scams increasingly being reported in the news, including most recently one using a likeness of a BBC broadcaster.
Read moreThe Role of AI in Disputes
While lawyers have had various forms of AI available to them for years, it is generative AI and the development of large language models (LLMs) which is likely to represent a fundamental shift for dispute resolution. This technology now offers language capabilities that have never been seen before, and is likely to transform the way lawyers conduct proceedings.
Read moreAesthetic appeal and craftsmanship are not enough: WaterRower fails to secure copyright protection as a UK work of artistic craftsmanship
The term "artistic craftsmanship" has no statutory definition under UK copyright law – a position that has only been made more challenging by a conflict between EU and UK case law in this area. In this hotly anticipated judgment, the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC) sought to determine what it means to be a work of artistic craftsmanship in the context of s 4(1)(c) of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA).
Read moreMcDonald's BIG MAC trade mark – General Court gives decision on evidence of genuine use
In a decision that, practically, provides for only a tiny loss of protection for the behemoth brand and trade mark, on 5 June 2024 the European General Court (General Court) partially revoked McDonald's BIG MAC trade mark (the EUTM) in the EU (Supermac's (Holdings) Ltd v EUIPO (Case T 58/23)).
Read moreGinfringement: Success for M&S in the Court of Appeal in registered design spat with Aldi
M&S and Aldi's gin bottle battle over design rights has reached a conclusion (for now) as the Court of Appeal has unanimously upheld the IPEC's decision that Aldi's bottle infringed M&S' design.
Read moreClear as gin: M&S and Aldi take liquor bottle battle to the Court of Appeal
Intellectual property enthusiasts' favourite supermarket adversaries were back at loggerheads this week as M&S and Aldi appear before the Court of Appeal. The pair sought to thrash out a first instance decision handed down in the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC) regarding alleged infringement of M&S' registered design rights in a gin bottle.
Read moreM&S v Aldi – lookalike claims lit up by design rights
As lookalike products rise in prominence, the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court's (IPEC) recent ruling that the sale and advertisement of Aldi's 'Infusionist' range of favoured gins infringed M&S's UK registered designs protecting the light-up bottles containing its 'Snow Globe' gin range (Marks and Spencer PLC v Aldi Stores Limited [2023] EWHC 178) highlights the utility of registered design rights in circumstances where other intellectual property rights (IPR) are often less able to provide protection.
Read moreLookalikes and passing off—bottle design get-up claim (Au Vodka)
Currently there's significant activity in the lookalikes space. The Au Vodka claim (Au Vodka v NE10 Vodka [2022] EWHC 2371), which focuses on bottle design 'get-up', arrived in the courts for an interim injunction hearing in September 2022. Au Vodka's application was dismissed. The judgment shows that passing off—get-up claims based on shape can be challenging to bring, particularly at the interim stage, and prompts the question of whether it's possible to bring Cofemel and copyright into the lookalikes arena.
Read moreSky Kick Back! High Court finding of bad faith overturned by Court of Appeal in long-running Sky v Skykick saga
On 26 July 2021, the Court of Appeal (CoA) handed down its much-anticipated decision in the latest instalment of the Sky v Skykick trade mark dispute.
Read moreWilliam Grant & Sons v Lidl: where to be-gin?
On 25 May 2021, the Scottish Court of Session (SCOS) granted an interim interdict (akin to an interim injunction), which prevents Lidl from selling its own brand 'Hampstead gin' in Scottish stores, pending the outcome of the matter at trial.
Read moreCopyright: Online platform operators’ liability for users illegally uploading copyright material
C-682/18 Frank Peterson v Google LLC and others and C 683/18 Elsevier Inc. v Cyando AG EU:C:2020:586 – A-G opinion
Read moreLandmark case sees trade mark specifications cut down on grounds of bad faith.
Today, the High Court handed down judgment in Sky v SkyKick. The judgment follows the CJEU's 29 January 2020 decision, which answered various questions that the High Court had referred to it, back in June 2018.
Read moreCOVID-19 prompts changes to working arrangements for the Court of Justice of the European Union
Prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the CJEU announced, on 19 March 2020, that it will be temporarily changing its working arrangements.
Read more15% increase in counterfeit goods seized in 2015
According to the "Report on EU Customs Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: Results at the EU Border 2015", the number of goods that were detained at the EU's external borders for suspected infringement of an IP right grew by an estimated 15% in 2015 compared with 2014.
Read moreAI in auditing: Embracing a new age for the profession
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rather new concept for many (ignoring those versed in 80’s Sci-Fi movies); it’s something many don’t know much about and certainly don’t use in our day-to-day lives (or at least appreciate we are using). However, that’s not the case for everyone. Auditors have long been reaping the benefits of AI, but are auditors just scratching the surface of what AI can offer and what impact will an increased use have on their insurance requirements and claims they face?
Read moreEU AI ACT-ion stations
The EU is forging ahead with its vision for AI. With wrapping up talks on the EU AI Act between the EU governments, the Commission and the parliamentary negotiators imminent, we bring you up to date on the EU's risk based approach, the scope of the Act, a timeline, key points that will form the basis of the discussions and next steps.
Read moreThe November 2023 AI safety summit and the UK's direction of travel
The government has confirmed that the UK AI safety summit will be held at Bletchley Park on 1 and 2 November 2023.
Read moreSports Ticker (27 April 2023) – PL gambling sponsor ban, WWE x UFC merger and Schumacher's AI interview – a speed-read of commercial updates from the sports world
In a fortnight which saw Corach Rambler win the Grand National, the UK & Ireland submit its bid to host the UEFA Euro 2028 men's tournament, and 48,000 runners take to the streets for the London Marathon, we bring you updates on Spotify's new integration with Strava and Team GB's collaboration with Birds Eye. We also feature stories on a controversial AI-generated interview with Michael Schumacher and our own Kate O'Malley's sub-three hour marathon success.
Read moreUK Government sets out proposals for regulation of AI
What are the UK Government’s plans for the future regulation of artificial intelligence (AI)?
Read moreUK government announces the launch of an AI standards hub
What does the new artificial intelligence (AI) standards hub mean for businesses seeking to develop AI technologies?
Read moreICO publishes guidance on AI decision making
How can companies comply with data regulation when using AI to make decisions affecting individuals?
Read moreHong Kong Employment Law Update: Mandatory Provident Fund offsetting mechanism to be abolished after decade-long debate and campaigning
Following on from our brief update published on 9 June 2022, this article provides a detailed overview of the amendments put forward by the long-awaited Employment and Retirement Schemes Legislation (Offsetting Arrangement) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (the "Bill"), which was finally passed by the Legislative Council on 9 June 2022. The main feature of the Bill is the abolishment of the offsetting mechanism of the Mandatory Provident Fund ("MPF").
Read moreHong Kong Wage Subsidy Update – Government announces new round of Employment Support Scheme
The Government has at last finalized the details of the new round of Employment Support Scheme ("2022 ESS"). The purpose of the 2022 ESS to offer limited time financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises through providing wage subsidies to encourage enterprises to increase employment and to retain employees who would otherwise be made redundant.
Read moreIncreased penalty for employers who employ overstayers
Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 (“IAO”)
Read moreHong Kong's Legislative Council to consider Cancellation of MPF Offsetting
Under the Employment Ordinance, employers can offset long service payment or severance payment due to an employee against the employer's mandatory and voluntary contributions to the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF), Hong Kong's pension system.
Read moreReimbursement of Maternity Leave Pay Scheme in Hong Kong
Hong Kong's statutory maternity leave has been extended from 10 weeks to 14 weeks with effect from 11 December 2020. From 1 April 2021, the Hong Kong Government has started accepting applications to reimburse employers' payment in respect of the extended period of maternity leave.
Read moreCOVID 19 Your workforce: What on earth is "furlough"?
Meaning of furlough, especially in the context of companies dealing with the impact of COVID-19.
Read moreCOVID-19 Your workforce: pay and costs - practical ideas our clients are exploring
COVID-19 Your workforce: pay and costs - practical ideas our clients are exploring. These are extraordinary times that place extraordinary pressures on all of us, including dealing with your workforce. We set out below some ideas that we are hearing about from our clients and some areas you may wish to think about in terms of your employee costs.
Read moreCOVID-19 Your workforce: supporting mental health when home working
COVID-19 Your workforce: supporting mental health when home working. Many of us are working from home during this crisis and while this can be an effective way of working for some, it is less happy for others; loneliness, caring for vulnerable dependants and challenging home environments are all being experienced. There may be members of your teams who fall into these categories.
Read moreAll is not (necessarily) lost: Crypto crime recovery
With over 2 million people in the UK now holding and using cryptocurrency, and the Chancellor announcing that a government backed non-fungible token ("NFT") is to be issued by the Royal Mint this summer, the market for crypto-assets is expected to continue to grow in the coming months and years; so much so that legislation is planned to implement a new regulatory regime for the crypto market.
Read moreJudicial developments in recent treaty cases
A spate of recent cases concerning the application of double tax treaties has seen the courts and tribunals striving for common¬sense, policy-driven outcomes.
Read moreJudicial review: does the Court of Appeal’s decision in Murphy offer taxpayers a glimmer of hope?
Judicial review provides a constitutionally important judicial check on the exercise of statutory powers by public bodies such as HMRC. However, the wide margin of appreciation afforded to public bodies by the courts, coupled with recent reforms to the judicial review process, make it a remedy of last resort that can be difficult for taxpayers to pursue successfully. In overturning the High Court’s refusal of the taxpayers’ judicial review claim, the Court of Appeal in Murphy v HMRC confirmed that HMRC had breached their legitimate expectation as to the application of an extra-statutory concession. While Murphy is unlikely to be the harbinger of a wholesale rebalancing of the judicial review scales in the taxpayer’s favour, it is a welcome step in the right direction.
Read moreFTT prevents HMRC from having two bites of the cherry!
In Lady Henrietta Pearson v HMRC [2014] UKFTT 890 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber) ('FTT') concluded that HMRC had "ignored" its previous decision by seeking to reduce the amount of a VAT refund which it had ordered HMRC make to Lady Henrietta Pearson ('the taxpayer').
Read moreRPC advises Bizet Media in its acquisition of High Wire Post Production
International law firm RPC has advised Bizet Media, the parent company of Milk VFX, in its acquisition of Dublin-based High Wire Post Production.
Read moreCorporate tax update – February 2023
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC's tax team.
Read moreCorporate tax update - January 2023
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC's tax team.
Read moreCorporate tax update - May 2022
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC's tax team.
Read moreCorporate tax update – January 2022
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC's tax team. As this edition is the first of the New Year we hope that you, your family and friends had a restful and enjoyable end to 2021.
Read moreCorporate Tax Update - July 2021
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team. This month’s update reports on some of the key developments from May and June 2021. Included in this update are news of the historic G7 agreement as to plans for global tax reform, summaries of two cases on the required formalities for bringing contractual claims for breach of warranty and pursuant to a tax covenant, and news of another win for HMRC in an ‘IR35’ case. As ever we hope you, your family and friends are all staying safe and are enjoying the summer.
Read moreCorporate Tax Update - January 2021
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team. This month’s update reports on some of the key developments from December 2020. Included in this update are summaries of an unexpected twist in the DAC6 saga, a call for evidence on VAT and the ‘sharing economy’, and the Court of Appeal decision in the Development Securities case. As ever we hope you, your family and friends are all staying safe.
Read moreCorporate Tax Update - October 2020
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team. This month’s update reports on some of the key developments from September 2020. Included in this update are summaries of the Chancellor’s tax announcements as part of the Winter Economy Plan and the EC’s decision to appeal the decision of the European General Court in the Apple state aid case. There are also updates on new HMRC guidance on off-payroll working for private businesses and the VAT treatment of payments for early termination of contracts. As ever we hope you, your family and friends are all staying safe.
Read moreCorporate Tax update - July 2020
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team. This month’s update reports on some of the key developments from June 2020. Included in this update are a summary of a decision on the correct tax treatment of bonuses paid to members of an LLP, and an AG’s opinion on the VAT reverse charge position of services supplied for non-economic activity purposes. There’s also an update on HMRC guidance on “exceptional” circumstances in which anticipated losses can be used to claim back overpaid corporation tax. Finally, this update also reports on Covid-19 driven extensions to DAC6 reporting deadlines and to deadlines for notifying VAT options to tax. As ever we hope you, your family and friends are all staying safe.
Read moreCorporate tax update - June 2020
Welcome to the latest edition of our corporate tax update, written by members of RPC’s tax team. This month’s update reports on some of the key developments from May 2020. As well as some further COVID-19 related tax developments, this month’s report also has a bit of a sports theme with summaries of decisions involving an ex-England cricket captain and football referees. As ever we hope you, your family and friends are all staying safe.
Read moreCorporate tax update - May 2020
Welcome to the latest edition of our corporate tax update, written by members of RPC's tax team. This month's update reports on the key developments from April 2020. April was not a “bumper” month for corporate tax developments but (as you would expect) there have been some Covid-19 related developments of note. This month's report also includes a summary of the Supreme Court's decision in Zipvit (on input VAT recovery). We hope you, your family and friends are all staying safe
Read moreCorporate failure to prevent tax evasion update – a policy is not enough
It is no secret that the government has a laser focus on making corporates pay for their roles in "facilitating" tax evasion. Recent figures show that HMRC are serious in their drive to hold companies responsible for tax evasion; even companies with seemingly watertight procedures are susceptible. Now is the time to ensure that your regimes are watertight.
Read moreCorporate tax update November 2019
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team. This month’s update reports on the key developments from September and October 2019. No update would be complete in the current climate without a report on a recent IR35 decision (this month, we bring you two). This month’s update also includes summaries as to HMRC’s latest thinking on the regime for offshore receipts in respect of intangible property, as well as case summaries on the interpretation of the UK-Irish double tax treaty, cross-border loss relief and the effect of statements in HMRC’s published manuals.
Read moreCorporate tax update September 2019
This month’s update reports on the key developments from August 2019. Although this was a relatively quiet month in the corporate tax world, this update includes summaries of an important Upper Tribunal decision on the correct tax treatment of “trail commissions” and a First-tier Tribunal decision on the recovery of pre-incorporation input VAT.
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