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All is not (necessarily) lost: Crypto crime recovery
With over 2 million people in the UK now holding and using cryptocurrency, and the Chancellor announcing that a government backed non-fungible token ("NFT") is to be issued by the Royal Mint this summer, the market for crypto-assets is expected to continue to grow in the coming months and years; so much so that legislation is planned to implement a new regulatory regime for the crypto market.
Read moreGreen claims update: February 2025
Welcome to our round-up of the key legal and regulatory developments relating to green claims.
Read moreThe EU Compliance headache you don't know you have? A priority primer on the European Accessibility Act
It is now less than a year until the EU Accessibility Act (EAA) comes into force, which will require businesses to ensure a range of products (eg smartphones and computers) and services (eg e-commerce services, consumer banking services, and ebooks) are accessible for persons with disabilities.
Read moreSeeing the wood for the trees: preparing for new deforestation due diligence rules in the UK and EU
Read moreThe Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive expert briefing
The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) was adopted on 24 May 2024 and was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 5 July. This means the law will enter into force 20 days later on 26 July, and will apply to companies from 2027.
Read moreFTT prevents HMRC from having two bites of the cherry!
In Lady Henrietta Pearson v HMRC [2014] UKFTT 890 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber) ('FTT') concluded that HMRC had "ignored" its previous decision by seeking to reduce the amount of a VAT refund which it had ordered HMRC make to Lady Henrietta Pearson ('the taxpayer').
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q4 2024
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q3 2024
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q2 2024
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q1 2024
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q4 2023
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q3 2023
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q2 2023
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q1 2023
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q4 2022
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q3 2022
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q2 2022
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q1 2022
Post-Covid and post-Brexit changes are on the horizon for the UK's public companies. This is the first of our regular updates to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read moreTechnology in Insurance
On 16 June 2022 RPC hosted an afternoon of talks and panel sessions on the theme of 'Technology in Insurance', the culmination of the firm's TechWeek which brings market experts and lawyers together to discuss risks and opportunities with new technologies within different business sectors.
Read moreModel Articles deemed unsuitable for sole director companies
A recent decision of the High Court in Hashmi v Lorimer-Wing [2022] EWHC 191 (Ch) has suggested that the model articles for private companies are not suitable for companies with a sole director appointed.
Read moreA guide to buying and selling English residential property
With the advent of COVID-19, Brexit and global market volatility, the mature, fast-moving English real estate sector faces unprecedented challenges. However history has shown the English residential property market to be particularly resilient and many consider this a time of unique opportunity.
Read moreA licence to kill... a licence
In the second of a number of short articles we are producing in relation to businesses in the tech space, we will be discussing a real life example of what not to do when diligencing a tech company and its third party IP licence agreements.
Read moreNew regulations to permit assignment of receivables under commercial contracts now in force
After more than four years of consultation, draft regulations and revisions, the Business Contract Terms (Assignment of Receivables) Regulations 2018 (the Regulations) have now taken effect, and apply to all relevant contracts entered into on or after 31 December 2018.
Read moreHuawei and UK National Security - A new technology cold war?
Chinese technology giant, Huawei, has been making plenty of headlines recently. First, a number of Western governments (including the US, Australia and New Zealand) have banned Huawei equipment from being used in 5G networks, citing national security concerns. Next, Huawei's CFO was arrested in Canada in connection with alleged breaches of international sanctions.
Read moreHarmful Online Choice Architecture: ASA criticises Nike and Sky for “dark pattern” tactics
What must businesses do to ensure that their ads do not fall foul of the ASA and CMA’s ongoing investigations into harmful choice architecture and dark pattern tactics?
Read moreAgreements to agree: Price for goods “to be fixed” by agreement results in partially enforceable contract
Where a contract for the sale of goods did not expressly specify the price for a portion of the goods, was the contract for the sale of those goods, or an element of it, enforceable or unenforceable as a mere agreement to agree?
Read moreInfluencer posts and affiliate links: the whole marketing chain must know the rules
Why did the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) rule against Sainsbury’s on the use of an affiliate link by an influencer (noting that Sainsbury’s had no involvement in the creation of the post) and what steps could Sainsbury’s take to help prevent the problem from happening again?
Read moreConstruing material adverse effect/material adverse change clauses
How did the courts go about construing a material adverse effect definition (MAE) in a share purchase agreement (SPA) to determine whether an event constituted a MAE so as to discharge the buyers from their obligation to close the transaction?
Read moreTravel agent found to have misled consumers with “from” price claims
How can advertisers avoid misleading consumers when using “from” price claims?
Read moreReasonable notice termination not construed or implied into a contract with detailed termination provisions
Where a contract contains comprehensive termination provisions, in what circumstances will the court avoid construing or implying an additional right to terminate on reasonable notice?
Read moreASA rules against telecoms companies on mid-contract price rises
What steps should be taken to ensure contractual mid-term price rises don’t fall foul of advertising regulations or Ofcom’s existing and incoming transparency rules?
Read moreEffect of a contractual liability cap on set-off and contractual interest
Under a contract’s liability cap, should the cap be applied separately to each party’s liability before any set-off or after calculating the net financial position between the parties?
Read moreRound up of recent green claims
Round up of recent green claims: Key updates and sector-specific updates
Read moreSnapshots Winter 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Autumn 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreCourt infers novation despite 'no dealings' clause
Magee and others v Crocker and others [2024] EWHC 1723 (Ch)
Read moreDetermining whether a default interest clause is an unenforceable penalty
Houssein & Others v London Credit Limited & Another [2024] EWCA Civ 721
Read moreAgent authority in contract variation
Advanced Multi-Technology for Medical Industry and others v Uniserve Ltd and others [2024] EWHC 1725 (Ch)
Read moreContract construction – adjective at the start of a list found to qualify the entire list
Cantor Fitzgerald & Co v Yes Bank Ltd [2024] EWCA Civ 695
Read moreUpdated CAP guidance on when in-game purchases are considered 'advertising'
When and how does the CAP Code apply to the advertising of in-game purchases such as "loot boxes" in apps and video games?
Read moreASA continues to scrutinise aviation green claims
What can we learn from the Advertising Standards Authority's (ASA) recent rulings against green claims in the aviation industry?
Read moreASA rules on impact of historic environmental performance on green claims
How does the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) say about poor historic environmental behaviour in respect of green claims?
Read moreIAB Europe's 12 guiding principles for the 2024-2029 EU legal agenda
What principles will guide IAB Europe in the upcoming EU legal agenda?
Read moreASA rules that ad is not sufficient where influencers also have business interests
Why could Zoe and Huel not rely on a #ad disclosure in ads promoted by the famous entrepreneur, Steven Bartlett? And what does this mean for brands where the individual featured in their ads has a business interest in them?
Read moreHeating and insulation green claims under CMA review
What is the Competition and Markets Authority's (CMA) new guidance on the marketing of heating and insulation products and how does this fit into the wider consumer protection picture?
Read moreSnapshots Summer 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Spring 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Winter 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Autumn 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Summer 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
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