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Look to the future: Trainees take on 2019
The trainees didn't fare too badly with their 2018 predictions. They doubted England's ability to make it past the group stages of the World Cup, but foresaw how Brexit would dominate the news agenda. They over-optimistically predicted the introduction of automated bundling, but came very close on the value of Bitcoin. Read on to see this year's predictions.
Read moreBrexit - a legal analysis: IP rights
IP rights in the UK are all influenced and moulded to a greater or lesser degree by European law.
Read moreSnapshots Winter 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Autumn 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Summer 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Spring 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Winter 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Autumn 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Summer 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Spring 2023
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Winter 2022
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreNetflix files lawsuit over 'Unofficial Bridgerton Musical'
On 29 July, Netflix filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. against two TikTok stars, Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, alleging that their Grammy-winning “The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical” project infringed the hit show's intellectual property rights.
Read moreStream on! CMA halts plans to investigate music streaming market
The UK's Competition & Markets Authority recently published its interim report on the music streaming market, prompting mixed responses from the music industry. Record labels, publishers and streaming providers appear generally pleased with the findings, but various artists, musicians, songwriters and managers say they believe it has underdelivered.
Read moreParliamentary Group urges UK government to help musicians and crew tour Europe more easily
The All-Parliamentary Group on Music (a cross-party group of more than 100 MPS and Peers) together with representatives from the music industry set out the urgent steps the Government needs to take to help UK musicians following Brexit.
Read moreCMA ends its investigation into online console gaming subscription practices
The UK Competition Markets Authority (CMA) has now closed its investigation into subscription practices in the online console gaming sector after key players Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft committed to making improvements to their contract terms with a view to better protecting customers.
Read moreEurovision contestant and Rudimental come out on pop in copyright dispute
Coming out on pop: Rudimental's single Waiting All Night, composed by Eurovision 2021 contestant James Newman, was not the product of copying a song written in 2001 by a contestant on the Voice UK.
Read more(Sex) Pistols at dawn over Danny Boyle's new biopic series
Sex Pistols band members accuse frontman John Lydon of being No Fun and creating Anarchy for refusing to authorise licences for the use of the band's music in Danny Boyle's forthcoming TV series, Pistol.
Read moreWho gets to deliver my news? - Ofcom starts its consultation on changes to media ownership restrictions
Ofcom is looking to update old rules governing media ownership in the UK to reflect consumers increased access to news online and the fragmented use of traditional media, and the implications of reform could be far reaching.
Read moreStreaming platforms to consolidate? "The stuff that dreams are made of"
Discovery and AT&T's WarnerMedia are merging to create a streaming behemoth named Warner Bros. Discovery, and Amazon is reportedly in talks to acquire Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM). Will this mark a trend in the consolidation of streaming platforms, and what are the implications?
Read moreCourt of Appeal upholds copyright infringement decision against digital radio aggregator
The Court of Appeal has refused TuneIn's appeal of a 2019 judgment finding that it had infringed the copyright of Warner and Sony by linking to online radio stations.
Read moreUK Courts find hidden voice in film authorship dispute
The Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC) has found that there was there was an additional joint author of the Florence Foster Jenkins screenplay – in a decision of significant relevance to the film industry.
Read moreReproduction of infringing content online: who's liable?
Keyword advertising, search engine optimisation and liability for infringement via online marketplaces: In recent years, there has been a plethora of cases concerning the various ways that trade marks may be infringed, through use on the internet.
Read moreThe Times recognises RPC among Best Law Firms 2024
International law firm, RPC, has been recognised by The Times in its Best Law Firms 2024 report, an annual ranking of the top 250 law firms in England and Wales.
Read moreAll is not (necessarily) lost: Crypto crime recovery
With over 2 million people in the UK now holding and using cryptocurrency, and the Chancellor announcing that a government backed non-fungible token ("NFT") is to be issued by the Royal Mint this summer, the market for crypto-assets is expected to continue to grow in the coming months and years; so much so that legislation is planned to implement a new regulatory regime for the crypto market.
Read moreHong Kong Employment Law Update: Mandatory Provident Fund offsetting mechanism to be abolished after decade-long debate and campaigning
Following on from our brief update published on 9 June 2022, this article provides a detailed overview of the amendments put forward by the long-awaited Employment and Retirement Schemes Legislation (Offsetting Arrangement) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (the "Bill"), which was finally passed by the Legislative Council on 9 June 2022. The main feature of the Bill is the abolishment of the offsetting mechanism of the Mandatory Provident Fund ("MPF").
Read moreHong Kong Wage Subsidy Update – Government announces new round of Employment Support Scheme
The Government has at last finalized the details of the new round of Employment Support Scheme ("2022 ESS"). The purpose of the 2022 ESS to offer limited time financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises through providing wage subsidies to encourage enterprises to increase employment and to retain employees who would otherwise be made redundant.
Read moreIncreased penalty for employers who employ overstayers
Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 (“IAO”)
Read moreHong Kong's Legislative Council to consider Cancellation of MPF Offsetting
Under the Employment Ordinance, employers can offset long service payment or severance payment due to an employee against the employer's mandatory and voluntary contributions to the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF), Hong Kong's pension system.
Read moreReimbursement of Maternity Leave Pay Scheme in Hong Kong
Hong Kong's statutory maternity leave has been extended from 10 weeks to 14 weeks with effect from 11 December 2020. From 1 April 2021, the Hong Kong Government has started accepting applications to reimburse employers' payment in respect of the extended period of maternity leave.
Read moreCOVID 19 Your workforce: What on earth is "furlough"?
Meaning of furlough, especially in the context of companies dealing with the impact of COVID-19.
Read moreCOVID-19 Your workforce: pay and costs - practical ideas our clients are exploring
COVID-19 Your workforce: pay and costs - practical ideas our clients are exploring. These are extraordinary times that place extraordinary pressures on all of us, including dealing with your workforce. We set out below some ideas that we are hearing about from our clients and some areas you may wish to think about in terms of your employee costs.
Read moreCOVID-19 Your workforce: supporting mental health when home working
COVID-19 Your workforce: supporting mental health when home working. Many of us are working from home during this crisis and while this can be an effective way of working for some, it is less happy for others; loneliness, caring for vulnerable dependants and challenging home environments are all being experienced. There may be members of your teams who fall into these categories.
Read moreParliamentary 'wash up' – which Bills made it through?
On 22 May 2024, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that a General Election will take place on 4 July 2024. Parliament was then prorogued on 24 May 2024 which allowed a mere 2 days for 'wash up' - the process by which outstanding bills may be rushed through the parliamentary process.
Read moreOfcom's 'Roadmap to Regulation' underway with its consultation on illegal harms duties under the Online Safety Act
In November, Ofcom, as new online safety regulator, published the first of four major consultations under the Online Safety Act ("OSA"), which sets out its proposals for how "user-to-user" ("U2U") services (essentially any online website or app that allows users to interact with each other) and online search services (i.e. Google, Bing and similar) should approach their illegal content duties under the new legislation. The consultation provides guidance in a number of areas including governance, content moderation, reporting and complaints mechanisms, terms of service, supporting child users, and user empowerment.
Read moreThe Online Safety Bill is set to become law
The Online Safety Bill will shortly become law in the UK as soon as it receives Royal Assent. The legislation will introduce a new regulatory regime for online platforms and search engines which target the UK, imposing wide-ranging obligations on in-scope services with serious consequences for non-compliance.
Read moreBanking and Financial Markets Litigation Update - Summer 2024
This update is brought to you by RPC’s top tier banking and financial markets disputes practice in London, with specialists in all areas of financial markets litigation (and arbitration) and a wealth of expertise including frequent involvement in the most complex, high-value, and high-profile disputes in the sphere. Here, we take a look at some of the most important judgments in recent months.
Read moreArbitration or winding up?
In But Ka Chon v Interactive Brokers LLC [2019] HKCA 873, the Hong Kong Court of Appeal upheld a lower court's decision to reject an application to set aside a statutory demand. The appellant had argued (among other things) that an arbitration clause in his agreement with the respondent required their dispute to be referred to arbitration.
Read moreHarmful Online Choice Architecture: ASA criticises Nike and Sky for “dark pattern” tactics
What must businesses do to ensure that their ads do not fall foul of the ASA and CMA’s ongoing investigations into harmful choice architecture and dark pattern tactics?
Read moreAgreements to agree: Price for goods “to be fixed” by agreement results in partially enforceable contract
Where a contract for the sale of goods did not expressly specify the price for a portion of the goods, was the contract for the sale of those goods, or an element of it, enforceable or unenforceable as a mere agreement to agree?
Read moreInfluencer posts and affiliate links: the whole marketing chain must know the rules
Why did the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) rule against Sainsbury’s on the use of an affiliate link by an influencer (noting that Sainsbury’s had no involvement in the creation of the post) and what steps could Sainsbury’s take to help prevent the problem from happening again?
Read moreConstruing material adverse effect/material adverse change clauses
How did the courts go about construing a material adverse effect definition (MAE) in a share purchase agreement (SPA) to determine whether an event constituted a MAE so as to discharge the buyers from their obligation to close the transaction?
Read moreTravel agent found to have misled consumers with “from” price claims
How can advertisers avoid misleading consumers when using “from” price claims?
Read moreReasonable notice termination not construed or implied into a contract with detailed termination provisions
Where a contract contains comprehensive termination provisions, in what circumstances will the court avoid construing or implying an additional right to terminate on reasonable notice?
Read moreASA rules against telecoms companies on mid-contract price rises
What steps should be taken to ensure contractual mid-term price rises don’t fall foul of advertising regulations or Ofcom’s existing and incoming transparency rules?
Read moreEffect of a contractual liability cap on set-off and contractual interest
Under a contract’s liability cap, should the cap be applied separately to each party’s liability before any set-off or after calculating the net financial position between the parties?
Read moreRound up of recent green claims
Round up of recent green claims: Key updates and sector-specific updates
Read moreCourt infers novation despite 'no dealings' clause
Magee and others v Crocker and others [2024] EWHC 1723 (Ch)
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