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UK Government introduces “suspension” of wrongful trading provisions
In March 2020, Business Secretary Alok Sharma announced that provisions on wrongful trading would be suspended. The move came as part of a wider package of measures that sought to provide assistance to businesses – and their beleaguered boards – experiencing financial distress due to Covid-19. Now set out in the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (CIGA), which was passed on 26 June 2020, the provisions adapt the wrongful trading regime making directors’ liability for the “relevant period” unlikely.
Read moreRetail Compass Summer edition 2020
Welcome to the Summer 2020 edition of Retail Compass – our guide to key upcoming legal and policy changes affecting Retail and our thoughts on the need-to-know issues.
Read moreTerraLex virtual meeting: The new wave of M&A
In this video presentation, RPC's Neil Brown and Paul Joukador meet with Lori Green and Rick McGuirk to discuss issues related to force majeure, frustration of purpose, material adverse change, and how they’ve been impacted and will likely change in the post-pandemic world.
Read moreCOVID-19 legal update – Your workforce: Could workers who can work from home (and their employers) break the law by returning to the workplace too soon?
The government has stated that that those who can work from home should do so and those who cannot should go to work. Is it an offence to go to the place of work when it is possible to work from home?
Read moreThe ASA bites back – Burger King 'Rebel Whopper' ads ruled to be misleading and in breach of advertising rules
At the start of the year, Veganuary hit the headlines, with the British public challenged to ditch animal by-products in favour of a plant-based diet for the month of January.
Read moreThe ASA bites back – Burger King 'Rebel Whopper' ads ruled to be misleading and in breach of advertising rules
At the start of the year, Veganuary hit the headlines, with the British public challenged to ditch animal by-products in favour of a plant-based diet for the month of January.
Read moreGive retailers a break, lawyers tell creditors
Lawyers have called for a break on winding-up petitions against retailers as they fail to pay creditors due to the outbreak. So far, retailers have been hit with 52 winding-up petitions since the beginning of the year, with the numbers accelerating since the coronavirus outbreak took hold, according to lawyers at RPC.
Read moreCould I mitigate my losses by using my premises for other purposes?
With the inevitable impact of the coronavirus on retail businesses, many will be looking to mitigate their losses. One obvious way of doing this would be to use their premises, often their single largest overhead, for other uses. But is this possible and what must you consider?
Read moreCOVID-19 HK: Employment Update
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it is anticipated that more and more businesses will need to make plans for cost-cutting measures.
Read moreCOVID-19: Your workforce – furloughing - act to mitigate the risk of exposure to tax evasion offences as scheme could be open to abuse
Jim Harra, Chief Executive at HMRC, has informed a Treasury Committee meeting that he expects the government's multi-billion pound employee furlough scheme to be targeted by criminals seeking to exploit the £60 billion pledged in Chancellor Rishi Sunak's unprecedented Coronavirus protection package.
Read moreCOVID-19: The groceries sector - temporary competition law exemption comes into force
In light of "exceptional and compelling reasons of public policy" arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, the Secretary of State (the "SoS") has announced temporary competition law arrangements in the groceries sector.
Read moreHot off the Press: COVID-19 - Your workforce: a Q&A on claiming for wage costs through the Job Retention Scheme
On 26th March, HMRC issued guidance on claiming for wage costs through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. We explore some answers to key questions and add some questions of our own.
Read moreCOVID-19 Your workforce: a caution against putting equality on the backburner
UK business, like much of the rest of the world, is and will, for some time, remain firmly in the grip of COVID-19's tentacles.
Read moreCOVID 19 Your workforce: What on earth is "furlough"?
Meaning of furlough, especially in the context of companies dealing with the impact of COVID-19.
Read moreCOVID-19 Your workforce: pay and costs - practical ideas our clients are exploring
COVID-19 Your workforce: pay and costs - practical ideas our clients are exploring. These are extraordinary times that place extraordinary pressures on all of us, including dealing with your workforce. We set out below some ideas that we are hearing about from our clients and some areas you may wish to think about in terms of your employee costs.
Read moreCOVID-19 Your workforce: supporting mental health when home working
COVID-19 Your workforce: supporting mental health when home working. Many of us are working from home during this crisis and while this can be an effective way of working for some, it is less happy for others; loneliness, caring for vulnerable dependants and challenging home environments are all being experienced. There may be members of your teams who fall into these categories.
Read moreChanging retail landscape leads to decline in employee numbers
The retail sector continues to face change and challenge from every conceivable angle and employment within the sector is following this trend.
Read moreSharpen your blue pencil: the doctrine of severance in employment cases
In Tillman v Egon Zehnder Ltd [2019] UKSC 32, one such business asked the Supreme Court to reconsider the law and to change it to be fit for modern day purposes. In its landmark judgment handed down in July, the Supreme Court has done so. The core facts of the case are not unusual. Egon Zehnder (EZ) is a global specialist executive search and recruitment business. EZ recruited Mary-Caroline Tillman in 2004. As the High Court judge observed, the company regarded Ms Tillman as “a bit special”. She was recruited into a senior role on a salary of £120,000 and first year bonus of £100,000 and then rose steadily through the ranks of the organisation. By 2012, Ms Tillman was joint global head of the company’s financial services practice and a shareholder in the Swiss holding company.
Read moreFixing Fast Fashion: Parliament aims to put the brakes on retailers
'Fast fashion' has been providing inexpensive, up to date styles to the mass market for decades, keeping the consumer both on trend, and in the black. However, as society becomes increasingly aware of the environmental and social impact of the retail sector, Parliament has thrown a spotlight upon the sustainability of 'fast fashion' and the modern retailing practices which underpin it.
Read morePut your little stone in the great mosaic
IWD is a day designed to galvanize such desire for change into real, sustainable action by people, by business and by government. And on Thursday 8th March many of us will pause for thought. In our reflections, one question will come up time and time again: what can I actually do to improve gender equality?
Read moreAdvertisement consent – five rules for retailers
A summary of advertisement control for retailers in England, including deemed consent provisions, applications, standard conditions and discontinuance orders.
Read moreGender Pay Gap Reporting – are you ready?
Hear Patrick Brodie and Kelly Thomson discuss the requirements on businesses to comply with Gender Pay Gap Reporting legislation.
Read moreSome holiday pay reading
A new decision on holiday pay and commission.
Read moreEmployment update, December 2015
Implied terms: when can a term be implied into a contract?
Read moreEmployment update, November 2015
Penalty clauses: what is the test where a clause is claimed to be unenforceable?
Read moreEmployment update, October 2015
Whistleblowing: A dispute about terms of employment can be a matter of “public interest”
Read moreEmployment update, September 2015
HR assistance in disciplinary procedures: how much is too much?
Read moreRestrictive Covenant Clause Enforced Despite it Containing a Drafting Error
The High Court has just handed down its judgment in the case of Prophet Plc v Huggett.
Read moreDifferent Emails, Read Together, Can be a Qualifying Whistleblowing Disclosure
In the case of Norbrook Laboratories (2B) Limited v Shaw the EAT considered whether emails sent to different recipients could be taken as a whole to amount to a qualifying disclosure for the purposes of a whistleblowing claim.
Read moreBritish National Working Overseas Has No Right to Bring a Claim in the Employment Tribunals
For employers who engage staff to work overseas, determining whether the can bring a claim in the Employment Tribunals is becoming increasing difficult.
Read moreCollective Redundancy Consultation: Expiry of Fixed Term Contract Does Not Count Towards 20+ Headcount
University College v University of Stirling [2014] CSIH 5.
Read moreReport Card
We're casting our critical eye over the Government's employment law proposals and writing its school report.
Read moreFaith and Freedom
In a debate that has lasted several years, one of my colleagues and I have been at odds on the case of Lillian Ladele, the Islington registrar who refused to conduct civil partnership ceremonies.
Read moreHarmful Online Choice Architecture: ASA criticises Nike and Sky for “dark pattern” tactics
What must businesses do to ensure that their ads do not fall foul of the ASA and CMA’s ongoing investigations into harmful choice architecture and dark pattern tactics?
Read moreAgreements to agree: Price for goods “to be fixed” by agreement results in partially enforceable contract
Where a contract for the sale of goods did not expressly specify the price for a portion of the goods, was the contract for the sale of those goods, or an element of it, enforceable or unenforceable as a mere agreement to agree?
Read moreInfluencer posts and affiliate links: the whole marketing chain must know the rules
Why did the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) rule against Sainsbury’s on the use of an affiliate link by an influencer (noting that Sainsbury’s had no involvement in the creation of the post) and what steps could Sainsbury’s take to help prevent the problem from happening again?
Read moreConstruing material adverse effect/material adverse change clauses
How did the courts go about construing a material adverse effect definition (MAE) in a share purchase agreement (SPA) to determine whether an event constituted a MAE so as to discharge the buyers from their obligation to close the transaction?
Read moreTravel agent found to have misled consumers with “from” price claims
How can advertisers avoid misleading consumers when using “from” price claims?
Read moreReasonable notice termination not construed or implied into a contract with detailed termination provisions
Where a contract contains comprehensive termination provisions, in what circumstances will the court avoid construing or implying an additional right to terminate on reasonable notice?
Read moreASA rules against telecoms companies on mid-contract price rises
What steps should be taken to ensure contractual mid-term price rises don’t fall foul of advertising regulations or Ofcom’s existing and incoming transparency rules?
Read moreEffect of a contractual liability cap on set-off and contractual interest
Under a contract’s liability cap, should the cap be applied separately to each party’s liability before any set-off or after calculating the net financial position between the parties?
Read moreRound up of recent green claims
Round up of recent green claims: Key updates and sector-specific updates
Read moreSnapshots Winter 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreSnapshots Autumn 2024
A roundup of key legal developments for the modern commercial lawyer.
Read moreCourt infers novation despite 'no dealings' clause
Magee and others v Crocker and others [2024] EWHC 1723 (Ch)
Read moreDetermining whether a default interest clause is an unenforceable penalty
Houssein & Others v London Credit Limited & Another [2024] EWCA Civ 721
Read moreAgent authority in contract variation
Advanced Multi-Technology for Medical Industry and others v Uniserve Ltd and others [2024] EWHC 1725 (Ch)
Read moreContract construction – adjective at the start of a list found to qualify the entire list
Cantor Fitzgerald & Co v Yes Bank Ltd [2024] EWCA Civ 695
Read moreUpdated CAP guidance on when in-game purchases are considered 'advertising'
When and how does the CAP Code apply to the advertising of in-game purchases such as "loot boxes" in apps and video games?
Read moreASA continues to scrutinise aviation green claims
What can we learn from the Advertising Standards Authority's (ASA) recent rulings against green claims in the aviation industry?
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