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The Work Couch: Trans inclusion at work: how to be a good ally
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: What's on the horizon for employment law in 2024?
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: 12 days of Christmas - A look back at 12 key employment law developments from 2023
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreReforms to working time record-keeping, holiday pay and entitlement, and TUPE consultation
The government has issued its response to the consultation on reforms to retained EU employment law proposed earlier this year.
Read moreMenopause discrimination: Where are we now?
October heralded an important legal first when a Leicester employment tribunal began hearing the case of Rooney v Leicester City Council. It is the first case where a person's menopausal symptoms have been deemed by an appeal court to potentially amount to a disability for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Pregnancy loss and work (Part 2): How to support your people effectively
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Performance issues in a redundancy situation
Welcome to our recently launched podcast, The Work Couch. In this series, we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Bereavement at work
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreAdjusting your recruitment process for a candidate with a disability: What is reasonable?
The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has held that a failure to make enquiries into a job applicant's disability amounted to a failure to make reasonable adjustments.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Reforms to employment rights for parents and carers: Where are we now?
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Fertility challenges and work (Part 2): How to support your people
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreFertility challenges and work (Part 1): A partner's perspective
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Business protection (Part 2): Supporting and retaining senior talent
Read moreAn introduction to TUPE (Part 2): The TUPE journey
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Pregnancy loss and work (Part 1): Does the law reflect expected work cultures?
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Sexual harassment in a post #MeToo era – (Part 2) with Macaela Joyes
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Business protection (Part 1): When a senior executive leaves
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreSenior executive leaving? Six steps to protect your business
When an executive or key strategic employee departs your organisation, protecting your organisation's business interests is paramount.
Read moreTips On Implementing Menopause Support Policies At Work
The conversation around menopause and its associated challenges is undoubtedly becoming more open and frequent, with people in the public eye speaking out about their experiences and urging women and others experiencing menopause to seek support and treatment.
Read moreThe Mandatory Reference Checking Scheme – Part 1: Employees' rights and entitlements
Following up on our previous article on the obligations of authorized institutions ("AI") as Recruiting AIs and Reference Providing AIs under the Mandatory Reference Checking Scheme (the "MRC Scheme"), this article shifts the focus onto the rights of a prospective employee under the MRC Scheme.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Flexible Working
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read morePhase 1 of the Mandatory Reference Checking Scheme: What should employers look out for?
On 5 May 2022, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority ("HKMA") announced the implementation of the Mandatory Reference Checking Scheme (the "MRC Scheme") (including the guidelines) issued by the Hong Kong Association of Banks and the DTC Association (the "Guidelines").
Read moreThe Work Couch: Preventing sexual harassment post-#MeToo (Part 1): How do UK and Australian laws compare?
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreRepeal of provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination under the Employment Ordinance
The Labour Department announced on 12 April 2023 that the provisions under the Employment Ordinance ("EO") relating to a legitimate COVID-19 vaccination request (the "Vaccination Provisions") will be repealed with effect on 16 June 2023, one year after they first came into effect on 17 June 2022.
Read moreAn introduction to TUPE (Part 1): Why does it matter?
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: How is the Cost of Living crisis affecting DEIB?
Welcome to our recently launched podcast, The Work Couch. In this series, we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe impact of menopause in the workplace
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast that covers everything employment. In celebration of International Women's Day, we have chosen to devote our first episode to menopause in the workplace and how the law currently protects affected employees.
Read moreExpansion of the Pilot Scheme on Immigration Facilitation for Visitors Participating in Short-term Activities in Designated Sectors
The "Pilot Scheme on Immigration Facilitation for Visitors Participating in Short-term Activities in Designated Sectors" (the "Pilot Scheme") was launched back on 1 June 2022 to last for two years.
Read moreEquality Act recognises there is no comparable situation to pregnancy discrimination…so why is menopause treated differently?
International law firm RPC says there is 'innate inconsistency' in saying law already protects against menopause discrimination, while arguing proposed change would create new legal risks
Read moreEmpathetic leadership is key to understanding menopause in the workplace
Employers, business leaders and managers must be proactive in understanding the realities of the menopause and providing appropriate support, writes Kelly Thomson
Read moreDeadline for responses to hybrid / distance working review brought forward
At the height of summer 2022 the (soon to be disbanded) Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) announced a review (the Review) into the emerging trends, and tax implications, of hybrid and distance working.
Read moreAt a Glance: Recent Changes to Hong Kong Employment Law You Should Know About
The past year has seen a number of major changes in Hong Kong employment law, many of which have been years in the making. This short article summarises the key developments and changes since mid-2021 that employers should take note of.
Read moreCovid as a disability in Hong Kong
In the recent landmark case of Burke v Turning Point Scotland, a Scottish Tribunal confirmed that "long Covid" amounted to a disability under the UK Equality Act 2010.
Read moreHong Kong Employment Law Update: Mandatory Provident Fund offsetting mechanism to be abolished after decade-long debate and campaigning
Following on from our brief update published on 9 June 2022, this article provides a detailed overview of the amendments put forward by the long-awaited Employment and Retirement Schemes Legislation (Offsetting Arrangement) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (the "Bill"), which was finally passed by the Legislative Council on 9 June 2022. The main feature of the Bill is the abolishment of the offsetting mechanism of the Mandatory Provident Fund ("MPF").
Read moreHong Kong data protection: cross-border transfers of personal data
We take a closer look at businesses' obligations under Hong Kong law to protect personal data in a cross-border transfer and the new recommended model contractual clauses.
Read moreHong Kong's Legislative Council approves Employment Ordinance amendments to address employment issues arising from anti-epidemic measures
On 15 June 2022, the Hong Kong Legislative Council passed the Employment (Amendment) Bill 2022 ("Bill"), which was gazetted earlier in February this year. The purpose of the Bill is to address employment-related issues arising from the government's anti-epidemic measures.
Read moreHow should employers protect personal data? A review of the Nikkei data breach
The recent investigation report on the hacking of the email systems of Nikkei China (Hong Kong) Limited ("Nikkei") published by the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data ("PCPD") on 17 February 2022 is a helpful reminder to employers to protect against cyberattacks and ensure compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (the "Ordinance").
Read moreHong Kong's Legislative Council approves Cancellation of MPF Offsetting
On 9 June 2022, the Legislative Council passed the Employment and Retirement Schemes Legislation (Offsetting Arrangement) (Amendment) Bill, which abolishes the controversial MPF offsetting mechanism.
Read moreDismissal for refusing to attend work during Covid-19 lockdown: automatically unfair?
The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has found the dismissal of an employee, who refused to attend work during the first Covid-19 lockdown due to concerns about his vulnerable child, was not automatically unfair.
Read moreHow to prevent discrimination in the Workplace: practical advice for Hong Kong employers
Hong Kong law prohibits discrimination in the workplace. Unless an exemption applies, it is unlawful to directly or indirectly discriminate on the grounds of sex, marital status, pregnancy, breastfeeding, disability, family status and race (each a "protected characteristic").
Read moreHong Kong Wage Subsidy Update – Government announces new round of Employment Support Scheme
The Government has at last finalized the details of the new round of Employment Support Scheme ("2022 ESS"). The purpose of the 2022 ESS to offer limited time financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises through providing wage subsidies to encourage enterprises to increase employment and to retain employees who would otherwise be made redundant.
Read moreThe obligation to provide tribunal documents to journalists
In Guardian News & Media Ltd v Rozanov and EFG Private Bank Ltd [2022] EAT 12, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) set out some useful guidance on the correct approach to third- party documentation requests, including where a request is made by a journalist for skeleton arguments, witness statements and documents referred to in the judgment.
Read moreThe Employment (Amendment) Bill 2022 and what it means in light of the potential citywide lockdown
In an attempt to further curb the soaring number of daily cases of coronavirus infections, in addition to the vaccine pass scheme, Hong Kong may be facing its first citywide lockdown later this month. In light of these anti-epidemic measures, the Employment (Amendment) Bill 2022 (the "Bill") was gazetted on 25 February 2022, which sought to strike a balance between implementing various anti-epidemic measures to protect public health and preserving employees' statutory rights and benefits.
Read moreEmployees leaving Hong Kong: What can employers do to recruit and retain staff?
Recently there have been a number of news articles in which employers in Hong Kong are expressing their concern over the high numbers of employees leaving the city and a lack of new arrivals.
Read moreProposed amendments the Employment Ordinance announced by the government on Tuesday, 8 February 2022
Unvaccinated persons will be banned from entering an additional six types of premises, namely shopping malls, department stores, religious venues, supermarkets, wet markets and hair salons under a "vaccine pass" scheme, which is to be launched later this month on 24 February 2022. From 24 February 2022 onwards, only persons who received at least the first dose will be allowed to enter regulated premises using the LeaveHomeSafe app and presenting their vaccination record.
Read moreHong Kong Employment: Settlement Agreements
International news has recently been filled with talk about settlement agreements – in particular, a settlement agreement concerning Prince Andrew. How should a settlement agreement be prepared under the laws of Hong Kong? In this article, we will consider what should be included in a settlement agreement in the context of an employment relationship.
Read moreRecent judgment on ad hoc admission of overseas counsel tells of wider COVID-19 story
Applications for ad hoc admission, pursuant to section 27(4) of the Ordinance, are fact dependent and the relevant legal principles are well-established.
Read moreHong Kong Court grants injunction to enforce non-compete
Interlocutory injunction to enforce employee’s post-termination paid non-compete clause
Read moreIncreased penalty for employers who employ overstayers
Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 (“IAO”)
Read moreInvestigation and Disciplinary Action: Law and Practice in Hong Kong
Where an employer suspects its employee(s) has committed an act of misconduct, an employer should take reasonable steps to find out what has happened. The earlier an employer learns about the misconduct, the better. A proper investigation into the issue may give the employer a fighting chance of resolving it, addressing it and, even if it doesn't, might at least give the employer a defence to a future lawsuit.
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