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Wilko becomes 'yet another casualty' of tough economic conditions facing UK retailers
'Perfect storm' of rising interest rates, increased energy bills, supply chain issues and squeezed customer spending is hitting retailers hard
Read moreTHE RISE OF THE DE-INFLUENCER: What does this mean for brands?
Over the past decade, advertisers have increasingly capitalised on the 'influence' of influencers to help shape and create consumer demand for their products and services. In turn, influencers are able to monetise their social media content and connections with brands, creating a symbiotic relationship between the two.
Read moreUK retail M&A deals increase 23% in the last year, a five-year high
Number of deals rose from 31 in 2021/22 to 38 for 2022/23
Read moreLifting the Lid on Retail Diversity and Inclusion: Tackling the Challenges
On 4 July 2023, RPC partnered with the British Retail Consortium (BRC) to host the conference 'Lifting the Lid on Retail Diversity and Inclusion: Tackling the Challenges'.
Read more2023 Gambling Act White Paper: The new age of gambling regulation
How will the EU’s proposed withdrawal button impact businesses?
Read moreEuropean Commission proposes new rules on repairing defective goods
How will the EU’s proposed withdrawal button impact businesses?
Read moreEU proposal for all distance contracts to include a withdrawal button
How will the EU’s proposed withdrawal button impact businesses?
Read moreNew ICO guidance on direct marketing and regulatory communications
When is a regulatory communication (ie a message sent in compliance with a regulator’s request) likely to be considered direct marketing?
Read moreThe Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill and its impact on digital markets
What impact will the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill (DMCC), and the new Digital Markets Unit of the Competition and Markets Authority (DMU), have on the regulation of UK digital markets?
Read moreNew development – Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill
How will the EU’s proposed withdrawal button impact businesses?
Read moreThe UK’s Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill – a first look at the new regime
What are they key legislative developments proposed by the first draft of the new UK Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill?
Read moreNew development General Product Safety Regulation
How will the EU’s proposed withdrawal button impact businesses?
Read moreInsolvencies of retail businesses jump 56% in past year to hit decade high
The number of retail business insolvencies jumped 56% in the past year, to hit the highest levels in at least a decade - 1,942 in 2022/23, up from 1,243 in 2021/22 shows new research from international law firm RPC.
Read moreA shifting landscape? The outlook for data regulation in 2023
With a relatively new Information Commissioner in the UK and a renewed focus on getting post-Brexit data protection laws through Parliament, attention is turning to the ICO’s priorities and how they fit into this new landscape.
Read moreTransitioning to a net zero economy
The TPT has published a draft disclosure framework and implementation guidance for private sector entities to transition to a net zero economy, making recommendations for companies and financial institutions to develop gold-standard transition plans.
Read moreCSRD: shakeup of the EU's sustainability reporting rules
The EU’s new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) entered into force on 5 January 2023.
Read moreDeposit Return Scheme: Key considerations for drinks producers and retailers in the UK
Defra has now responded to its consultation on the introduction of a DRS in England, Wales and NI. The DRS will require retailers to charge a small fee on certain drinks containers sold, which consumers can reclaim if they return the container to a designated return point.
Read moreEU set to tackle greenwashing with Green Claims Directive
On the 22 March 2023, the European Commission published its proposal for a new 'Green Claims Directive' setting out standardised rules for the assessment, substantiation and communication of green claims.
Read moreGoing Green – staying on the right side of competition law
Environmental issues are high on the agenda for many consumers and businesses alike. They are also increasingly an area of focus for competition authorities around the world, including the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), who are keen to ensure that competition law concerns do not unnecessarily prevent businesses from collaborating legitimately on environmental sustainability initiatives.
Read moreRPC Senior Partner secures second term
International firm RPC has reappointed Oliver Bray for a second term as Senior Partner with unanimous support.
Read moreLuxury today - go green or go home?
"Sustainability" is the new buzzword in marketing.
Read moreNew REUL? How will the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) affect UK businesses?
When the Brexit transition period ended, so did the alignment of EU law with UK domestic law.
Read moreA bolstering of the consumer protection regime and some sharper teeth for the CMA – a first look at the new UK Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill
It's been a little over a year in the making, and it's been one of the most hotly anticipated legislative updates since it was first announced in April 2022, but the first draft of the UK's catchily titled Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill, is finally here.
Read moreManufacturers 'face risk of reputational damage if they fail to act over listeria product recalls'
Following today's news that thousands of Cadbury desserts made by Müller are being recalled following a food poisoning alert.
Read moreWhat are the 8 key legal changes ahead for retailers in 2023?
RPC's Retail Compass explores impact of regulatory reforms, rising ESG concerns and fast-evolving AI technology in difficult economic conditions.
Read moreHigh Stakes for Fakes: Authentication in the second-hand market for luxury goods
Pre-owned luxury items remain a hot topic in 2023. The online second-hand market for luxury goods has been growing over the course of the last decade and is currently estimated to be worth more than $30 billion with further surges predicted in years to come.
Read moreNew course opens opportunities to return to law as an in-house lawyer
The Centre for Legal Leadership has partnered with the Reignite Academy to run a one-day course to provide opportunities for “career break” lawyers to relaunch in an in-house (commercial) lawyer role.
Read moreNumber of retail M&A deals increases 30% since before the pandemic – 34 deals in 2022
Takeovers of distressed retailers comprised just under a quarter of all deals in 2022
Read moreGoing Green - Draft Sustainability Guidance from the CMA
Following its public consultation, the CMA has published its advice to government on how competition and consumer laws can help meet the UK's environmental goals.
Read moreM&S v Aldi – lookalike claims lit up by design rights
As lookalike products rise in prominence, the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court's (IPEC) recent ruling that the sale and advertisement of Aldi's 'Infusionist' range of favoured gins infringed M&S's UK registered designs protecting the light-up bottles containing its 'Snow Globe' gin range (Marks and Spencer PLC v Aldi Stores Limited [2023] EWHC 178) highlights the utility of registered design rights in circumstances where other intellectual property rights (IPR) are often less able to provide protection.
Read moreHermès victory over MetaBirkin reminds creators they need to be 'mindful of using other people's content'
International law firm RPC says decision should not be seen as an impingement on artists, but rather a reminder that intellectual property laws apply even in the metaverse
Read moreValue of fines issued by ICO increases threefold in a year – from £4.8m to £15m
Fines relating to data breaches account for a third of the overall value The largest fine issued was £7.5m
Read moreEdinburgh Reforms are 'a positive step in the right direction'
International law firm RPC says reforms will bring innovation and increased accessibility of consumer credit products
Read moreCasting your net zero ambitions: eight key steps for retailers
With climate change at the forefront of the ESG agenda, the employment relationship, and the opportunities to engage with the workforce on this subject, are crucial ingredients in the quest to becoming a truly green retailer.
Read moreThe Food, Beverage and Cosmetics Law Review: United Kingdom - Second Edition
RPC is excited to announce that the Second Edition UK chapter of the Food, Beverage and Cosmetics Law Review has been published and is available to download.
Read moreUK set to reform consumer protection legislation and its competitive regime
The UK is set to introduce a wide array of changes to its consumer protection legislation and competition regime. The focus of the changes revolves around giving greater protection to consumers over subscription traps, tackling fake reviews and improving enforcement. The latter is likely to bring in GDPR/competition law-level fines for breaches of consumer protection legislation or non-compliance with the CMA's investigations or remedies, with maximum fines of up to 10% of global annual turnover.
Read moreLookalikes and passing off—bottle design get-up claim (Au Vodka)
Currently there's significant activity in the lookalikes space. The Au Vodka claim (Au Vodka v NE10 Vodka [2022] EWHC 2371), which focuses on bottle design 'get-up', arrived in the courts for an interim injunction hearing in September 2022. Au Vodka's application was dismissed. The judgment shows that passing off—get-up claims based on shape can be challenging to bring, particularly at the interim stage, and prompts the question of whether it's possible to bring Cofemel and copyright into the lookalikes arena.
Read moreExtended producer responsibility for packaging: How to prepare
In the Spring 2022 edition of Retail Compass, we reported on the Government's consultation on regulations covering extended producer responsibility (EPR) which places the financial burden of dealing with packaging once it becomes waste on producers as opposed to taxpayers.
Read moreWhere to next for Buy Now Pay Later?
On Monday 20 June 2022, HM Treasury responded to its consultation on proposals to extend regulation to unregulated Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) products. This consultation closed in January 2022. The Treasury's response confirmed the scope of regulation will cover BNPL products and short-term interest free credit (STIFC) provided by third-party lenders.
Read moreOnline Sales Tax: the right way forward?
On 25 February 2022, HM Treasury launched a consultation exploring the possible introduction of an online sales tax (OST) to address the imbalance resulting from the higher business rates applying to in store retailers, compared to online businesses. The consultation closed on 20 May 2022.
Read moreIt's a supermarket sweep as HFSS products face sweeping promotion and placement restrictions
In an attempt to tackle obesity in the UK, in particular childhood obesity, a swathe of restrictions on the placement and promotion of HFSS products in-store and online will be introduced in phases from October 2022 to January 2024.
Read moreGreenwashing: UK regulators set their sights on misleading green claims with an increasing focus on sectors such as fashion retail and F&D
UK consumer regulators, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), are ramping up their enforcement of green claims to protect consumers from 'greenwashing'
Read moreThe Metaverse, green claims and data privacy – what critical issues lie ahead for retailers and consumer brands in Autumn 2022?
International law firm RPC launches the latest edition of Retail Compass
Read moreUK retail sector M&A deals increase to 34 – up 21% on last year
• M&A targeting fashion retailers particularly active
Read moreBusinesses face 'significant work ahead' to comply with FCA's new Consumer Duty
International law firm RPC says regulator has given companies 'little concession' on timeframe to implement change
Read moreFashion brands make up a quarter of ‘greenwashing’ complaints to the CMA
Fashion brands account for a quarter of complaints relating to unsubstantiated green claims since new guidelines were introduced last year, according to research from international law firm RPC.
Read moreImposing new Calorie labelling legislation 'couldn't be worse timing' for hospitality sector
International law firm RPC warns change could place increased financial burden on businesses only just beginning to recover from pandemic disruption
Read moreWhistleblower reports on National Minimum Wage breaches jump 37% within retail sector
The number of whistleblower reports relating to alleged National Minimum Wage breaches in the retail sector saw a 37% jump in the past year according to RPC, the international law firm.
Read moreCan Retail Bridge The Diversity Gap?
Kelly Thomson joins the British Retail Consortium's Retail Radio podcast, to discuss diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Read more10 retail companies list on UK markets this year compared to just three in last three years!
Rise fueled by e-commerce as eight online retailers go public this year
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