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Digital content under the new Consumer Rights Act
The Consumer Rights Act 2015 (CRA) comes into force on 1 October 2015. It will reform consumer law in the UK, in particular by setting up new consumer rights and remedies in respect of digital content.
Read moreUK cyber security: insure against 'rapid, highly damaging and public' threats
Cyber attacks present a daily threat to UK businesses and have become more destructive in recent years with data breaches and hacks frequently making front page news.
Read moreCourt of Appeal opens the door to 'distress-only' data breach claims where no financial loss
In an important ruling, the Court of Appeal confirms that misuse of private information is a tort and rules on the meaning of "damage" under s13 of the Data Protection Act ("the DPA"), allowing claimants to recover compensation for "distress" resulting from a breach of the Act without also having to prove pecuniary losses.
Read moreSupreme Court clarifies the limits on contractual discretion
A recent decision of the Supreme Court1 has confirmed that the limits on contractual discretion include a requirement to take relevant issues into account and that the discretion is not exercised irrationally.
Read moreCMA call for information on use of online reviews
Online reviews: love them or hate them, there is no escape. Products, services, large multinationals, SMEs, online or offline, almost everyone is being judged these days.
Read moreICO fines online travel insurer £175,000 for failing to keep customers’ personal information secure
The Information Commissioners Office (the “ICO”) has fined Limited (“Staysure”), an online travel insurance company, £175,000 for its failure to comply with the seventh data protection principle, after IT security failings allowed hackers to access up to 100,000 customer financial records.
Read moreNew powers to audit NHS authorities' data protection compliance
From 1 February 2015, the ICO will be able to subject public healthcare organisations to compulsory audits of their data protection compliance under section 41A of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Read moreNew UK Procurement Rules Published for Consultation
Draft new Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and a Consultation Document on UK Transposition of the new EU Procurement Directives have recently been published by the Cabinet Office. This paves the way for the 2014 Directives to be implemented in the UK early next year.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has recently published its findings following its thematic review of mobile banking and payments.
Read moreEU Consultation on Cloud Computing and Software
The EU has opened a public consultation to help define future research priorities in the areas of Cloud Computing and Software (including Open Source). Any and all stakeholders are invited to submit their views by 10 October 2014.
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