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EMI schemes and use of board discretion: new HMRC guidance
This blog looks at the recently published HMRC guidance addressing some of the more common types of board discretion in EMI schemes.
Read moreWhen is a director personally liable for a company's wrongs?
A recent Court of Appeal judgment considers when a director might be liable for wrongs committed by the company (including, specifically, by way of accessory liability).
Read moreMeaning of contractual duty of good faith
The Court of Appeal has taken a restrictive interpretation of an express duty of good faith in a decision handed down on 21 October 2022 - Re Compound Photonics Group Ltd; Faulkner v. Vollin Holdings Ltd [2022] EWCA Civ 1371. This decision is important as (i) the Court of Appeal judgment provides a lengthy examination of the meaning of a contractual duty of good faith, and (ii) the decision casts doubt on some previous case law on this point (including overturing the High Court's decision).
Read moreModel Articles deemed suitable for sole director companies
A recent decision of the High Court in Re Active Wear Limited [2022] EWHC 2340 (Ch) has suggested that the model articles for private companies are suitable for companies with a sole director appointed, in contrast to another recent decision of the High Court in Hashmi v Lorimer-Wing.
Read moreMini Budget 2022 - Main tax announcements
This blog discusses some of the key tax changes announced in last week's Autumn Statement.
Read moreLiability of principal for agent's breach of warranty and misrepresentation in a share purchase agreement
In the recent case of Ivy Technology Ltd v Martin [2022] EWHC 1218 (Comm) the Commercial Court considered a claim by Ivy Technology in its claims for breach of warranty and fraudulent misrepresentation against Barry Martin and Paul Bell. This case highlights the necessity for a purchaser to test the veracity of a seller's pre-contractual statements through a thorough due diligence process and to ensure that all parties relevant to the target business are party to the SPA.
Read moreWhat's the damage?
On every share sale, the sellers will provide warranties – statements of fact relating to the company being sold – to the buyer. If these warranties are not true, the buyer will be entitled to damages to reflect the reduction in value of the shares acquired. But how is this calculated?
Read moreTransactional liability insurance outlook
2021 saw extraordinary M&A deal volume and more transactional liability insurance policies underwritten than ever before (including specific tax and contingent risk insurance products as well as traditional warranty and indemnity (W&I) insurance policies).
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q2 2022
This is our regular quarterly update to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read moreJapan and ESG-focused M&A
ESG has become a hot topic in the Corporate world and is now a priority for many corporates.
Read moreThe FCA: becoming a data-driven regulator
The FCA published its second data strategy in 2020 (the first being published in 2013) and since then it has been full steam ahead.
Read moreTechnology in Insurance
On 16 June 2022 RPC hosted an afternoon of talks and panel sessions on the theme of 'Technology in Insurance', the culmination of the firm's TechWeek which brings market experts and lawyers together to discuss risks and opportunities with new technologies within different business sectors.
Read moreModel Articles deemed unsuitable for sole director companies
A recent decision of the High Court in Hashmi v Lorimer-Wing [2022] EWHC 191 (Ch) has suggested that the model articles for private companies are not suitable for companies with a sole director appointed.
Read moreClimate-related financial disclosures: what companies and LLPs need to know about the UK's new mandatory rules
The UK's new climate-related financial disclosures: mandatory requirements to come clean
Read moreHow to comply with the FCA's new diversity and inclusion targets for listed companies
The FCA has finalised its new rules on diversity and inclusion on listed company boards and executive committees. The rules, which are set out in the FCA's policy paper PS22/3: Diversity and inclusion on company boards and executive management, are substantially in line with the proposals set out in the FCA's consultation paper CP 21/24. In scope listed companies are required to include a statement in their annual financial report on whether they have met specific board diversity targets on a ‘comply or explain’ basis, as at a chosen reference date within their accounting period.
Read moreFCA approach to Part VII transfers
On 15 February 2022, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published its final guidance (FG22/1) on its approach to reviewing insurance business transfer schemes under Part VII of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.
Read moreElectronic signing on corporate transactions: What is current best practice?
Electronic signing has now replaced in-person signing as the norm for most lawyers and clients on corporate transactions. This article summarises the current guidance from a number of sources on conducting electronic signing procedures.
Read morePLC QTRLY - Q1 2022
Post-Covid and post-Brexit changes are on the horizon for the UK's public companies. This is the first of our regular updates to help our listed company clients and other market participants keep up to date with key developments relevant to issuers on the Main Market and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read moreGovernment White Paper on corporate transparency and Companies House reform
On 28 February 2022, ahead of the introduction of legislation, the Government published a "White Paper" outlining its proposals for changes to the way in which Companies House operates, aimed at increasing transparency of UK corporate entities and developing the role and powers of Companies House.
Read moreThe Future Fund - two years on
Figures published at the end of January show that the Future Fund, a scheme launched by the British Business Bank (the BBB) at the height of the pandemic to support innovative UK companies, is now a shareholder in 265 British companies.
Read moreNational Security and Investment Act – is my transaction in scope?
The National Security and Investment Act (the NSAI) came into force on 4 January 2022. This 2 minute read aims to give a short checklist of questions to help determine whether a transaction might be in scope of the NSAI.
Read moreLloyd's' focus on a more sustainable future
Lloyd's published its first Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report at the end of last year and while this is a fairly new focus area for Lloyd's it noted that: a) in its history it has a long record of contributing to communities and helping them to recover from disaster; and b) the role that insurance plays in protecting society and supporting global economic growth.
Read moreEquity Commitment Letters – are they enforceable?
This blog examines a recent High Court decision relating to the construction of an equity commitment letter and asks just how committed is an equity commitment letter?
Read moreCarve-out deals: Preparation for separation
The value of UK carve-out deals is on the rise. Deal value increased by 182% to £30.8bn for the tax year 2020-21. Participants should be aware of the complex issues involved.
Read moreTurning the ratchet - understanding anti-dilution rights in venture capital
In the third of a series of blogs aimed at demystifying common provisions found in venture capital term sheets (with the hope of accelerating the negotiation process between investors and founders), Peter Sugden looks at anti-dilution rights.
Read moreThe rise of ESG finance
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) finance remains a hot topic and continues to grow rapidly, with Bloomberg predicting the $2.2 trillion ESG debt market to hit $11 trillion by 2025, based on the rate of growth during the past five years.
Read moreBalance on the board: Eight things UK PLCs need to know about the FCA's diversity targets
The Financial Conduct Authority's proposals will mean UK listed companies need to disclose whether their boards and senior management teams meet new gender and ethnic diversity targets.
Read moreBalance on the board: Eight things UK PLCs need to know about the FCA's diversity targets
The Financial Conduct Authority's proposals will mean UK listed companies need to disclose whether their boards and senior management teams meet new gender and ethnic diversity targets.
Read moreTakeover Code: What has changed?
On 5 July 2021, the most significant changes to the Takeover Code (the Code) since 2011 took effect. The changes are intended to standardise the treatment of regulatory clearances and simplify the offer timetable. An overview of the main changes is set out below.
Read moreTakeover Code: What has changed?
On 5 July 2021, the most significant changes to the Takeover Code (the Code) since 2011 took effect. The changes are intended to standardise the treatment of regulatory clearances and simplify the offer timetable. An overview of the main changes is set out below.
Read moreDirectors' duties and conflicts of interest – application to former directors
The High Court has recently considered the scope of the duty to avoid conflicts of interest as it applies to former directors of a company.
Read moreThe beginning of the end for tax havens?
Over the weekend it was widely reported that the 'G7' nations had agreed a deal on global tax reform.
Read moreJapan's quiet approach to cross-border investment is changing
This article highlights a few interesting insights from an interview of Nigel Collins (RPC) and Mangyo Kinoshita (southgate) conducted by Brunswick Group.
Read moreExpert determination of completion accounts and "manifest error"
The courts narrowly interpret what is a "manifest error" in the context of expert determination of completion accounts.
Read moreInsurance M&A and financing Q1 2021
This blog considers insurance M&A and financing trends over the past 12 months.
Read moreFCA guidance on cancellations and refunds
COVID-19 disruption has caused an unprecedented number of cancellations of trips, holidays, and other events. On 2 April 2021, the temporary guidance which the FCA published in October 2020 setting out its expectations for insurance and card providers, is due to come to an end.
Read moreUK Listing Review wants companies to stay at home
Recommendations will make it easier to list and fundraise on the London Stock Exchange
Read moreUK Listing Review wants companies to stay at home
Recommendations will make it easier to list and fundraise on the London Stock Exchange
Read moreNational Security and Investment Bill – when will it come into force?
This blog considers when the National Security and Investment Bill might come into force, and the risk that transactions currently underway might be caught by the incoming rules.
Read moreThe 2021 Budget and M&A
Many in business will have a keen eye on Rishi Sunak's Budget announcement that is due on 3rd March. As always, there is intense press speculation as to the measures that may be announced.
Read moreTime for public companies to come clean: New UK climate-related disclosures and ESG guidance
Companies listed on the London Stock Exchange's Main Market will need to include a statement in their annual report confirming if they have made climate-related disclosures consistent with the recommendations of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Companies planning to IPO, or move from AIM to the Main Market, are also affected by these new Listing Rules.
Read moreTime for public companies to come clean: New UK climate-related disclosures and ESG guidance
Companies listed on the London Stock Exchange's Main Market will need to include a statement in their annual report confirming if they have made climate-related disclosures consistent with the recommendations of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Companies planning to IPO, or move from AIM to the Main Market, are also affected by these new Listing Rules.
Read moreThe Brexit deal and tax – what did we end up with?
Over the festive period a Brexit deal was finally agreed between the UK and the EU, just in time for the end of the transition period on New Year's Eve.
Read moreJapan-UK free trade agreement and Japan Inc M&A
Japan and the UK signed a post-Brexit bilateral free trade agreement on 23 October 2020 with an implementation date of 1 January 2021. This ensures continuity in trade and investment beyond the end of the UK's transition period.
Read moreNational Security and Investment Bill – Headline Points
This blog summarises the key headlines from the new National Security and Investment Bill.
Read moreA guide to buying and selling English residential property
With the advent of COVID-19, Brexit and global market volatility, the mature, fast-moving English real estate sector faces unprecedented challenges. However history has shown the English residential property market to be particularly resilient and many consider this a time of unique opportunity.
Read more10 tips for preparing a Section 172 Statement
For financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2019, all large private companies must include a statement in their annual report and accounts explaining how the directors have had regard to the matters in section 172 of the Companies Act 2006 when performing their duties.
Read moreThe rule of DAC6 - are you ready?
UK companies involved in cross-border transactions need to be aware of looming reporting deadlines imposed by EU law and now implemented in the UK . These rules are designed to facilitate the reporting and sharing between EU tax authorities of instances of tax planning. However, the types of transactions caught by these rules are not limited to aggressive tax planning arrangements. In a number of cases, it is not a requirement for there to be a tax motive for the transaction to be reportable.
Read moreFuture Funding here to stay?
Latest figures show Future Fund's £642m investment in UK start-ups, but criticism of Government-backed business interruption loan schemes remains.
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