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EIOPA Report on Cyber Insurance raises awareness and understanding of cyber risk in the European market
The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority ("EIOPA") has published a report "Understanding Cyber Insurance – A Structured Dialogue with Insurance Companies", which heralds its first attempt to enhance understanding of cyber risk with a focus on the European market.
Read moreNew rules for peer-to-peer lending announced by FCA
The popularity of peer-to-peer (P2P) lending has increased exponentially in recent years, with nearly £10 billion being transferred through such platforms in the past ten years. In an attempt to fix "increasingly complex business structures", the FCA has announced new plans for new rules for peer-to-peer (P2P) lending.
Read moreIs a "Duty of Care" required for financial services firms?
On 17 July 2018, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) released DP18/5 – its discussion paper on a duty of care and potential alternative approaches. In this article we summarise the discussion paper and then examine briefly whether a new duty is required.
Read moreIMF provides framework to analyse cyber risk for the financial sector
The increased risk of cybercrime is well known to all. Attacks against large companies has meant that the International Monetary Fund have taken action by publishing a working paper which predicts the average annual losses to financial institutions.
Read moreAction required: mandatory disclosure of cross-border tax planning arrangements – effective (very) soon
New EU rules providing for mandatory disclosure of certain cross-border tax planning arrangements by intermediaries and taxpayers will enter into force on 25 June 2018. Although reports to tax authorities will not be required until July/August 2020, the retrospective nature of the new rules means that reportable arrangements implemented after 25 June could be reportable in this first batch of (2020) reports. Preparations for the new regime should therefore begin now.
Read moreESMA formally adopts new measures to restrict the sale of binary options and CFDs
On 1 June 2018, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) formally adopted new measures to prohibit the sale of binary options and to place restrictions on the provision of contracts for difference (CFDs) to retail investors. The measures will apply to binary options from 2 July 2018 and CFDs from 1 August 2018.
Read moreEFAMA publishes revised Stewardship Code
On 31 May 2018, the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) published its Stewardship Code, setting out best practice principles for asset managers (the Code).
Read morePension watchdogs formalise information sharing
The Pensions Ombudsman and The Pensions Regulator have signed an information-sharing agreement in light of the recent rise in pension scams. The agreement will see the organisations share information about complaints and concerns with the aim of protecting scheme members.
Read moreSIPPs – the work and pensions committee asks some pointed questions of the FCA
The Work and Pensions Committee has sent a letter to the FCA following its review of defined benefit pension transfers raising 5 pointed questions in relation to SIPPs.
Read moreCrypto and Blockchain
In February, the House of Commons Treasury Committee announced an inquiry in to digital currencies. The inquiry covers the role of digital currencies in the UK and the potential impact of distributed ledger technology (blockchain) on financial institutions and financial infrastructure.
Read moreTPR announces new approach for pension regulations
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has announced new plans for the regulation of pensions, which will see a "clearer, quicker and tougher" approach. The plans are aimed at increasing standards in the pension sector following criticisms levied at TRP after the collapse of businesses such as Carillion and BHS.
Read moreCybercrime and its impact on D&O insurance
Cybercrime has risen in recent years, perhaps more than anybody ever expected. For a long time, the focus was on defending businesses against such crimes. Now, with more people aware of cybercrime and the risks, insurers are becoming increasingly aware of the impact such crime may have on D&O policies.
Read moreFSCS – reviewing the funding of the fund of last resort
In its third consultation paper on this topic, the FCA has recently confirmed that: - FSCS claims in respect of investment advice will benefit from an increased compensation cap, from £50,000 to £85,000; - product providers will have to start making contributions to FSCS funding for insurance and investment advice claims; and - it proposes new rules to prevent personal investment firms' insurers excluding cover for claims where the firm or a third party becomes insolvent.
Read moreCryptocurrency pre-ICO funding – a regulatory overview
The FCA has issued a discussion paper targeted at the non-workplace pension market. The paper marks the start of the FCA's work looking at whether there is harm in the non-workplace pension market and to better understand the potential presence, nature, extent and cause of any harm.
Read morePension transfers
The FCA tries again to get it right with new rules and a further consultation paper.
Read moreThe FCA publishes its 2018/19 Business Plan
On 9 April 2018 the FCA published its Business Plan for 2018/19, demonstrating its continued focus on culture and governance in firms, tackling financial crime and the role of technology in the financial services industry.
Read moreFCA success in the High Court: Compensation of £16.9m awarded to misled investors
A five-year court battle between the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") and Capital Alternatives Limited concluded on 26 March 2018 when the High Court used its restitution powers under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 to award compensation to investors who lost money invested with Capital Alternatives.
Read moreESMA cracks down on the sale of binary options and CFDs to retail investors
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has announced its intention to prohibit the sale of binary options to retail investors and to place restrictions on the sale of contracts for difference (CFDs). This is the first use of ESMA's new intervention powers under MiFID II.
Read moreFCA reviews approach to enforcement and penalties
The FCA has announced plans in its recent consultation paper on enforcement to review how it applies penalties which have gone from record highs to record lows over the past 5 years.
Read moreChanges on the horizon - FCA consults on non-workplace pensions
The FCA has issued a discussion paper targeted at the non-workplace pension market. The paper marks the start of the FCA's work looking at whether there is harm in the non-workplace pension market and to better understand the potential presence, nature, extent and cause of any harm.
Read morePrivilege: A welcome respite from ENRC?
Are interviews held with employees to prepare a report intended to deter a governmental authority from taking legal action privileged?
Read moreESMA to use new powers to attack the sale of CFDs and binary bets to retail investors
ESMA has launched a public consultation on measures to protect retail investors investing in contracts for difference (CFDs) and binary bets. Potential changes include wide-ranging restrictions on the marketing and sale of CFDs, and a complete prohibition on the sale of binary bets to retail investors. An intervention would mark ESMA's first use of its new powers under MiFID II, which came into force on 3 January.
Read moreThe FCA pledges to take action against providers of contracts for difference
The FCA has concluded that consumers are at "serious risk of harm" due to the poor practices of some providers and distributors of CFDs. The regulator will take further action against at least one firm in its latest crack-down on these "complex, high-risk" products.
Read moreThoughts on the FCA's fund fee transparency proposals
Alternative investment funds may soon be required to report total cost of ownership in a standardised form. Work on new templates in ongoing, and fund managers need to be aware of the situation and to be involved in this important debate that has so far been largely overlooked.
Read moreInitial Coin Offerings – the digital financing process under global scrutiny
In an era of social media platforms and the like, the technological world creeps into its corporate counterpart of today. Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) storm the corporate world by force, but what does the future hold for the new phenomenon?
Read moreFCA revisits FSCS funding proposals, and abandons plans for significant changes to professional indemnity insurance requirements
The FCA has published a second consultation paper on the thorny subject of FSCS funding. Although not widely reported so far, the new consultation makes it clear that the FCA will not, after all, consult on significant changes to personal investment firms' professional indemnity insurance requirements.
Read moreFCA allows confidential report to be scrutinised by Treasury Select Committee
The FCA has allowed the Treasury Select Committee to review its s.166 report into RBS' Global Restructuring Group (GRG) and has published an interim summary of the report. It is possible that the threat of publication will play on the minds of firms subject to s.166 reports, which may reduce cooperation with skilled persons and therefore the efficacy of this investigatory power.
Read moreThe FCA makes clear its expectations of financial advisers
FCA, regulatory, financial services
Read moreFCA criticised by Complaints Commissioner for its handling of enforcement limitation issues
The Office of the Complaints Commissioner recently upheld two complaints against the FCA for making a "serious mistake" in its management of limitation issues for two connected investigations. The Commissioner criticised the FCA not only for its mismanagement of the limitation issue, but also for the unnecessary delays in concluding its own internal investigation into these complaints.
Read moreDB Transfers - now what?
We know that the FCA is looking closely at defined benefit transfers; we already have the FCA's review of redress methodology and the defined benefit transfer rules. We now have the results of the FCA's review, into defined benefit transfers and it makes for uncomfortable reading for the financial services industry.
Read moreThe FCA: key themes for 2017/18
A look at key developments for the FCA in 2017 and looking forward to 2018
Read moreA level playing Field?
Frank Field's Work and Pensions Select Committee is intending to review the impartiality of defined benefit pension transfer advice. What could this mean for the advisory industry and its PI insurers?
Read moreECON scrutinises EBA's approach to RTS under PSD2
The EBA Chair has recently appeared before ECON to explain the EBA's approach to the development of RTS on strong customer authentication and secure communications under PSD2, and to answer concerns raised by the committee and others about these RTS.
Read moreFinancial Services: Minimising Risk in a Dawn of Opportunity
Over the last few years, firms have been asking themselves how they will make money in the post RDR world.
Read moreFCA approves 'independent' use of internal specialist advisers
Ever since RDR 'independence' rules were introduced nearly two years ago, financial advisers have sought clarification on referring clients to internal specialists within their firm for expert advice.
Read moreThe PCR's "heavy responsibility": CAT Judgment in Riefa v Apple and Amazon emphasizes the high standards expected of a PCR
The Competition Appeal Tribunal (the Tribunal) recently handed down an important judgment, refusing to certify the proposed collective proceedings in Christine Riefa Class Representative v Apple Inc. &, Inc. After two certification hearings, the Tribunal was not satisfied that it would be just and reasonable for the Proposed Class Representative (the PCR) to bring the proceedings following concerns relating to Professor Riefa's understanding of the PCR's funding arrangements. The judgment reiterates the strict requirements and high standards expected of a PCR.
Read moreGood reason or not? Court of Appeal clarifies rule on non-party access to court documents
The Court of Appeal has confirmed that a non-party does not have a right of access to documents on the court record by default (Derek Moss v The Upper Tribunal). Rather, the non-party must articulate a "good reason" for wishing to obtain the documents, by reference to the principle of open justice, explained in this blog.
Read moreProtecting commercial secrets: High Court allows redaction of documents for non-party access under CPR 5.4C
In WH Holding Ltd v E20 Stadium LLP [2024] EWHC 817 (Comm), the High Court examined the rights of non-parties to obtain copies of statements of case under CPR 5.4C. It decided that the appropriate balance between the interests of individuals and the public interest in the maintenance of open justice could be struck by the redaction of the monetary sums from the claim form should a non-party obtain a copy of the statement of case.
Read moreISDA Master Agreements
Banking litigation partners Simon Hart and Jake Hardy discuss the world of ISDA Master Agreements, close out mechanics and a rather opaque investment bank wheeze involving counter hedging strategies, which counterparties miss at their financial peril.
Read moreExclusive means exclusive: High Court decides that English courts have jurisdiction in Italian swaps dispute
Read moreHigh Court implies contractual terms following LIBOR cessation
The High Court has implied a term into a contract to the effect that where the contract specifies a calculation should be carried out by reference to LIBOR, where LIBOR is no longer published a reasonable alternative should be used.
Read moreD'Aloia – High Noon for Crypto-Tracing
The High Court judgment in D'Aloia v. Persons Unknown and others [2024] EWHC 2342 (Ch) is arguably the most significant crypto judgment of 2024. Critical deficiencies in the claimant's blockchain tracing analysis, evidence presented at trial and pleadings were ultimately fatal to his claims seeking to recover assets misappropriated by fraudsters.
Read moreMyth busting and moving the dial in DEI
This article is a summary of a session delivered by Kelly Thomson (Partner, Employment, Engagement & Equality and ESG Strategy Lead at RPC) and Rachel Pears (Head of Responsible Business at RPC), at the second Annual D&I Conference, in partnership with the British Retail Consortium (BRC). During this particular session, common myths and misconceptions surrounding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) were discussed and different sides of various issues were dissected, drawing out the nuances of seemingly polarised positional statements. Below, we address a handful of these myths, offering a balanced perspective on the complexities of DEI and exploring how to drive meaningful progress in our organisations.
Read moreBanking and Financial Markets Litigation Update - Summer 2024
This update is brought to you by RPC’s top tier banking and financial markets disputes practice in London, with specialists in all areas of financial markets litigation (and arbitration) and a wealth of expertise including frequent involvement in the most complex, high-value, and high-profile disputes in the sphere. Here, we take a look at some of the most important judgments in recent months.
Read moreCAT Collective Proceedings - Summer 2024 update
Developments in the UK’s competition collective proceedings regime continue apace with new claims recently issued in the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT).
Read moreNo objection: When is a party barred from challenging jurisdiction where it continues in the arbitration?
The High Court has provided invaluable guidance on the factors that it will consider when determining when a party is barred from challenging jurisdiction under s. 67 of the Arbitration Act 1996 (the Act) by failing to raise an objection while continuing to take part in the arbitration.
Read moreEmployer lessons from teacher's menopause bias win
On May 31, a Scottish employment tribunal made its decision in Allison Shearer v. South Lanarkshire Council and awarded a teacher over £60,000 ($77,829) for disability discrimination and unfair dismissal, following her dismissal for ill health after a period of long¬term sickness absence.
Read moreCrypto damages quantification: valuation at the date of breach or date of judgment?
In Southgate v. Graham [2024] EWHC 1692 (Ch), the High Court addressed an appeal from the County Court concerning inter alia the appropriate date for assessing damages in a cryptocurrency loan dispute. Initially, the County Court determined that the damages should be based on the cryptocurrency's fiat value at the breach date. Due to the volatility of the cryptocurrency, this decision would have resulted in significantly lower fiat damages award than if the valuation were based on a later date. The High Court allowed the valuation date part of the appeal, directing a further hearing to establish the appropriate date.
Read moreNew digital markets regime guidance published for consultation
The Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024 received Royal Assent on 24 May 2024. This article considers who will be impacted by the new digital markets regime, the requirements it will introduce, and how it may be enforced, and summarises the CMA’s new draft guidance under consultation on how it intends to implement the regime in practice.
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