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Interim injunctions and competing public interests (Attorney General v BBC)
In Her Majesty's Attorney General for England and Wales v British Broadcasting Corporation [2022] EWHC 826 (QB), an interim injunction has been granted in favour of the Attorney General (AG) to restrain the BBC from broadcasting the identity and image of an alleged covert human intelligence source for MI5 (known only as ‘X’) who is accused of being abusive to two former partners and using his position with MI5 to terrorise and control one of the women. The injunction was granted on the basis that, while it "represented a very significant interference with the right of the BBC to freedom of expression and the correlative right of the public to receive the information the BBC wishes to publish" [23], such a measure was necessary in order to prevent a real and immediate risk to X’s life or safety, as well as the potential wider impact of publication on national security.
Read moreTake 10 #21
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #20
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #19
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #18
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #17
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #16
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #15
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #14
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #13
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #11
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #12
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #10
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #9
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #8
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #7
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #6
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #5
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #4
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #3
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #2
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreTake 10 #1
Welcome to RPC's media and communications law update. This issue reports on key media developments and the latest cases.
Read moreMedia & Entertainment
As one of the UK’s strongest media law teams, we work closely with you to tackle any challenges that come your way.
Read moreDigital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act becomes law
Following the announcement of a date for the general election, the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act (DMCC) rapidly sped through the final stages of parliamentary processes to become law on 24 May 2024
Read moreNew Development: National Cyber Security Centre warns AI is likely to heighten global ransomware threat
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), part of GCQH, has published a report on the “near-term impact of AI on the cyber threat” over the next two years, which concludes that: (i) AI is already being used in cyber activity in a malicious way; and (ii) the volume of cyber attacks and the global ransomware threat are likely to be heightened over the next two years.
Read moreUK Government publishes response to AI White Paper consultation
What approach has the UK Government’s adopted in its response to the consultation on the AI regulation White Paper (the White Paper)?
Read moreWhat the AI is going on… December 2023 to March 2024
Google launched its newest GenAI, Gemini Nano. Designed specifically for mobile phones it presents new competition to market leaders OpenAI. Gemini Nano will allow AI apps that operate offline as opposed to only on servers and provide improved privacy for users.
Read moreCourt of Appeal holds Samsung liable for trade mark infringement by third-party apps
Can online platforms be liable for trademark infringement by third-party apps?
Read moreUK Supreme Court rejects AI as “inventor” under the Patents Act
What is the scope and meaning of “inventor” in the UK’s patent framework, and will it accept an AI machine as being the sole inventor?
Read moreThe new EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
What can financial services entities and ICT providers expect from DORA and what do they need to do prepare for it?
Read moreFast-growing IP and tech practice at RPC welcomes Caroline Tuck as Partner
International law firm RPC is pleased to announce the appointment of Caroline Tuck as a Partner in its Intellectual Property and Technology (IP & Tech) team. Caroline Tuck joins RPC from Deloitte, where she was a Director in the Disputes team.
Read moreCriminal Liability for Senior Managers under the Online Safety Act
Under the Online Safety Act (OSA), senior managers of in-scope services could be held personally liable in certain circumstances for the company's non-compliance with obligations within the legislation.
Read moreCybersecurity breaches at financial services firms more than trebles
Cybersecurity breaches reported by financial service providers rose from 187 in 2021/22 to 640 in 2022/23 UK pension schemes report the biggest increase, 4,000%, in data breach reports to the ICO
Read moreUK tech cases warn of liability clause drafting pitfalls
Excluding and limiting liability is a vital part of any commercial contract. The irony, though, is that despite its importance, almost any exclusion or limitation of liability — if pored over to the nth degree — will have some ambiguity in the face of complex and often unforeseen consequences of breach.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - July 2023
Welcome to the July 2023 edition of Insurtech in Brief - a selection of the latest insurtech news and developments from across the globe.
Read moreDigital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill opens door for stricter regulation of news platforms
How might the proposed Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill (the Bill) affect news reporting by digital platforms?
Read moreThirty minutes in Decentraland: A metaverse adventure
Decentraland is one of the best known 'metaverses' that currently exist. It is a giant virtual world where users can create 'avatars' (a digital representation of yourself) and interact with one another. Users can also buy and develop virtual land, the mechanics of which involve purchasing an NFT (non-fungible token) connected with the relevant land plot. Users can then develop their land and build unique 3D environments.
Read moreDCMS publishes new Code of Practice for app developers and app store operators
What do app developers and app store operators need to do to comply with the new Code of Practice published by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)?
Read moreNew Metaverse regulation proposal to be discussed by EU Commission
How does the European Commission (EC) intend to regulate the Metaverse?
Read moreOnline Safety Bill: Latest amendments increase focus on children safety
What is the focus of the latest round of amendments proposed to the Online Safety Bill and how will these impact online platforms?
Read moreSilicon Valley, Signature and Credit Suisse: what do they all share(holder) in common?
In what has been termed "the biggest banking crisis since 2008", both Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank have collapsed, and Credit Suisse has been rescued. Whether more banks are to follow suit is yet to be seen.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - March 2023
Welcome to the March 2023 edition of Insurtech in Brief - a selection of the latest insurtech news and developments from across the globe.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - February 2023
Welcome to the February 2023 edition of Insurtech in Brief - a selection of the latest insurtech news and developments from across the globe.
Read moreNew Digital Regulators on the 2023 Horizon: the Digital Markets Unit and the European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency
For a number of years, the UK Government has been laying the groundwork to bring in a digital markets regime to regulate digital firms designated as having ‘strategic market status’ (SMS). To be designated as having SMS, a firm must have 'substantial and entrenched market power' in at least one activity. Companies having SMS are likely to include the largest tech firms such as Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft and Meta (the so called 'GAMMA' firms).
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - November 2022
Welcome to the November 2022 edition of Insurtech in Brief - a selection of the latest insurtech news and developments from across the globe.
Read moreDigital services providers—Commission to focus on implementation phase of EU consumer protection legislation
The Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) are published in the Official Journal and the plenary vote of the European Parliament on the proposed text of the AI Act is expected once amendments are agreed by negotiators. The Commission is now turning its focus to the implementation phase of these landmark regimes. So, what does the future hold for the European tech sector and how might it differ for the UK?
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - October 2022
Welcome to the October 2022 edition of Insurtech in brief - a selection of the latest insurtech news and developments from across the globe.
Read moreThe EU Digital Markets Act - a focus on gatekeeper obligations and sanctions
What key obligations will the Digital Markets Act (DMA) impose on online platforms designated as gatekeepers?
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