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New UK Procurement Rules Published for Consultation
Draft new Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and a Consultation Document on UK Transposition of the new EU Procurement Directives have recently been published by the Cabinet Office. This paves the way for the 2014 Directives to be implemented in the UK early next year.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has recently published its findings following its thematic review of mobile banking and payments.
Read moreEU Consultation on Cloud Computing and Software
The EU has opened a public consultation to help define future research priorities in the areas of Cloud Computing and Software (including Open Source). Any and all stakeholders are invited to submit their views by 10 October 2014.
Read moreJudicial developments in recent treaty cases
A spate of recent cases concerning the application of double tax treaties has seen the courts and tribunals striving for common¬sense, policy-driven outcomes.
Read moreJudicial review: does the Court of Appeal’s decision in Murphy offer taxpayers a glimmer of hope?
Judicial review provides a constitutionally important judicial check on the exercise of statutory powers by public bodies such as HMRC. However, the wide margin of appreciation afforded to public bodies by the courts, coupled with recent reforms to the judicial review process, make it a remedy of last resort that can be difficult for taxpayers to pursue successfully. In overturning the High Court’s refusal of the taxpayers’ judicial review claim, the Court of Appeal in Murphy v HMRC confirmed that HMRC had breached their legitimate expectation as to the application of an extra-statutory concession. While Murphy is unlikely to be the harbinger of a wholesale rebalancing of the judicial review scales in the taxpayer’s favour, it is a welcome step in the right direction.
Read moreFTT prevents HMRC from having two bites of the cherry!
In Lady Henrietta Pearson v HMRC [2014] UKFTT 890 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber) ('FTT') concluded that HMRC had "ignored" its previous decision by seeking to reduce the amount of a VAT refund which it had ordered HMRC make to Lady Henrietta Pearson ('the taxpayer').
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