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Corporate tax update July 2019
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team. This month’s report includes summaries of the recent decision of the Upper Tribunal on corporate tax residence in Development Securities plc, two ECJ decisions on cross-border loss relief and yet another decision on the application of the ‘IR35’ rules.
Read moreCorporate tax update May 2019
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team.
Read moreStamp duty land tax (SDLT) avoidance and corporate property deals – the importance of timing!
The First-Tier Tribunal has, in a recent decision, caused something of a stir for clients and advisors familiar with the well-trodden (and, usually, tax-efficient) use of offshore unit trusts to hold UK property.
Read moreCorporate tax update - Fourth quarter 2018
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team and published quarterly. In this final 2018 edition we highlight some of the key tax developments of interest to UK corporates from the fourth quarter of 2018.
Read moreCorporate tax update - Third quarter 2018
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team and published quarterly. In this third 2018 edition we highlight some of the key tax developments of interest to UK corporates from the third quarter of 2018.
Read moreCorporate tax update - Second quarter 2018
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team and published quarterly. In this second 2018 edition we highlight some of the key tax developments of interest to UK corporates from the second quarter of 2018.
Read moreCorporate tax update - First quarter 2018
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team and published quarterly.
Read moreCorporate tax update - Final quarter 2017
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team and published quarterly. In this final 2017 edition we highlight some of the key tax developments of interest to UK corporates from the fourth quarter of 2017.
Read moreCorporate tax update - Third quarter 2017
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s Tax Team and published quarterly.
Read moreCorporate tax update - Second quarter 2017
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team and published quarterly.
Read moreCorporate tax update - First quarter 2017
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s Tax team and published quarterly. In this first 2017 edition we highlight some of the key tax developments of interest to UK corporates from the first quarter of 2017.
Read moreCorporate tax update - Final quarter 2016
Welcome to the latest edition of our corporate tax update, written by members of RPC’s tax team and published quarterly. In this final 2016 edition we highlight some of the key tax developments of interest to UK corporates from the final quarter of 2016.
Read moreCorporate tax update - Third quarter 2016
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team and published quarterly. Summer 2016 will certainly go down as one of the more interesting in recent British history but developments in UK tax law continue regardless of the wider political turmoil. In this edition we highlight some of the key tax developments of interest to UK corporates from the third quarter of 2016. As far as the tax legislative timetable is concerned, in this quarter: the Finance Bill 2016 finally received Royal Assent on 15 September 2016 (known as Finance Act 2016); it was announced that this year’s Autumn Statement will be given on 23 November 2016; it was also announced that draft Finance Bill 2017 clauses will be published on 5 December 2016 (for consultation until 30 January 2017).
Read moreHigh Court criticises HMRC's conduct finding that it breached taxpayer's legitimate expectation
High Court criticises HMRC's conduct finding that it breached taxpayer's legitimate expectation
Read moreCorporate tax update - Second quarter 2016
On 23 June 2016 the UK voted to leave the EU in an historic referendum result. A period of some political, economic and social uncertainty will undoubtedly follow (and we've already had a turbulent few weeks) but as far as corporate tax is concerned there should be no immediate consequences. It remains to be seen what happens to the planned further reduction in corporation tax to 15% as announced by the then-Chancellor George Osborne. Some initial views on the likely corporate tax consequences of Brexit are set out below. It has also been announced that Royal Assent to this year's Finance Bill is not now expected before the Autumn. In the aftermath of the referendum result, it is perhaps easy to forget that some significant changes to the UK corporate tax regime are planned. Whether all of these changes now proceed, at the pace originally intended, will become clear in due course. In this edition we therefore also highlight some of the key tax developments of interest to UK corporates from the second quarter of 2016.
Read moreFailure to comply with direction leads to strike out of taxpayers' appeals
In the recent case of Grindley & Others v HMRC [2016] UKFTT 0834 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has directed that the taxpayers' appeals be struck out for failure to comply with a direction issued by the FTT.
Read moreCorporate tax update - First quarter 2016
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team and published quarterly. In this edition we highlight some of the key tax developments of interest to UK corporates from the first quarter of 2016.
Read moreCorporate tax update - Third quarter 2015
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team and published quarterly. In this edition we highlight some of the key tax developments of interest to UK corporates from the third quarter of 2015.
Read moreCorporate tax update - Second quarter 2015
Welcome to the latest edition of our corporate tax update, written by members of RPC’s Tax team and published quarterly. In this edition we highlight some of the key tax developments of interest to UK corporates from the second quarter of 2015.
Read moreJudicial Review in Tax Disputes – An Overview
Judicial review remains an important tool for taxpayers to challenge HMRC's decisions, and it is important for taxpayers and practitioners to have a clear understanding of the judicial review process.
Read moreTaxing Matters: Navigating the human side of tax disputes with Mark Bevington of ADE Tax
In our latest episode of RPC's Taxing Matters, podcast host and Senior Associate, Alexis Armitage, is joined by Mark Bevington managing principal and founder of ADE Tax.
Read moreCourt allows taxpayer's appeal and agrees the "exceptional circumstances" exemption was satisfied
In A Taxpayer v HMRC [2025] EWCA Civ 106, the Court of Appeal allowed the taxpayer's appeal, agreeing with the First-tier Tribunal's decision that the "exceptional circumstances" exemption in paragraph 22(4), Schedule 45, Finance Act 2013, was satisfied.
Read moreHigh Court permits recission in EBT case enabling taxpayers to avoid IHT liability
In JTC Employer Solutions Trustee Ltd and others v Garnett and another, the High Court allowed the claimants' claim and permitted rescission in relation to various Employee Benefit Trust appointments to sub-trusts, with the result that there was no IHT liability as the mistake in creating the sub-trusts was sufficiently serious to render it unconscionable to leave the mistaken disposition uncorrected.
Read moreTaxing Matters: IWD 2025 special with Ele Theochari
This month, RPC Senior Associate and Taxing Matters host, Alexis Armitage, is joined by Ele Theochari, Partner at Blick Rothenberg for a special episode to celebrate International Women's Day.
Read moreTribunal allows taxpayer's appeal in R&D relief claim
In Stage one Creative Services Ltd v HMRC [2024] UKFTT 1059 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal allowed the taxpayer's appeal against HMRC's decision to refuse R&D relief claims on the basis that the relevant projects were not "subsidised" or "contracted out".
Read moreTax Bites – March 2025
Welcome to the latest edition of RPC's Tax Bites – providing monthly bite-sized updates from the tax world.
Read moreSupreme Court rejects taxpayers' appeals and denies enterprise zone allowances
In R (ota of Cobalt Data Centre 2 LLP and another) v HMRC [2024] UKSC 40, the Supreme Court dismissed the taxpayers' appeals concerning capital allowances on enterprise zone expenditure, confirming the correct interpretation of section 298 of the Capital Allowances Act 2001.
Read moreTaxing Matters: Mike Ashley wins landmark data protection case against HMRC
At the end of January, Mike Ashley won his high-profile and landmark data protection case against HMRC, with the High Court concluding that HMRC wrongly withheld his personal information for over two years. In this month's episode of Taxing Matters, our host and Senior Associate, Alexis Armitage is joined by Megan Grew, Associate at RPC and part of Mike Ashley's legal team, to discuss the legal aspects of the case that led to a landmark data protection victory against HMRC for Mike Ashley in the High Court.
Read moreThe Public Accounts Committee's report on tax evasion in the retail sector
Adam Craggs and Jasprit Singh share their thoughts on the Public Accounts Committee’s criticisms of HMRC’s approach to tax evasion in the retail sector
Read moreR&D claim upheld by Tax Tribunal
In Collins Construction Ltd v HMRC [2024] TC09332, the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) upheld the company's claim for R&D tax relief rejecting HMRC's claims that the expenditure was "subsidised" or tied to "contracted out" activities.
Read moreContentious Tax Review
A recap of important tax decisions from 2024, with a particular focus on interesting procedural and jurisdictional issues that the tax tribunals and courts considered, including decisions on anonymity in tax appeals, cross-examination in judicial review, and the consequences of failing to comply with tribunal directions.
Read moreTribunal allows taxpayers' appeals as they were carrying on a business with a view to profit
In GCH Corporation Ltd and others v HMRC [2024] UKFTT 922 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) allowed the taxpayers' appeals and concluded that GCH Active LLP was carrying on a "business" with a view to profit at the time loan notes were transferred to it and the requirements of section 59A, Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 (TCGA), were therefore satisfied and the transfers were capital contributions rather than disposals and no chargeable gain arose.
Read moreTax Bites – February 2025
Welcome to the latest edition of RPC's Tax Bites – providing monthly bite-sized updates from the tax world.
Read moreTaxing Matters: Nature's wealth: unlocking the power of natural capital with Daisy Darrell
In the latest episode of Taxing Matters, our host, Alexis Armitage is joined by Daisy Darrell, a Senior Associate in Birkett's Agricultural and Estates team to discuss all things natural capital.
Read moreUpper Tribunal considers when a dividend becomes 'due and payable' for tax purposes
In HMRC v Gould [2024] UKUT 00285 (TCC), the Upper Tribunal dismissed HMRC's appeal and confirmed that an enforceable debt arises when a company pays an interim dividend to one shareholder but not another of the same class.
Read moreLoan Charge regime - High Court strikes out taxpayers' Part 8 claims as abuse of process
In allowing HMRC's appeal, the High Court determined that the taxpayers' claims in respect of the Loan Charge should be struck out as an abuse of process.
Read moreUpper Tribunal allows taxpayers' appeals on 'deliberate' behaviour
In the Outram case, the Upper Tribunal overturned the First-tier Tribunal's decision concluding that it had erred in law when deciding that the taxpayers had deliberately filed an inaccurate return without considering the subjective knowledge and intention of the taxpayers concerned.
Read moreWill the UK government's latest measures targeting promoters of tax avoidance and fraud be effective?
In this article, which is based on an article published in Issue 4 2024 of the British Tax Review, Adam Craggs considers whether the UK's latest measures targeting promoters of tax avoidance schemes and tax fraud will be effective.
Read morePreparing for an HMRC dawn raid
How to prepare for a dawn raid by HMRC under the authority of a search warrant issued under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE), enabling them to enter and search premises to investigate suspected tax fraud.
Read moreTaxing Matters: Deck the halls… with weird and wonderful taxes throughout history
In our special Christmas episode, Alexis Armitage, RPC's Taxing Matters podcast host and Senior Associate in our Tax Disputes and Investigations team, is joined by Andrew Hubbard, editor-in-chief of Tolley's Taxation Magazine. From candles to beards, join them as they discuss the most bizarre taxes that have existed throughout British history.
Read moreTribunal strikes out HMRC's application for a tax-related information notice penalty against Paul Baxendale-Walker
In Paul Baxendale-Walker v HMRC [2024] UKUT 00154 (TC), the Upper Tribunal granted an application by the taxpayer, under Rule 8(3)(c) of the Upper Tribunal Procedure (Upper Tribunal) Rules 2008, to strike out HMRC's application seeking a tax-related information notice penalty pursuant to paragraph 50 of Schedule 36, Finance Act 2008.
Read moreTax Bites – December 2024
Welcome to the latest edition of RPC's Tax Bites – providing monthly bite-sized updates from the tax world.
Read moreCourt of Appeal considers HMRC's CIS powers and allows taxpayers' appeals
In Beech Developments (Manchester) Ltd & Ors v Commissioners for His Majesty's Revenue and Customs [2024] EWCA Civ 486, the Court of Appeal allowed the taxpayers' appeals, finding that HMRC does have power to issue a direction under Regulation 9(4) of the Construction Industry Scheme Regulations, where the same amount has been subject to a regulation 13 determination.
Read moreTaxing Matters: ADR in tax disputes with HMRC's ADR lead, Fiona McRobert
In this month's episode of Taxing Matters, Alexis Armitage is joined by HMRC's Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) lead, Fiona McRobert, to discuss HMRC's approach to the ADR process, and how tax disputes may be resolved outside the Tax Tribunals and the court system.
Read moreTribunal finds insufficiency in taxpayer's return was not brought about "deliberately"
In allowing the taxpayer's appeal, the First-tier Tribunal determined that an insufficiency in his return was not brought about deliberately.
Read moreHow to prepare for an HMRC dawn raid
One of the most stressful moments for a business is HMRC officers demanding access to your premises, so it is vital to have plans in place in the event of a dawn raid.
Read moreContentious Tax Quarterly Review: November 2024
Adam Craggs and Harry Smith of RPC provide a Contentious Tax Quarterly Update discussing recent developments in tax litigation.
Read moreTribunal finds that mixed-use SDLT rates should be reined in for purchase of property and paddock
The Upper Tribunal dismissed HMRC's appeal and confirmed that mixed stamp duty land tax (SDLT) rates applied to the purchase of a property and adjoining paddock where a grazing lease for the latter was granted shortly after completion.
Read moreTax Bites – November 2024
Welcome to the latest edition of RPC's Tax Bites – providing monthly bite-sized updates from the tax world.
Read moreAutumn Budget 2024: summary of implications for businesses and individuals
Adam Craggs explores the key implications of the Autumn Budget 2024 for businesses and individuals.
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