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Corporate tax update - Fourth quarter 2018
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team and published quarterly. In this final 2018 edition we highlight some of the key tax developments of interest to UK corporates from the fourth quarter of 2018.
Read moreHMRC launches profit diversion compliance facility
On 10 January 2019, HMRC launched their Profit Diversion Compliance Facility (PDCF). The PDCF is a new voluntary disclosure facility, aimed at multinational enterprises (MNEs), that provides them with an opportunity to disclose and correct tax inaccuracies relating to profits diverted out of the UK.
Read moreHymanson – HMRC's decision to revoke the taxpayer's fixed protection was unreasonable
In G Hymanson v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 667, the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has held that HMRC’s decision to revoke the taxpayer's fixed protection was unreasonable and directed that it be reinstated. In so finding, the FTT applied the equitable maxim ‘that which should be done should be treated as having been done’.
Read moreTax update - February 2019
In this month’s update we report on (1) an Economic Affairs Committee report on treating taxpayers fairly; (2) HMRC’s extension of the deadline for responses to its consultation on the taxation of trusts; and (3) the Law Society’s practice note on the offence of failure to prevent the criminal facilitation of tax evasion. We also comment on three recent decisions relating to (1) the principles governing disclosure in the context of tax appeals;(2) business property relief under the Inheritance Tax Act 1984; and (3) the closure of an HMRC enquiry which was “drifting aimlessly”.
Read moreWilsons – HMRC unable to obtain law firm's records
In Wilsons Solicitors LLP v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 627 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has held that the obligation to keep records under the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 (MLR) does not make a law firm a relevant data-holder for the purposes of HMRC's data-gathering powers.
Read moreVAT update - January 2019
In this month’s update we report on (1) refunds of VAT in the UK for non-EU businesses; (2) changes to the VAT treatment of retained payments; and (3) revised HMRC guidance on when and how to account for VAT when you transfer a business as a going concern. We also comment on three recent cases involving (1) irrecoverable output tax; (2) the deductibility of a repayment supplement from an interest award; and (3) whether a taxpayer had a legitimate expectation that HMRC guidance could be relied upon.
Read moreOmagh: tax penalty was a "criminal charge" for the purposes of Article 6 of the ECHR
In Omagh Minerals Ltd v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 697 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has held that despite the civil nature of the underlying tax dispute, an aggregates levy penalty imposed on the taxpayer by HMRC was a "criminal charge" to which Article 6 (right to a fair trial), European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), applied.
Read moreBanks: A real Brexit tax
In A Banks v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 617, the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) heard an appeal by Mr Arron Banks against HMRC's decision to deny him relief on certain donations he and his companies had made to the UK Independence Party (UKIP). The FTT decided that his rights had been infringed under the European Convention on Human Rights (the Convention) but there was nothing it could do to remedy that infringement.
Read moreGraham: taxpayer successfully appeals against APN penalty
In Kevin Graham v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 661 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) allowed the taxpayer's appeal against a penalty imposed by HMRC for non-payment of an accelerated payment notice (APN).
Read moreAddo - Disclosure against HMRC in tax appeals
In Addo v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 530 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) considered the principles governing disclosure in the context of appeals before the FTT. This blog is based on an article which was first published in Tax Journal on 22 November 2018. RPC acted for the taxpayer in this case.
Read moreVacation Rentals – taxpayer had legitimate expectation that HMRC guidance could be relied on
In R (on the application of Vacation Rentals (UK) Ltd) (formerly The Hoseasons Group Ltd) v HMRC [2018] UKUT 383 (TCC), the Upper Tribunal (UT), has held that HMRC was bound by its published guidance in Business Brief 18/06 (BB18/06) concerning the treatment of payments for card handling services.
Read moreTax update December 2018
In this month’s update we report on (1) the published response to the consultation on creating a “fund structure” within the Enterprise Investment Scheme for investment in innovative knowledge-intensive companies; (2) the published response to the consultation on extending the IR35 rules to the private sector; and (3) the published response to HMRC’s tax abuse and insolvency discussion document. We also comment on three recent decisions relating to (1) penalties attaching to employment intermediaries returns (2); penalties for failing to file tax returns; and (3) CGT holdover relief where the transferor was a foreign controller of the transferee.
Read moreLivery business qualifies for BPR for IHT purposes
In HMRC v Personal Representatives of the Estate of Maureen M Vigne [2018] UKUT 357 (TCC), the Upper Tribunal (UT), in dismissing HMRC's appeal, has confirmed that a livery business attracted business property relief (BPR) under section 105, Inheritance Tax Act 1984 (IHTA), as the business did not consist of wholly or mainly in making or holding investments.
Read moreThe Serpentine Trust Ltd – HMRC entitled to raise VAT assessments despite binding contractual agreement
In The Serpentine Trust Ltd v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 535, the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has held that although HMRC had agreed with the taxpayer one basis for calculating VAT, under its alternative dispute resolution (ADR) procedure, it was not precluded from raising VAT assessments on a different basis because the agreement reached was ultra vires and therefore void.
Read moreVAT update November 2018
In this month’s update we report on new regulations adopted by ECOFIN which are intended to combat VAT fraud, infringement proceedings brought against Italy and the UK following publication of the so-called “Paradise Papers” and publication of the response to HMRC’s consultation on the “split payment” method of VAT collection. We also comment on three recent decisions relating to the scope of the FTT’s jurisdiction in relation to public law issues, input tax recovery by a student union shop and application of the reverse charge rules to investment management services received from outside the EU.
Read morePatel – HMRC ordered to close enquiry which was "drifting aimlessly"
In Patel v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 0561 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) directed HMRC, pursuant to section 28A, Taxes Management Act 1970 (TMA), to close its enquiry.
Read moreCustoms and excise quarterly update November 2018
In this update we report on HMRC’s guidance on how to prepare for the Customs Declaration Service, the launch of the Customs Declaration Service and HMRC’s guidance on trading with the EU in the event of a no-deal Brexit. We also comment on three recent cases relating to the calculation of gaming duty, tariff classification of seasoned chicken meat and mobility scooters.
Read moreWealth and trusts quarterly digest November 2018
Welcome to our latest Wealth & Trusts digest. Our quarterly digest is specifically tailored for you and aims to provide up to date commentary, analysis and guidance on key sector developments. It is written by our wealth and trusts teams to assist you and your clients in responding to market trends and legal developments.
Read moreThornton – Identifiable HMRC officer must determine penalties
In Robert, Adam and Dorothy Thornton (trading as A* Education) v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 568 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has held that penalties for failure to file employment intermediaries returns (EIRs) were invalidly issued, as they had not been made by an identifiable officer of HMRC under section 100, Taxes Management Act 1970 (TMA).
Read moreGriffiths – appeal against HMRC penalties allowed as notice to file was invalid
In Griffiths v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 0527 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has allowed the taxpayer's appeal against penalties imposed by HMRC as HMRC's notice to file a tax return was invalidly issued and in any event, the taxpayer had a reasonable excuse for failing to submit his return.
Read moreTax update November 2018
In this month’s update we report on proposals under consideration by the Treasury to extend capital gains tax relief to private landlords, HMRC’s factsheet on new higher penalties that it can impose where taxpayers have failed to declare and pay tax in relation to offshore matters and the annual report of Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB). We also comment on three recent decisions relating to the partial writing-off of loans, Schedule 36 information notices and late filing penalties.
Read moreReeves - CGT holdover relief available where transferor is foreign controller of transferee
In Reeves v HMRC [2018] UKUT 293 (TCC), the Upper Tribunal (UT) has held that a non-resident taxpayer was entitled to holdover relief from capital gains tax (CGT) on a disposal he had made when he gifted his interest in a limited liability partnership (LLP) to a UK-resident company, of which he was the sole shareholder.
Read moreVAT Update October 2018
In this month’s update we report on changes to the VAT treatment of supplies of digital services, the European Parliament’s adoption of changes which are intended to simplify VAT for small businesses and the European Commission’s proposals for VAT rates and intra-EU supplies. We also comment on three recent decisions relating to the VAT option to tax a property third party access to documents filed at the First-tier Tribunal and the validity of Alternative Dispute Resolution agreements that are wrong in law.
Read moreProfessional Game Match Officials – football referees not employed for tax purposes
In Professional Game Match Officials Ltd v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 528, the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has held that football referees and other match day officials were not employees of Professional Game Match Officials Ltd (PGMOL).
Read moreHMRC cannot require an auditor to provide information regarding a taxpayer's audited accounts even if the auditor also acts as the taxpayer's tax accountant
In HMRC ex parte a Taxpayer [2018] UKFTT 541 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has held that paragraph 24, Schedule 36, Finance Act 2008 (FA 2008), protects a taxpayer's auditor, who also prepares and files the taxpayer's tax returns, from having to disclose information and documents to HMRC regarding the taxpayer's audited accounts.
Read moreCorporate tax update - Third quarter 2018
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team and published quarterly. In this third 2018 edition we highlight some of the key tax developments of interest to UK corporates from the third quarter of 2018.
Read moreDone Brothers – supplies through fixed odds betting terminals exempt from VAT
In Done Brothers (Cash Betting) Ltd v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 406 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has held that supplies made through fixed odds betting terminals (FOBT) are exempt from VAT.
Read moreAtherley - qualifying loan write off created an allowable loss
In Douglas Atherley v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 0408 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has found that the taxpayer's partial writing-off of a loan made to a company of which he was the sole shareholder, created an allowable loss under section 253(3), Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 (TCGA).
Read moreTax update October 2018
In this month’s update we report on HMRC’s Spotlight 45 on umbrella company avoidance schemes, an update to HMRC’s Venture Capital Schemes Manual; and call for evidence on HMRC powers.
Read moreNewton – Tribunal confirms that "statutory records" should be narrowly construed
In Newton v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 513 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has held that, due to the lack of taxpayer appeal rights, the definition of "statutory records" for the purpose of an information notice issued pursuant to Schedule 36, Finance Act 2008 (FA 2008), must be construed narrowly.
Read moreVAT update September 2018
In this month’s update we report on the ECON committee’s amendments to the European Commission’s proposal for simplification of VAT for SMEs, the government’s technical note on the impact on VAT in the event of a no-deal Brexit; and Revenue and Customs Brief 6 (2018) on VAT exemption for all domestic service charges.
Read moreExpion: No valid determination of penalties by HMRC
In Expion Silverstone Ltd v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 0460 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has held that no valid determination was made by an officer of the board under section 100, Taxes Management Act 1970 (TMA), in respect of penalties issued following the failure to file Employment Intermediaries returns.
Read moreGraham - holiday letting business qualified for business property relief
In The Personal Representatives of Grace Joyce Graham (deceased) v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 0306 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has held that a furnished holiday letting business did not consist wholly or mainly of making or holding investments and so qualified for business property relief (BPR).
Read moreTax update September 2018
In this month’s update we report on HMRC’s updated position regarding payment of the April 2019 “loan charge”, HMRC’s updated guidance on the targeted anti-avoidance rule for close company distributions on a winding up and the CIOT’s comments on off-payroll working in the private sector. We also comment on recent decisions relating to, late filing penalties, an application by HMRC to amend its Statement of Case and tax geared penalties for failure to comply with information notices.
Read moreCorporate tax update - Second quarter 2018
Welcome to the latest edition of our Corporate Tax Update, written by members of RPC’s tax team and published quarterly. In this second 2018 edition we highlight some of the key tax developments of interest to UK corporates from the second quarter of 2018.
Read morePertemps: Expenses salary sacrifice scheme not an economic activity for VAT purposes
In Pertemps Limited v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 0369 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has held that a salary sacrifice scheme providing travel and subsistence expenses to employees was not an economic activity for VAT purposes.
Read moreVAT update August 2018
In this month’s update we report on HMRC’s revised guidance on the VAT cost share exemption, HMRC’s consultation and plans to address VAT avoidance via offshore looping, and making tax digital for VAT.
Read moreCustoms and excise quarterly update August 2018
In this update we report on changes to gaming duty accounting periods, HMRC’s policy paper on tobacco duty on heated tobacco and an amendment to the Export (Penalty) Regulations 2003. We also comment on three recent cases relating to the customs classification of Beyblades, excise duty assessment time limits and restoration of seized tobacco.
Read moreJ P Whitter - HMRC not obliged to consider impact of cancellation of Gross Payment Status on business
In J P Whitter (Water Well Engineers) Ltd v HMRC [2018] UKSC 31, the Supreme Court has confirmed the view of the Court of Appeal that HMRC has the power to remove 'Gross Payment Status' from sub-contractors under the Construction Industry Scheme, without an obligation to take into account the impact on the tax-paying business.
Read moreGroves – Tribunal confirms that a notice to file must be given by an identified HMRC officer
In Groves v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 0311 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has allowed the taxpayer's appeal against penalties issued by HMRC pursuant to Schedule 55, Finance Act 2009, for the late filing of a tax return as the notice to file was not signed by an "Officer of the Board" and in any event, the notice was invalid as it was not given by HMRC for the purpose(s) set out in section 8, Taxes Management Act 1970 (TMA) and therefore any penalties issued for late filing of the return were invalid.
Read moreWealth and trusts quarterly digest August 2018
Welcome to our latest Wealth & Trusts digest. Our quarterly digest is specifically tailored for you and aims to provide up to date commentary, analysis and guidance on key sector developments. It is written by our wealth and trusts teams to assist you and your clients in responding to market trends and legal developments. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss any issues you may have and always welcome feedback on the content of our publications.
Read moreBradshaw – Tribunal confirms ignorance of the law is a reasonable excuse and cancels penalties
In A and R Bradshaw v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 0368 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has held that a taxpayer's ignorance of the law is a reasonable excuse in relation to the late filing of a non-resident CGT return (NRCGT return).
Read moreShaw: Tribunal cancels penalties … again!
In Shaw v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 0381 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has cancelled late filing penalties because HMRC had not satisfied the statutory requirements of section 8(1), Taxes Management Act 1970 (TMA) as a notice to file had not been validly served on the appellant.
Read moreTax update August 2018
In this month’s update we report on the summary of responses to HMRC’s consultation on extending time limits for offshore non-compliance, HMRC’s policy paper on “profit-fragmentation” and HMRC’s consultation on proposals for new civil information gathering powers for HMRC.
Read moreTager – Court of Appeal allows taxpayers' appeals and reduces penalties for failure to comply with information notices
In Tager & Ors v HMRC [2018] EWCA Civ 1727, in allowing the taxpayers' appeals, the Court of Appeal has provided some general observations on the scope and purpose of HMRC's power to impose tax-related penalties under paragraph 50, Schedule 36, Finance Act 2008 for failures to comply with information notices issued under paragraph 1, Schedule 36, Finance Act 2008.
Read moreVAT update July 2018
In this month’s update we report on the alignment of the period for recovery of VAT by exempt public sector entities; new guidance concerning VAT liability on goods supplied on approval; and HMRC’s policy paper on a new regime for interest and penalties.
Read moreAllpay - Tribunal refuses HMRC permission to amend its Statement of Case and awards costs to the taxpayer
In Allpay Ltd v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 0273 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has dismissed HMRC's application to amend its Statement of Case to plead a new legal issue.
Read moreNon-residents and UK property
Non-UK residents owning UK real estate, whether directly or via companies, partnerships, trust arrangements or collective investment vehicles, should be aware of important UK tax changes due to take effect from April 2019.
Read moreAmes: No EIS relief without income tax claim but Tribunal grants judicial review of HMRC's decision
In Ames v HMRC [2018] UKUT 190, the Upper Tribunal (UT) has held that capital gains tax (CGT) relief under the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) is not available on the disposal of shares where no income tax relief was claimed on their acquisition. However, in refusing to allow a late claim for EIS income tax relief, HMRC had misapplied the relevant guidance, fettered its discretion, and failed to consider material facts and the UT therefore granted judicial review of HMRC's decision.
Read moreBell - The importance of selecting the correct forum when alleging unfairness on the part of HMRC
In J Bell v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 261 (TC), the taxpayer's appeal was struck out by the First-tier Tribunal (FTT), because it does not have jurisdiction to consider issues of public law.
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