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Stay on top of Intellectual Property
Whether you’re just starting out or launching a new product, there are a wealth of intellectual property issues to consider in the world of distilling. Here, Ciara Cullen, Ben Mark and Sarah Mountain outline those do’s and don’ts, the changing landscape and how to thrive in 2021 and beyond.
Read moreCourt of Appeal upholds copyright infringement decision against digital radio aggregator
The Court of Appeal has refused TuneIn's appeal of a 2019 judgment finding that it had infringed the copyright of Warner and Sony by linking to online radio stations.
Read moreNeed for reasonable enquiries upon receipt of potentially confidential information
The Court of Appeal recently held that a recipient of information will be bound by a duty of confidentiality if it was reasonable for them to have made enquiries as to the confidential nature of the information and they failed to do so (Travel Counsellors Ltd v Trailfinders Ltd [2021] EWCA Civ 38).
Read moreOh (no) Polly – clothing brand infringed the design rights of a direct competitor the High Court finds
The High Court has held that G4K Fashion Limited, trading as 'Oh Polly', has infringed UK unregistered design rights (UKUDR) and community unregistered design rights (CUDR) owned by Original Beauty Technology Company Limited (Original Beauty) by copying several of its 'bodycon' and 'bandage' garments. Original Beauty was, however, unable to establish passing off.
Read moreHold your horses: Raceday data dispute likely to head to Supreme Court
In a dispute, between suppliers of live betting and raceday data from racecourses, the Court of Appeal was asked to consider whether a duty of confidence could be applied to live sports data between its creation and broadcast when that information was available in real time. We look at the Court's decision, and the reasons for it, in more detail below.
Read moreBrexit – a guide to protecting your rights from 1 January 2021
Like many other areas of law, intellectual property (IP) will undergo a raft of changes overnight, when the Brexit transition period expires on December 31 2020.
Read moreNeat infringement claim leaves whiskey competitor’s trade mark on the rocks
The producers of Eagle Rare bourbon whiskey have succeeded in their trade mark infringement claim against competitor, American Eagle. The case highlights the impact of market-specific context in determining whether consumers are likely to be confused by similar trade marks. Whilst the case has general relevance, it will be of specific interest to alcohol and luxury goods brands.
Read moreCopyright: Online platform operators’ liability for users illegally uploading copyright material
C-682/18 Frank Peterson v Google LLC and others and C 683/18 Elsevier Inc. v Cyando AG EU:C:2020:586 – A-G opinion
Read moreToo many cooks… 'Fit Kitchen' trade mark infringed
On 29 July, Fit Kitchen Limited (FKL) won its case for trade mark infringement and passing off against Scratch Meals Limited (SML). Both FKL and SML provide healthy pre-prepared meals: FKL via an online subscription site, which allows users to customise meal choices, based on their individual macros and dietary preferences and SML, through the manufacture and sale of products to supermarkets.
Read moreBritish Gymnastics lands well in trade mark infringement proceedings
The national governing body (NGB) for Gymnastics in Britain has succeeded in trade mark infringement and passing off proceedings against an organisation using the sign “UK Gymnastics”, in a Judgment which is likely to assist several Sport England and UK Sport-funded NGBs. In particular, it shows how to deal with organisations using signs which suggest they are an NGB (when they are not).
Read moreSega’s early win against Man Utd in Football Manager trade mark case
As first published by leading sports law resource LawInSport, Jeremy Drew and Samuel Coppard discuss Man United’s trade mark infringement proceedings against Sega and Sports Interactive in relation to Football Manager.
Read more'Nosecco' is a no-no, says the High Court
In recent years, health and wellbeing has been big business in the UK. The COVID-19 outbreak has only further stoked the desire to obtain and maintain healthy minds and bodies and the trend looks set to continue, across the retail sector.
Read moreLuxury and online marketplaces - the next chapter (Coty v Amazon)
On 2 April 2020, the CJEU ruled that storing infringing goods on behalf of a third-party seller, without knowing that those goods infringe trade mark rights does not constitute infringement, provided that the storing party does not pursue the aim of offering the goods for sale or putting them on the market.
Read moreLandmark case sees trade mark specifications cut down on grounds of bad faith.
Today, the High Court handed down judgment in Sky v SkyKick. The judgment follows the CJEU's 29 January 2020 decision, which answered various questions that the High Court had referred to it, back in June 2018.
Read moreCOVID-19 prompts changes to working arrangements for the Court of Justice of the European Union
Prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the CJEU announced, on 19 March 2020, that it will be temporarily changing its working arrangements.
Read moreEUIPO issues clarification on COVID-19 extension of time for trade mark and design proceedings
The EUIPO has issued a clarification in respect of Decision No EX-20-3 noting that the extension of deadlines in trade mark and design EUIPO proceedings to 1 May 2020 applies automatically.
Read moreSo Long Blues
Following our previous IP hub update, Glaxo has suffered fresh survey woes.
Read more15% increase in counterfeit goods seized in 2015
According to the "Report on EU Customs Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: Results at the EU Border 2015", the number of goods that were detained at the EU's external borders for suspected infringement of an IP right grew by an estimated 15% in 2015 compared with 2014.
Read moreAll is not (necessarily) lost: Crypto crime recovery
With over 2 million people in the UK now holding and using cryptocurrency, and the Chancellor announcing that a government backed non-fungible token ("NFT") is to be issued by the Royal Mint this summer, the market for crypto-assets is expected to continue to grow in the coming months and years; so much so that legislation is planned to implement a new regulatory regime for the crypto market.
Read moreFTT prevents HMRC from having two bites of the cherry!
In Lady Henrietta Pearson v HMRC [2014] UKFTT 890 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber) ('FTT') concluded that HMRC had "ignored" its previous decision by seeking to reduce the amount of a VAT refund which it had ordered HMRC make to Lady Henrietta Pearson ('the taxpayer').
Read moreThe Work Couch: Data protection and HR-related challenges (Part 2), with Jon Bartley and Helen Yost
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast where we discuss all things employment.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Preventing sexual harassment - is your business compliant?
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast where we discuss all things employment.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Data protection and HR-related challenges (Part 1), with Jon Bartley and Helen Yost
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast where we discuss all things employment.
Read moreThe Work Couch: What's on the horizon for employment law in 2025?
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Disability inclusion at work (Part 3): What does genuine accessibility look like? with Samantha Renke
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Disability inclusion at work (Part 2): Narratives, reasonable adjustments, and the business case for accessibility, with Samantha Renke
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Disability inclusion at work (Part 1): The lived experience, with Samantha Renke
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: How to tackle seven tricky disciplinary issues, with Joanna Holford
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Employment Rights Bill: What employers need to know, with Patrick Brodie
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Black maternal experiences and supporting colleagues, with Shanice Holder, Tinuke Awe, Clo Rebecca Abe and Tonye Alagoa
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreNeurodiversity at work (Part 3): How to implement effective neuro-inclusion
Ahead of ADHD awareness month in October, we are devoting our latest deep-dive mini-series to the topic of neurodiversity. Given 15 to 20% of the UK population are neurodivergent - and more than half of Gen Z identify as "definitely" or "somewhat" neurodiverse - it is essential for employers to understand how neurodiversity interacts with, and affects, employment law and the world of work.
Read moreNeurodiversity at work (Part 2): The law, HR considerations and wellbeing, with Kelly Thomson and Victoria Othen
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast where we discuss all things employment. Ahead of ADHD awareness month in October, we are devoting our latest deep-dive mini-series to the topic of neurodiversity. Given 15 to 20% of the UK population are neurodivergent - and more than half of Gen Z identify as "definitely" or "somewhat" neurodiverse - it is essential for employers to understand how neurodiversity interacts with, and affects, employment law and the world of work.
Read moreNeurodiversity at work (Part 1): Myths, misconceptions and the lived experience, with Ashlea Cromby, Tracey West, Alice de Coverley and Victoria Othen
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast where we discuss all things employment. Ahead of ADHD awareness month in October, we are devoting our latest deep-dive mini-series to the topic of neurodiversity. Given 15 to 20% of the UK population are neurodivergent - and more than half of Gen Z identify as "definitely" or "somewhat" neurodiverse - it is essential for employers to understand how neurodiversity interacts with, and affects, employment law and the world of work.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Bonus Live episode: Exploring the cost of untapped talent, with Tskenya-Sarah Frazer, Trevor Sterling and Mark Ash
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast where we discuss all things employment.
Read moreSupporting and retaining Gen Z talent (Part 2): Work-life balance, communication and wellbeing, with Rose Sellman-Leava and Laura Verrecchia
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Supporting and retaining Gen Z talent (Part 1): Myths and opportunities, with Rose Sellman-Leava and Laura Verrecchia
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: AI (Part 3): The role of emotional intelligence and AI's impact on wellbeing, with Jake Wall and Patrick Brodie
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: AI (Part 2): Privacy, bias, and discrimination
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreAI (Part 1): Impact on litigation, responsible use and the regulatory landscape
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Mental health at work (Part 4): Mental health first aid, with Simon Blake OBE
We are marking Mental health awareness week this month by devoting a four-part mini-series to mental health at work. In our concluding episode this week, Ellie is joined by Simon Blake OBE, Chief Executive at Mental Health First Aid England to explain the role of mental health first aid in the workplace.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Mental health at work (Part 3): Protecting your employees' digital wellbeing, with Alice Hendy MBE
We are marking Mental health awareness week this month by devoting a four-part mini-series to mental health at work. This week, in part 3, Ellie is joined by Alice Hendy MBE, CEO and founder of charity R;pple Suicide Prevention to explain how employers can protect their employees' digital wellbeing.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Mental health at work (Part 2): Implementing effective mental wellbeing measures, with Neil Laybourn
To mark Mental health awareness week this month, we are devoting a four-part mini-series to mental health at work. In part 2, Ellie is joined by the other key person from the incredible "Stranger on the bridge" story, Neil Laybourn, who on that fateful day in January 2008, stopped to talk to Jonny Benjamin, who was about to take his own life on Waterloo Bridge.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Mental health at work (Part 1): Turning despair into hope, with Jonny Benjamin MBE
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreGovernment "crackdown" on "gagging clauses" is not new, but an important reminder
The use of confidentiality clauses and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) by employers, whether as standalone agreements, or forming terms within employment contracts, settlement agreements, or COT3 agreements, has been subject to considerable scrutiny in the UK in recent years - despite existing professional obligations on UK regulated lawyers not to advance all-encompassing, unlimited NDAs.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Whistleblowing (Part 3): 5 key challenges for employers in 2024
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch - Addiction at work: Disciplinary or wellbeing issue?
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreWhistleblowing (Part 2): How to approach whistleblowing complaints
In part 2 of our mini-series on whistleblowing, Ellie Gelder is joined by Sybille Raphael, legal director at whistleblowing charity Protect, to explain how employers can approach whistleblowing complaints proactively and effectively.
Read moreNavigating the impact of AI on work: challenges, opportunities, and the human touch
The fear of job losses because of technology and automation, including artificial intelligence, has been with us since the 1960s. For some time, academics have predicted the decline of routine, rules-based and process-driven roles.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Exploring the cost of untapped talent: Social mobility
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Social washing: Avoiding the pitfalls
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
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