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Security for costs – be reasonable!
A recent Judgment in Hong Kong on a security for costs application reinforces the wide discretion of the Court as to the form and quantum of security which should be accepted
Read moreAn acceptable degree of uncertainty
Certainty, we are told, is a good thing, as a matter of both legal principle and commercial common sense. Certainty means predictability, which companies and merchants value because it allows them to plan and make decisions in the knowledge of the likely outcomes. This has been a major feature of English commercial law since at least the time of Lord Mansfield.
Read moreSupreme Court clarifies the impact of a "collateral lie" made by an assured during the claims process
The Supreme Court has ruled that a lie told by an assured during the course of a claim presentation will not necessarily invalidate the assured's right to recover under his insurance.
Read moreTake it to the limit (but no further)
In a recent judgment handed down on 12 April 2016, the Hong Kong Admiralty Court examined whether or not crew members' acts or omissions could be regarded as a shipowner's personal acts or omissions for the purposes of breaking limitation under the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 1976 ("LLMC") [FN1].
Read moreWhat's in a name? Time Charter Trips explored
The time charter trip or "TCT" is a common hybrid, with attributes of both time and voyage charters.
Read moreIs arbitration stifling the common law?
Recent comments by the Lord Chief Justice of England & Wales have reignited a debate over the balance between finality in arbitration and consideration of important points of law by the Courts.
Read moreDown in Flame(s)
What is the value of money? In a recent Commercial Court decision, it was held that the right to redirect the payment of money (or to give it away) is as valuable as the right to have the money paid into one's own bank account.
Read moreKeep your word! Hong Kong Court enforces indemnity for delivery of cargo without original bills
Shipowners are well aware of the perils of releasing cargo without production of an original bill of lading. In particular, they are likely to lose P&I cover in the event of a misdelivery claim.
Read moreArbitrations and anti-suit injunctions – a Hong Kong perspective
In some jurisdictions (notably Mainland China and Australia), local law does not give effect to the incorporation of arbitration clauses into bills of lading.
Read moreThe "NEW FLAMENCO" – back in step
Court of Appeal overturns High Court and holds that a 'capital' benefit obtained following the sale of a vessel on her early redelivery can reduce a damages claim for repudiatory breach of charterparty.
Read moreSpeed & Consumption – good weather daze?
The High Court of England & Wales has overturned an arbitration Award in a rare appeal on a performance dispute[1].
Read moreAnti-suit injunctions – do not delay
The recent judgment of the English Commercial Court in Essar Shipping Ltd v Bank of China Ltd[1] has highlighted the importance of applying for anti-suit injunctions swiftly once the dispute arises.
Read moreBallast Water Management Convention likely to come in 2016
Three countries, Monaco, Indonesia and Ghana, ratified the IMO Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention, during the recent IMO Biennial Assembly Meeting, in London.
Read moreThe "RES COGITANS" – still no relief for shipowners in OW Bunker saga
In an eagerly-awaited decision, the English Court of Appeal has unanimously upheld the conclusion of the Commercial Court (itself affirming a decision of London maritime arbitrators) that a bunker supply contract on the OW Bunker terms is not a "contract of sale of goods" to which the Sale of Goods 1979 Act applies[1].
Read moreDamages for repudiation of a voyage charter
The compensatory principle explored The High Court of England & Wales has reviewed the application of the standard compensatory principle in common law to voyage charters repudiated by their charterers, in an appeal from an arbitral Award[1].
Read moreMarine Insurance: Current Good Faith Rules Continue To Cause Blot On The Landscape?
We have less than twelve months until insurance contracts written under English law will be subject to the new provisions of the English Insurance Act 2015.
Read moreNo relief for late commencement of arbitration
Once upon a time, if one was unfortunate enough to miss a contractual, as opposed to statutory, time limit for commencing arbitration, relief could be sought and often obtained from the High Court under Section 27 of the Arbitration Act 1950.
Read moreWhen is a sale contract not a sale contract?
Most people reading this article would probably say that, even if they could not define a sale contract, they would know one when they saw it.
Read moreNot just a question of timing – Supreme Court rules on the assessment of damages for premature cancellation
The Supreme Court has held that a party could only recover nominal damages for premature cancellation (repudiation) of a sales contract on GAFTA Form 49[1].
Read morePushing the (tonnage) limits
This update highlights two recent changes in tonnage limits – one international, the other in Hong Kong.
Read moreCharterparty arbitration clauses: too much of a good thing?
It is a fact of commercial life that, at least with the benefit of hindsight, contracts are not always drafted clearly.
Read moreEnforcing jurisdiction agreements in the EU – Brussels casts out "abusive litigation tactics"
Disputes over jurisdiction (i.e. where a claim is heard and determined) are commonplace in shipping and international trade.
Read moreNew Compulsory Marine Liability Insurance Gives Shipowners and their Insurers the Blues
The Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks 2007 comes into force later this month (18 April 2015 and 17 May 2015 for Malta and Tuvalu respectively, but 14 April 2015 for all other contracting states, including the UK).
Read moreHong Kong expected to introduce mandatory low-sulphur fuel regulations
Many vessels currently calling to Hong Kong voluntarily burn low-sulphur fuel, in return for financial incentives under a scheme introduced by the Government in 2012.
Read moreAn uncharacteristic appeal: Ocean Victory decision reversed
Charterers (and their insurers) concerned by the first instance decision in The "Ocean Victory" may rest a little easier following the successful appeal which saw Daiichi Chuo overturn a judgment of over US$130 million against them.
Read moreCocaine Haul Leads to Limitations on War Risk Exclusion
It is a sad fact that drug traffickers like to use ocean-going vessels to help them move their product.
Read moreSingapore High Court allows extension of time in collision case despite multiple opportunities to arrest.
Following a collision between ORINOCO STAR and MELODY in Nigerian waters on 20 June 2011 and subsequent unsuccessful settlement negotiations between the parties, owners of the vessel MELODY issued a writ and proceeded to arrest ORINOCO STAR on 6 December 2013.
Read moreOW Bunker update – Hong Kong company applies for winding-up
Hong Kong Court records available publicly today show that a Petition was presented last Friday to wind up O.W. Bunker China Ltd (a Hong Kong company).
Read moreBunker disputes – Bankruptcy of OW Bunker A/S and associated companies
We are receiving numerous enquiries regarding the fallout from the bankruptcy of OW Bunker A/S and certain associated companies.
Read moreContainer weight fraud
Container weights is a hot topic at the moment, with the IMO set to introduce new requirements for the verification of container gross mass.
Read moreCourt rejects "capital" punishment
Appeal considers relevance of ship sale following early redelivery
Read moreNew Safety and Health Guidelines to Protect Seafarers
The International Labour Organisation has agreed guidelines to assist governments in implementing occupational safety and health provisions previously set down in the Maritime Labour Convention 2006.
Read moreHong Kong's top court confirms loss of cover
The importance of complying with insurance warranties
Read moreSix steps to AI Literacy (whether legally required to or not)
At the beginning of February 2025, the AI literacy requirement under the EU AI Act came into force. The effect of this is that certain businesses must take measures to ensure a sufficient level of AI literacy in their staff.
Read moreEU publishes draft Code for general-purpose AI models
What measures are proposed by the EU AI Office to regulate general-purpose AI (GPAI) models?
Read moreOfcom rolls out implementation phases for compliance with the Online Safety Act
What is Ofcom’s timeframe for implementation of the Online Safety Act (OSA) and what actions will in-scope services need to take to ensure compliance?
Read moreNew Safer Phones Bill aims at “making social media less addictive” for young people
How does the Safer Phones Bill intend to protect young people online?
Read moreTwo years on from the Digital Services Act
How has the European Commission (Commission) enforced the Digital Services Act (DSA) since its inception?
Read moreUK’s Digital Regulation Co-operation Forum announces new AI and Digital Hub Pilot
What is the AI and Digital Hub and how can AI innovators use it?
Read moreEU designates Apple a gatekeeper for iPadOS but not for iMessage
Can a business avoid being designated a “gatekeeper” under the Digital Markets Act (DMA) even if it satisfies the quantitative criteria under the DMA?
Read moreOnline Safety Act: Ofcom consults on draft codes to protect children online
What must businesses do to ensure online safety for children under the latest codes of practice published by Ofcom?
Read moreWhat in the AI is going on… April to June 2024
Meta launched its newest generation of its open-source LLM (large language model), Llama 3, which is the technology that powers its AI systems. The launch of Llama 3 signals a step closer to human-like AI that can reason and bestow a memory. OpenAI also discussed plans for its next AI model, GPT-5. Like Llama 3, GPT-5 will see improvements to the model’s planning and reasoning capabilities, going beyond its current capability to deal with discrete tasks. GPT-5 is expected to be released later in the year.
Read moreEU AI Act is signed!
What are the core elements of the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act and how does it impact the regulation of AI systems?
Read moreCMA publishes update paper on AI Foundation Models
What is the state of play for the market of AI Foundation Models (FM) and what issues in the market is the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) most concerned about?
Read moreNew EU guidelines on mitigating risks for electoral
What are the European Commission’s new guidelines and how do they protect the integrity of electoral processes?
Read moreAI in auditing: Embracing a new age for the profession
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rather new concept for many (ignoring those versed in 80’s Sci-Fi movies); it’s something many don’t know much about and certainly don’t use in our day-to-day lives (or at least appreciate we are using). However, that’s not the case for everyone. Auditors have long been reaping the benefits of AI, but are auditors just scratching the surface of what AI can offer and what impact will an increased use have on their insurance requirements and claims they face?
Read moreDigital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act becomes law
Following the announcement of a date for the general election, the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act (DMCC) rapidly sped through the final stages of parliamentary processes to become law on 24 May 2024
Read moreParliamentary 'wash up' – which Bills made it through?
On 22 May 2024, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that a General Election will take place on 4 July 2024. Parliament was then prorogued on 24 May 2024 which allowed a mere 2 days for 'wash up' - the process by which outstanding bills may be rushed through the parliamentary process.
Read moreVirtual billboards: the future of immersive advertising?
With the deployment of immersive technologies poised to become the norm, the implementation of infrastructure for "virtual billboards", and the "property digital rights" which they demand, is demonstrating a lucrative gap in the market and huge growth potential.
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