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COVID-19 prompts changes to working arrangements for the Court of Justice of the European Union
Prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the CJEU announced, on 19 March 2020, that it will be temporarily changing its working arrangements.
Read more15% increase in counterfeit goods seized in 2015
According to the "Report on EU Customs Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: Results at the EU Border 2015", the number of goods that were detained at the EU's external borders for suspected infringement of an IP right grew by an estimated 15% in 2015 compared with 2014.
Read moreFCA consults on new reporting obligations for (i) incidents and (ii) third party arrangements
On 13 December 2024, the FCA published consultation paper CP24/28 (the CP) on proposals for firms to report on operational incidents and, separately, on material third party arrangements. The CP mirrors similar proposals put forward by the PRA and Bank of England on the same day and is designed to align with current international standards (e.g. the EU Regulation on digital operational resilience (DORA)).
Read moreSports Ticker (27 April 2023) – PL gambling sponsor ban, WWE x UFC merger and Schumacher's AI interview – a speed-read of commercial updates from the sports world
In a fortnight which saw Corach Rambler win the Grand National, the UK & Ireland submit its bid to host the UEFA Euro 2028 men's tournament, and 48,000 runners take to the streets for the London Marathon, we bring you updates on Spotify's new integration with Strava and Team GB's collaboration with Birds Eye. We also feature stories on a controversial AI-generated interview with Michael Schumacher and our own Kate O'Malley's sub-three hour marathon success.
Read moreICO publishes guidance on AI decision making
How can companies comply with data regulation when using AI to make decisions affecting individuals?
Read moreDigital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act becomes law
Following the announcement of a date for the general election, the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act (DMCC) rapidly sped through the final stages of parliamentary processes to become law on 24 May 2024
Read moreParliamentary 'wash up' – which Bills made it through?
On 22 May 2024, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that a General Election will take place on 4 July 2024. Parliament was then prorogued on 24 May 2024 which allowed a mere 2 days for 'wash up' - the process by which outstanding bills may be rushed through the parliamentary process.
Read moreOfcom's 'Roadmap to Regulation' underway with its consultation on illegal harms duties under the Online Safety Act
In November, Ofcom, as new online safety regulator, published the first of four major consultations under the Online Safety Act ("OSA"), which sets out its proposals for how "user-to-user" ("U2U") services (essentially any online website or app that allows users to interact with each other) and online search services (i.e. Google, Bing and similar) should approach their illegal content duties under the new legislation. The consultation provides guidance in a number of areas including governance, content moderation, reporting and complaints mechanisms, terms of service, supporting child users, and user empowerment.
Read moreThe Times recognises RPC among Best Law Firms 2024
International law firm, RPC, has been recognised by The Times in its Best Law Firms 2024 report, an annual ranking of the top 250 law firms in England and Wales.
Read moreCriminal Liability for Senior Managers under the Online Safety Act
Under the Online Safety Act (OSA), senior managers of in-scope services could be held personally liable in certain circumstances for the company's non-compliance with obligations within the legislation.
Read moreThe Online Safety Bill is set to become law
The Online Safety Bill will shortly become law in the UK as soon as it receives Royal Assent. The legislation will introduce a new regulatory regime for online platforms and search engines which target the UK, imposing wide-ranging obligations on in-scope services with serious consequences for non-compliance.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - July 2023
Welcome to the July 2023 edition of Insurtech in Brief - a selection of the latest insurtech news and developments from across the globe.
Read moreSilicon Valley, Signature and Credit Suisse: what do they all share(holder) in common?
In what has been termed "the biggest banking crisis since 2008", both Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank have collapsed, and Credit Suisse has been rescued. Whether more banks are to follow suit is yet to be seen.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - March 2023
Welcome to the March 2023 edition of Insurtech in Brief - a selection of the latest insurtech news and developments from across the globe.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - February 2023
Welcome to the February 2023 edition of Insurtech in Brief - a selection of the latest insurtech news and developments from across the globe.
Read moreNew Digital Regulators on the 2023 Horizon: the Digital Markets Unit and the European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency
For a number of years, the UK Government has been laying the groundwork to bring in a digital markets regime to regulate digital firms designated as having ‘strategic market status’ (SMS). To be designated as having SMS, a firm must have 'substantial and entrenched market power' in at least one activity. Companies having SMS are likely to include the largest tech firms such as Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft and Meta (the so called 'GAMMA' firms).
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - November 2022
Welcome to the November 2022 edition of Insurtech in Brief - a selection of the latest insurtech news and developments from across the globe.
Read moreDigital services providers—Commission to focus on implementation phase of EU consumer protection legislation
The Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) are published in the Official Journal and the plenary vote of the European Parliament on the proposed text of the AI Act is expected once amendments are agreed by negotiators. The Commission is now turning its focus to the implementation phase of these landmark regimes. So, what does the future hold for the European tech sector and how might it differ for the UK?
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - October 2022
Welcome to the October 2022 edition of Insurtech in brief - a selection of the latest insurtech news and developments from across the globe.
Read moreThe EU Digital Markets Act - a focus on gatekeeper obligations and sanctions
What key obligations will the Digital Markets Act (DMA) impose on online platforms designated as gatekeepers?
Read moreHong Kong's enhanced e-reporting system for internet fraud
On 19 September 2022, the Hong Kong Police Force announced its upgraded e-reporting system for internet crimes and frauds, which aims to improve the processing and analysing of cyber crimes.
Read moreEuropean Parliament formally adopts Digital Services Act
Following provision political agreement by the Council and the European Parliament in April 2022, on 5 July 2022 the European Parliament formally adopted the Digital Services Act (DSA). The DSA has yet to be adopted by the Council.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - July 2022
Welcome to the July 2022 edition of Insurtech in Brief – a selection of the latest Insurtech news and developments from across the globe.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - June 2022
Welcome to the June 2022 edition of Insurtech in Brief – a selection of the latest Insurtech news and developments from across the globe.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - January 2022
Welcome to the January edition from RPC of Insurtech in brief, providing you with a handful of snappy monthly updates from the industry.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - October 2021
Welcome to the October edition from RPC of Insurtech in brief, providing you with a handful of snappy monthly updates from the industry.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - November 2021
Welcome to the November edition from RPC of Insurtech in brief, providing you with a handful of snappy monthly updates from the industry.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - September 2021
Welcome to the September edition from RPC of Insurtech in brief, providing you with a handful of snappy monthly updates from the industry.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - August 2021
Welcome to the August edition from RPC of Insurtech in brief, providing you with a handful of snappy monthly updates from the industry.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - July 2021
Welcome to the July edition from RPC of Insurtech in brief, providing you with a handful of snappy monthly updates from the industry.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - June 2021
Welcome to the June edition from RPC of Insurtech in brief, providing you with a handful of snappy monthly updates from the industry.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief - May 2021
Welcome to the May edition from RPC of Insurtech in brief, providing you with a handful of snappy monthly updates from the industry.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief April 2021
Welcome to the April edition from RPC of Insurtech in brief, providing you with a handful of snappy monthly updates from the industry.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief – March 2021
Welcome to the latest edition from RPC of Insurtech in brief, providing you with a handful of snappy monthly updates from the industry.
Read moreCommercial Court cracks down on crypto-fraudsters (if it can find them)
In the first initial coin offering 'ICO' fraud case before the Commercial Court, Ion Science Limited & Duncan Johns v Persons Unknown & Ors, the court granted permission to serve disclosure orders on two cryptocurrency exchanges through which the claimants' stolen bitcoin had been traced, granted a world-wide freezing order against persons unknown, and gave ground-breaking guidance on the lex situs of crypto-assets.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief – January 2021
Welcome to the latest edition from RPC Insurtech in brief providing you with a handful of snappy monthly updates from the industry.
Read moreRPC Insurtech in brief – December 2020
Welcome to the latest edition from RPC Insurtech in brief providing you with a handful of snappy monthly updates from the industry.
Read moreNew virtual insurer for Hong Kong
This month saw the award of a further virtual insurer licence in Hong Kong – this time for OneDegree (on 15 April 2020). The start-up will focus, initially, on the burgeoning Hong Kong pet insurance market, before a proposed expansion into health and cyber risk.
Read moreFuture Fund
The Chancellor has announced the launch of a £500m co-investment fund for start-ups adversely impacted by the coronavirus. The 'Future Fund' operates through the government matching private sector money with state-backed loans that can convert into equity stakes in the start-up.
Read moreLoot Boxes: what's in the box?
On 12 September 2019 the House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee (DCMS) released its report into what it calls "immersive and addictive technologies".
Read moreRPC provides response to 'Online harms' consultation
This consultation response is submitted on behalf of RPC's Tech Group*. RPC is an international law firm with offices in London, Bristol, Hong Kong and Singapore. RPC acts for a range of clients from start-ups to multi-nationals in the technology, media, and retail sectors and for their insurers. RPC's Tech Group provides specialist advice on regulation, content liability, commercial contracts, outsourcing, data protection, cyber, intellectual property, e-commerce, and investigations and disputes. Views expressed in this submission do not necessarily represent those of our clients.
Read moreInformation requirements to change under European communications contracts
The rules around what needs to be provided to consumers under communications contracts are going to be changing under the new European Electronic Communications Code. This will have implications for consumer contracts provided by communication providers in Europe, including broadband, voice and "over the top" providers.
Read moreConnected and Autonomous Vehicles: Changes ahead for UK road traffic laws
The UK Government has recently launched a consultation on proposals to amend the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 (Regulations) and the Highway Code. The proposed changes will clarify the legal position for use of features in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) and should bring the UK law in line with recent updates to international rules.
Read moreDigital Comparison Tools: The CMA's Verdict
The CMA has recently concluded its year-long digital comparison tools (DCT) market study with the publication (on 26 September 2017) of its Final Report. However, this is by no means the end of the story. In addition to making recommendations to DCTs, their users, the regulators (in particular, the FCA), other bodies and the Government, the CMA has launched a competition investigation into the use of wide "most favoured nation" (MFN) contractual arrangements by a DCT in the home insurance sector and will keep other commercial arrangements under review.
Read moreEBA encourages banks to pool their resources for cloud audits
The EBA has set out that banks are no longer required to provide their auditors (or themselves) with an independent right to audit their cloud service providers.
Read moreA mutual break-up? – Old Mutual drops IT supplier IFDS
Old Mutual Wealth has ditched its IT supplier, International Financial Data Services, on £450 million platform project.
Read moreLicensors beware – BlackBerry wins refund of royalties from Qualcomm
Smartphone chip supplier Qualcomm has been ordered to pay back $814.9 million to BlackBerry as part of a binding interim arbitration settlement.
Read moreDigital comparison tools: the CMA decides against a market investigation reference
Six months after the CMA launched its market study into digital comparison tools, it has decided not to make a market investigation reference, but will focus on four areas of possible concern in a second phase of its market study.
Read moreBlockchain technology for contracts: Above the law?
A recent report by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) explores how blockchain technology could continue to develop and impact on a number of key areas of everyday business and life in general. One area explored by the EPRS report relates to the use of blockchain for so-called 'smart contracts'.
Read moreLicensees beware - SAP wins victory against Diageo for breach of software licence agreement
In a significant ruling for software customers and providers, the High Court found that Diageo breached the "Named User" pricing mechanism of its software licence agreement with SAP.
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