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National Security and Investment – the EU's response
National security concerns regarding Huawei continue to make headlines around the world, against the backdrop of an ongoing US / Chinese trade war. This blog looks at new EU rules on foreign investments which raise security or public order concerns.
Read moreStamp duty land tax (SDLT) avoidance and corporate property deals – the importance of timing!
The First-Tier Tribunal has, in a recent decision, caused something of a stir for clients and advisors familiar with the well-trodden (and, usually, tax-efficient) use of offshore unit trusts to hold UK property.
Read moreMore than you bargained for: the implied duty of good faith
The recent High Court decision in Bates v. Post Office (No. 3) confirms a general principle that if a contract is a "relational" contract then it will include an implied obligation of good faith. Previously, there had been doubt whether such a general principle exists, as historically this was not an approach recognised by the English courts.
Read moreDerivative transactions – the obligation to report
As the recent £34.9m fine for Goldman Sachs shows, the FCA takes the obligation to report derivative transactions seriously. How does this affect parties who trade infrequently, and what changes to the reporting requirement can we expect post-Brexit?
Read morePart Three: Five practical implications of side letters and most favoured nations clauses for fund investors and managers
In this third and final part of our series on side letters and most favoured nation (MFN) clauses in private equity funds, we examine five practical implications for investors and managers.
Read morePart Two: Side letters and fundraising
In this second of a three part series, we look more closely at side letters and most favoured nation (MFN) clauses in the private equity space.
Read morePart One: Overview of side letters & MFNs when investing in private equity funds
In the first of a three part series we consider the importance of side letters and most favoured nations (MFN) clauses in private equity funds.
Read moreTechnology in Insurance
On 16 June 2022 RPC hosted an afternoon of talks and panel sessions on the theme of 'Technology in Insurance', the culmination of the firm's TechWeek which brings market experts and lawyers together to discuss risks and opportunities with new technologies within different business sectors.
Read moreA guide to buying and selling English residential property
With the advent of COVID-19, Brexit and global market volatility, the mature, fast-moving English real estate sector faces unprecedented challenges. However history has shown the English residential property market to be particularly resilient and many consider this a time of unique opportunity.
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