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Audit market: From recommendations to reforms
The Brydon Report on audit quality and effectiveness was released on 18 December 2019. The Report sets out recommendations for “urgent reform” in order to increase public confidence and seek to prevent unnecessary corporate failures.
Read moreSMCR: The tricky implementation phase
The Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SMCR) came into force for all financial services firms solo-regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) on 9 December 2019. The SMCR replaces the previous APER regime under which the FCA had oversight of the individuals working in the financial services industry. There is a one year implementation period for firms to make the changes required by the SMCR, which expires on 9 December 2020.
Read moreRegulatory Radar 2020/21
Welcome to the 2020/21 edition of RPC’s annual Regulatory Radar – a guide to the key regulatory changes worth having on your radar. We hope this will be a useful resource, helping you scan the regulatory horizon and highlight changes that could impact your business.
Read more'Nosecco' is a no-no, says the High Court
In recent years, health and wellbeing has been big business in the UK. The COVID-19 outbreak has only further stoked the desire to obtain and maintain healthy minds and bodies and the trend looks set to continue, across the retail sector.
Read moreRegulatory update - June 2020
Welcome to the June edition of our monthly Regulatory Update, which aims to pull together key developments from the past month across the various UK regulators – and help you to navigate the regulatory maze.
Read moreTerraLex virtual meeting: The new wave of M&A
In this video presentation, RPC's Neil Brown and Paul Joukador meet with Lori Green and Rick McGuirk to discuss issues related to force majeure, frustration of purpose, material adverse change, and how they’ve been impacted and will likely change in the post-pandemic world.
Read moreCOVID-19: The Dairy Sector and Welsh health services granted temporary UK competition law exemptions and the European Commission issues first 'Comfort Letter' to Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
The UK Government has granted a temporary competition law exemption for certain collaboration within the dairy sector and Welsh health services and the European Commission has published its first 'comfort letter' to allow co-operation to ensure supplies of medicines for COVID-19 patients.
Read moreThe ASA bites back – Burger King 'Rebel Whopper' ads ruled to be misleading and in breach of advertising rules
At the start of the year, Veganuary hit the headlines, with the British public challenged to ditch animal by-products in favour of a plant-based diet for the month of January.
Read moreThe ASA bites back – Burger King 'Rebel Whopper' ads ruled to be misleading and in breach of advertising rules
At the start of the year, Veganuary hit the headlines, with the British public challenged to ditch animal by-products in favour of a plant-based diet for the month of January.
Read moreRegulated Activities Order amendments for the new Bounce Back Loan Scheme
On 1 May 2020, the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Order 2020 was published and came into force on 4 May 2020.
Read moreRegulatory Roundup Q1 2020
Welcome to the Spring edition of the Regulatory Roundup, which aims to pull together the key developments across regulatory regimes – and help you to navigate the maze.
Read moreCOVID-19: What is the CMA's current approach to UK merger assessment?
The CMA has been adapting its working practices to react to the ongoing challenges of a change in working environment that has an impact on almost all businesses.
Read moreGive retailers a break, lawyers tell creditors
Lawyers have called for a break on winding-up petitions against retailers as they fail to pay creditors due to the outbreak. So far, retailers have been hit with 52 winding-up petitions since the beginning of the year, with the numbers accelerating since the coronavirus outbreak took hold, according to lawyers at RPC.
Read moreCould I mitigate my losses by using my premises for other purposes?
With the inevitable impact of the coronavirus on retail businesses, many will be looking to mitigate their losses. One obvious way of doing this would be to use their premises, often their single largest overhead, for other uses. But is this possible and what must you consider?
Read moreCOVID-19: The groceries sector - temporary competition law exemption comes into force
In light of "exceptional and compelling reasons of public policy" arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, the Secretary of State (the "SoS") has announced temporary competition law arrangements in the groceries sector.
Read moreCOVID-19: CMA provides guidance to business on its approach to co-operation in response to the pandemic
Businesses, which do not benefit from the specific competition law exemptions granted by the Secretary of State (in the groceries, Solent Ferries and healthcare services sectors), may co-operate without fear of enforcement action by the Competition and Markets Authority (the "CMA"), provided that this co-operation is undertaken "solely to address concerns arising from the current crisis and does not go further or last longer than what is necessary".
Read moreKey regulatory guidance following COVID-19 pandemic
As the world tackles the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK’s Regulators have published a host of useful guidance that firms should take good note of during this period of uncertainty. While not an exhaustive list, we hope this summary highlights the key obligations and requirements currently being brought in by the Regulators.
Read moreRegulatory update - March 2020
Welcome to the March edition of our monthly Regulatory Update, which aims to pull together key developments from the past month across the various UK regulators – and help you to navigate the regulatory maze.
Read moreRegulatory update - February 2020
Welcome to the February edition of our monthly Regulatory Update, which aims to pull together key developments from the past month across the various UK regulators – and help you to navigate the regulatory maze.
Read moreRegulatory update - January 2020
Welcome to the January edition of our monthly Regulatory Update, which aims to pull together key developments from the past month across the various UK regulators – and help you to navigate the regulatory maze.
Read moreRegulatory update - December 2019
Welcome to the December edition of our monthly Regulatory Update, which aims to pull together key developments from the past month across the various UK regulators – and help you to navigate the regulatory maze.
Read moreChanging retail landscape leads to decline in employee numbers
The retail sector continues to face change and challenge from every conceivable angle and employment within the sector is following this trend.
Read moreRegulatory update - November 2019
Welcome to the November edition of our monthly Regulatory Update, which aims to pull together key developments from the past month across the various UK regulators – and help you to navigate the regulatory maze.
Read moreRegulatory update - October 2019
Welcome to the October edition of our monthly Regulatory update, which aims to pull together key developments from across the various UK regulators – and help you to navigate the regulatory maze.
Read moreFixing Fast Fashion: Parliament aims to put the brakes on retailers
'Fast fashion' has been providing inexpensive, up to date styles to the mass market for decades, keeping the consumer both on trend, and in the black. However, as society becomes increasingly aware of the environmental and social impact of the retail sector, Parliament has thrown a spotlight upon the sustainability of 'fast fashion' and the modern retailing practices which underpin it.
Read moreAdvertisement consent – five rules for retailers
A summary of advertisement control for retailers in England, including deemed consent provisions, applications, standard conditions and discontinuance orders.
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