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Equitix ESI CHP (Wrexham) Limited v Bester Generacion UK Limited: Judicial guidance on the applicability of the HGCRA to a dispute under a power generation contract
Equitix ESI CHP (Wrexham) Limited (Equitix), a special purpose vehicle, entered into a design and build contract with Bester Generacion UK Limited (Bester) for the construction of the Wrexham Biomass Fired Energy Generating Plant (the Project).
Read moreIncorrect Ownership Certificates: A Cautionary Tale
In a case which the judge deemed to be "a cautionary tale about how not to submit a planning application and its consequences", the High Court has recently tackled the question of the effect of incorrect ownership certificates submitted with planning applications. In considering the issue, the Court has given us a helpful reminder of when such an error might lead to the quashing of a planning permission.
Read moreFIDIC Rainbow Suite: Second Editions unveiled
18 years after the publication of the original editions, FIDIC released its Second Edition Red (Construction), Yellow (Plant and Design Build) and Silver Books (EPC / Turnkey Projects) at the FIDIC Users' Conference in London last week. The philosophy behind the revised contracts is greater clarity and transparency with an emphasis on avoiding disputes and quickly resolving them when they do arise. We highlight some of the key changes within this note.
Read moreConstruction Act and Retention consultations published by the Government
The Government has recently published two consultations to review (i) the implementation of the 2011 changes to the Construction Act; and (ii) the practice of cash retention under construction contracts.
Read moreFrom light industrial to residential – the new permitted development right
At a time when headlines and inboxes are filled with new comment, consultation and discussion on how to tackle England's housing crisis, a new permitted development right allowing a change of use from light industrial to residential has come into effect with very little fanfare. So what's new, and why have we not heard more about it?
Read moreNorth Midland Building Limited v Cyden Homes Limited [2017] EWHC 2414 (TCC): Choose your extension of time provisions carefully
North Midland Building Limited v Cyden Homes confirms the primacy of the parties' contract in determining an extension of time. Specifically, in North Midland the High Court held that an amendment made to the construction contract meant that, in a situation of concurrent delay, North Midland Building Ltd (the Contractor) was not entitled to an extension of time from Cyden Homes Ltd (the Employer) and that the prevention principle, had it arisen, would not take precedence over the expressly agreed terms of the contract.
Read moreContractors and Insurers beware - Contractor found to bear the risk of an incorrect standard as fitness for purpose prevails in the Supreme Court
This morning the Supreme Court handed down its much anticipated judgment in MT Højgaard A/S v E.ON Climate & Renewables UK Robin Rigg East Limited and another [2017] UKSC 59. The Judgment should be of concern to both contractors and their insurers.
Read moreIs it game over for ground rent?
Considering the recent Government proposals to change the rules on ground rent and how those proposals may affect developers.
Read moreComplex contracts and intricate inconsistencies – a reminder of the court's approach to contractual interpretation
In a year in which the Supreme Court will have produced two Judgments on the topic of contractual interpretation, the TCC's judgment in 125 OBS v Lend Lease is a useful reminder of the courts' approach to resolving these disputes and their attempt to find a balance between the so-called literal and commercial approaches to interpretation.
Read moreEven More Challenging Times – 5 More Risks Following The Grant of Planning Permission
This post is the second in a two-part series in which we highlight ten areas where the risk of a third party challenge against the grant of planning permission might arise. The list we have given is not exhaustive, but all issues fall within the broad parameters for judicial review grounds, being decisions which have been taken irrationality, ultra vires (outside the scope of the authority's powers), or with procedural irregularity.
Read moreEIA – a new role for the planning system in considering the health impacts of development?
A summary of the EIA Regulations 2017 and the consideration as part of the planning application process of a proposed development's likely impacts on human health.
Read moreLet there be light
The importance of light in WELL Building Standards and how it sits within the context of planning law and rights of light
Read moreMIPIM: 10 things we learnt about you
A round up of things we learnt during our first experience of MIPIM week, from what to wear to how to plan your diary and make the most of your new connections
Read moreEngaging with Development – do we always know what we need?
Comment on the need for public engagement in the planning and development process, following a ULI presentation on The Well-Tempered City (author Jonathan Rose)
Read moreFinally, a victory in the on-going battle against business rates
The Supreme Court ruling in Newbigin v Monks represents a welcome and important victory for UK property developers.
Read moreGreen belt development - don't forget the law!
A review of the housing white paper in relation to green belt development noting that the Green Belt (London and Home Counties) Act 1938 is a further hurdle.
Read moreElectronic Signatures – the future of executing documents?
You could be forgiven for failing to spot the release of The EU Regulation on Electronic Identification and Trust Services in the Internal Market (910/2014/EU) (the Regulation), released post EU referendum. We consider the impact of this and the Law Society's Guidance Note on electronic signatures (the Guidance Note).
Read moreGarden Villages - are they necessary?
A recent Government announcement has proposed 14 sites across England to be the first garden villages, with 3 further sites to be new garden towns. But with a country full of deserted and derelict buildings, are garden villages and towns the only way forward?
Read moreOffice to Residential Permitted Development Rights – an update
The rights to convert a building from office use to residential without needing to submit a planning application are not new, although a recent decision from the Planning Court have brought them back to the headlines and suggest that they may be more flexible than anticipated.
Read moreFreedom of information: access denied by ministerial veto
Not since September 2012 when the Attorney General exercised powers under section 53(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) blocking the release of correspondence between Prince Charles and seven government departments has there been a matter likely to attract attention to the use of the ministerial veto.
Read moreCourt of Appeal's opinion on good faith clauses
In our February blog we reported on Compass Group UK and Ireland Ltd (trading as Medirest) v Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust [2012] EWHC 781 (QB) and the implications of the decision on the duty to act in good faith.
Read moreCosts overruns in Target Costs contracts
Who is liable for costs overruns in a Target Cost contract, and to what extent? AMEC Group recently went to the TCC to appeal against an arbitration decision which found the Secretary of State for Defence ("the Authority") would only be liable for actual costs which were reasonably and properly incurred.
Read moreNPPF – 1 year on: smooth transition or wasted opportunity?
Given that over 50% of Britain's local councils are still to adopt Local Plans, is the window of opportunity for local residents to take control of development in their local area about to close?
Read moreNew Kids on the Block : alternative funders in the real estate lending market
Over the last couple of years, there has been a surge in real estate lending by non-bank lenders as traditional banks started withdrawing from the market.
Read moreGood Faith Clauses
There is no general doctrine of good faith in English law and it is not therefore implied into contracts.
Read moreJCT Insurance Options: what's the right fit for fit-out?
Where a tenant is fitting out premises within a multi-occupied building, the JCT's standard insurance options are not always appropriate and, left unaddressed, place unintended and severe risks on the tenant.
Read moreGovernment property, Kirstie and Phil style?
Ok, so Ms Allsopp and Mr Spencer haven’t quite been called in yet, but almost.
Read moreIs the Green Deal a great deal?
There is no denying the Green Deal has many advantages but consider the deal in relation to short term leases and it may not be as great as it initially seems.
Read moreNEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract "Guidance Notes": more important than you realise for interpreting the ECC
Certain terms of the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract ('ECC') are open to interpretation, and the recent case of E-Nik Ltd v Department for Communities & Local Government [2012] EWHC 3027 (Comm) has cast into doubt whether even something as routine as VAT is crystal-clear under the ECC.
Read moreDevelopment incentives – but at what cost?
In light of what is starting to appear to be a wholehearted failure to persuade local communities to meet requisite housing targets, Nick Boles last week proposed self-proclaimed "bungs" to local communities.
Read moreLeaving customers without signal: the task of re-building the Telecoms Code
Now almost 30 years old, the Electronic Communications Code (the 'Code'), falls far short of representing the needs of a swiftly developing communications network.
Read moreH&M: Brave New World?
We have all been involved in lease negotiations where there are differences of opinion as to what is or is not institutionally acceptable.
Read moreEnd of the line for Village Greens?
Nothing can be more frustrating for a developer to see its scheme delayed or worse still derailed by an application for the registration of land as a town or village green ("TVG").
Read moreAnnual Insurance Review 2025
With the Christmas and New Year festivities already becoming a blur in the rear-view mirror, what better way to blow away the few remaining cobwebs and see-off the January blues than to immerse yourself in RPC's Annual Insurance Review 2025.
Read moreRising to the challenge, how insurers will adapt in 2025
The global insurance industry is on the brink of transformation as geopolitical tensions, accelerating AI adoption, and escalating climate crises converge to create a perfect storm in 2025. From navigating a volatile economic landscape to addressing emerging risks in cyber and ESG, insurers face a year of unparalleled complexity and opportunity.
2024 highlighted the importance of a directors' duty to consider or act in the interests of creditors where a company is insolvent or bordering on insolvency. The claim brought by the liquidators of BHS Group against certain of its former directors following the group's collapse into insolvency in 2016 saw the first time where a court held company directors guilty of "misfeasant trading". The directors were held to have not considered the creditors' interests before entering into an onerous and expensive secured loan which would exhaust the group's assets if it could not be repaid. The directors were therefore found to have acted against their statutory duties by entering into the loan instead of the group going into administration.
Read morePensions
A key development in 2024 has been the Court of Appeal's ruling in Virgin Media v NTL Pensions Trustees II Ltd [2024] EWCA Civ 843, which has significant implications for contracted out final salary pension schemes. The court confirmed that any amendments affecting guaranteed minimum in these schemes must be accompanied by a so-called Section 37 actuarial conformation. Without this confirmation, the amendment is deemed void, regardless of whether such confirmation would have been granted had it been sought at the time of the amendment.
Read moreConstruction
This year the new Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act 2024 (the LFRA) enacted various amendments to the Building Safety Act 2022 (BSA), which came into force on 24 July 2024 and 31 October 2024.
Read moreCyber and data
Last year's edition of the Annual Insurance Review included predictions that 2024 would see a trend towards an increased general level of cyber security given (i) the importance placed on security measures by regulatory bodies such as the ICO and (ii) the focus cyber underwriters had placed on assessing prospective insureds' security before offering cover.
Read moreFinancial professionals
In March 2024 the FCA published the findings from its Thematic Review of retirement income advice, looking at the landscape c. 9 years post-pension freedoms against the backdrop of an ageing population. No fundamental problems were identified but the FCA set out some areas for improvement, from more consistent fact finding to considering the value being provided in respect of any ongoing services.
Read moreInternational arbitration
The Arbitration Bill received its first and second readings in parliament in July 2024. Having first come before parliament in September 2023 under the UK's then Conservative government, it will once again proceed through the House of Lords and House of Commons, before receiving Royal Assent and becoming law.
Read moreHealth and Safety
As the single greatest cause of work-related deaths due to past exposure (according to HSE's Annual health and safety statistics 2024.
Read moreAsia
As the soft market continues, insurance premiums in Asia have consistently declined across all major product lines during Q1-Q3 due to increased competition and challenging economic conditions.
Read moreMedical Malpractice
2024 has seen an increase in the number of physician associates (PAs) working across the medical sector (NHS and private). Employment of PAs is considered a fast and cost-effective method of addressing workforce shortages and ever-growing healthcare demands. In June 2022, there were 1300 PAs in England and Wales, rising to over 3,300 by June 2024. The numbers are expected to increase.
Read moreMedia
The Online Safety Act 2023 (OSA) introduced a suite of obligations for "user-to-user" services and search engines which target the UK and/or have a significant number of UK users. In 2024, secondary legislation and Codes of Practice published by the regulator, Ofcom, began the process of giving the OSA practical effect.
Read moreRestructuring & Insolvency
2024 has seen one of the most significant insolvency cases in recent years. In June, Justice Leech handed down his judgment on the claim brought by the liquidators of BHS against certain of its former directors for wrongful trading and misfeasance. This judgment is likely to have important consequences for the D&O market.
Read moreLatin America
The Latin American insurance market witnessed remarkable growth in 2024, reflected in an increase in product sophistication and robust premium growth. This is due to the continued economic growth in different countries, which has led to Latin America becoming one of the fastest-growing regional insurance markets in the world.
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