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Initial Coin Offerings – the digital financing process under global scrutiny
In an era of social media platforms and the like, the technological world creeps into its corporate counterpart of today. Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) storm the corporate world by force, but what does the future hold for the new phenomenon?
Read moreIndependent inquiry launched into malpractice of Ian Paterson
The Department of Health has announced the launch of an independent inquiry into the circumstances and practices surrounding the activity of convicted breast surgeon Ian Paterson.
Read moreEngagement news
Manufacturers and insurers may have missed Prince Harry's news on Monday in the general excitement surrounding the Government's Industrial Strategy, announced on the same day.
Read moreBereavement Damages incompatible with European Convention on Human Rights
Consideration of the Court of Appeal decision in Smith v Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation and others that restriction on awards for bereavement damages under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 are incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights.
Read moreA step closer
Matthew Griffith and Neil Brown explore Lloyd's SPAs as an alternative for new market entrants to standalone syndicate formations and M&A
Read moreBroken bonds - the FCA clamps down on firm promoting mini-bonds
According to a recent article in Citywire, the FCA has ordered a firm promoting mini-binds to "cease all regulated activity" following a series of losses being incurred by investors in respect of mini-bonds.
Read moreThe FCA turns its attention to the wholesale insurance sector
After indicating its intention to conduct a wholesale insurance market study in its 2017/18 Business Plan, the FCA has now announced the launch of its wholesale insurance broker market study and set out its terms of reference. This is an important development for brokers and insurers operating in this sector, and also for their clients.
Read moreSchemes and offers where drags don't work
James Mee and David Wallis detail the statutory solutions available when drag-along rights are either ineffective or non-existent for the sale of private companies with a large employee shareholder base
Read moreFCA revisits FSCS funding proposals, and abandons plans for significant changes to professional indemnity insurance requirements
The FCA has published a second consultation paper on the thorny subject of FSCS funding. Although not widely reported so far, the new consultation makes it clear that the FCA will not, after all, consult on significant changes to personal investment firms' professional indemnity insurance requirements.
Read moreA Shift in Vicarious Liability (Armes v Nottinghamshire County Council)
Armes v Nottinghamshire County Council [2017] UKSC 60. A review of recent case law extending Vicarious Liability and the impact this will have on organisations and their insurers.
Read moreFCA allows confidential report to be scrutinised by Treasury Select Committee
The FCA has allowed the Treasury Select Committee to review its s.166 report into RBS' Global Restructuring Group (GRG) and has published an interim summary of the report. It is possible that the threat of publication will play on the minds of firms subject to s.166 reports, which may reduce cooperation with skilled persons and therefore the efficacy of this investigatory power.
Read moreLiability for commencement of approach voyage under voyage charters - absolute?
A recent judgment of the Commercial Court examines a novel point in respect of the obligation on an owner under a voyage charter to get the vessel to the load port when the charter contains a cancelling date but no expected readiness to load date or load port ETA.
Read moreThe FCA makes clear its expectations of financial advisers
FCA, regulatory, financial services
Read moreAre there dark clouds on the horizon for SIPP providers?
According to Citywire, the FCA is poised to complete further supervisory work on the SIPP industry with a specific focus on non-standard investments. We understand that the FCA has questioned SIPP providers on the number of high risk investments they hold following a spate of complaints about such products in recent years.
Read moreGeneral liability update October 2017
The latest general liability news coming out of the courts.
Read moreGovernment to cover negligence claims against GPs
Government to cover negligence claims against GPs
Read moreMedical device concerns and MHRA compliance
Increase in medical devices regulatory alerts and how to respond to concerns
Read moreFCA criticised by Complaints Commissioner for its handling of enforcement limitation issues
The Office of the Complaints Commissioner recently upheld two complaints against the FCA for making a "serious mistake" in its management of limitation issues for two connected investigations. The Commissioner criticised the FCA not only for its mismanagement of the limitation issue, but also for the unnecessary delays in concluding its own internal investigation into these complaints.
Read moreDB Transfers - now what?
We know that the FCA is looking closely at defined benefit transfers; we already have the FCA's review of redress methodology and the defined benefit transfer rules. We now have the results of the FCA's review, into defined benefit transfers and it makes for uncomfortable reading for the financial services industry.
Read moreSimon Laird takes seat on instech advisory board
RPC's Head of Insurance joins conversation at the heart of InsurTech
Read moreLandmark ruling on end of life care
Huntington's patient: Court rules Court application no longer necessary in end of life care where patient's family and doctors are in agreement
Read moreRPC named as Rising Law Firm of the Year in Hong Kong
Professional services firm RPC has won a top award after being handed the title of Rising Law Firm of the Year at the 2017 Asian Legal Business Awards.
Read moreOver the Insured's Dead Body
One year on from the entry into force of the Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act 2010 and the fun and games are just getting started.
Read moreSpecial relationship
David Wallis and Peter Sugden outline what commercial teams need to know about US/UK deals.
Read moreWelcoming new red tape
The Medical Devices Regulation 2017 is good news for insurers in the life sciences sector. More data on safety and performance will be collected on products before they get to the market
Read moreA level playing Field?
Frank Field's Work and Pensions Select Committee is intending to review the impartiality of defined benefit pension transfer advice. What could this mean for the advisory industry and its PI insurers?
Read moreSIPP complaints to FOS still on the up
Complaints to the FOS about SIPPs continue to rise, having sky rocketed in the first quarter of 2017.
Read moreShow me the money – turning liens into cash
Most charterparties give owners the right to lien cargo for unpaid hire or freight. However, it may be necessary to sell the cargo in order to obtain payment. The English Commercial Court has recently considered the circumstances in which it would be prepared to order the sale of cargo held under a shipowners' lien.
Read morePSR issues public censure on payment system operator
The Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) has recently announced its first enforcement outcome, as it issued a public censure against a payment system operator.
Read moreSigned, sealed, delivered
Matthew Griffith shares some strategies for delivering successful (re)insurance M&A – before and after the ink has dried
Read moreWhat a drag
James Mee and David Wallis outline some of the issues involved in selling companies with a large employee shareholder base
Read moreNo duty of care owed when conducting a redress procedure
The Court of Appeal has found that banks did not owe a duty of care when conducting a past business review (PBR) of previous sales of interest rate hedging products. Although the decision is in the context of the review procedure agreed between the FCA and banks, the decision is likely to apply to all PBRs, except formal 'consumer redress schemes' under s404 FSMA.
Read moreNew corporate criminal offence
Failure to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion
Read moreNew corporate tax evasion offences – the clock is ticking!
Financial services firms should ensure they have in place appropriate policies and procedures as they prepare for the new corporate tax evasion offences.
Read moreSM&CR: what should the insurance sector be doing to prepare?
On 26 July 2017, the FCA and PRA published three consultation papers outlining their proposals for the extension of the senior managers and certification regime (SM&CR) to all authorised firms.
Read moreCMA approves new payment systems operator
On 12 July 2017, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) approved the consolidation of the operators of Cheque and Credit Clearing Company, Faster Payments and Bacs into a new payment systems operator (NPSO). This consolidation was one of the key recommendations in the PSO Delivery Group's (PSODG) Report of 4 May 2017.
Read moreOdd but clear contract lines not to be disturbed by the Court
In a recent Commercial Court decision on the construction of a tailored demurrage provision in a charterparty, the Court refused to rewrite the parties agreement regarding demurrage merely because "it might be thought odd".
Read moreFCA's review into non-advised retirement product sales
The FCA has published its retirement outcomes review interim report. The report forms part of the FCA's assessment of the impact of the pension freedoms on the pension market and consumer behaviour. Although the focus of the report is non-advised sales it provides a useful insight for all those involved in the pensions market in relation to (1) customer behaviour post the introduction of the pension freedoms and (2) how the pension market is responding to those reforms. The report also puts forward some proposed "remedies" in relation to areas where the FCA considers behaviour may be detrimentally impacting customers. The remedies include permitting customers to access part of their pension at an earlier date in what appears to be an attempt by the FCA to steer customers away from drawdown products.
Read moreKnow your (package) limitations
High Court decision clarifying application of the Hague-Visby Rules (HVR) to sea waybills and package limitation for containerised goods
Read more“Last man standing”
What duties does a monitoring surveyor owe to a lending bank?
Read moreI see no ships – condition precedents under FOB contracts
A recent judgment of the Commercial Court suggests that a FOB buyer can be excused from nominating a vessel by an unaccepted renunciation of contract by a seller. This blog questions the court's approach in this case and examines the basic principles engaged.
Read moreFCA releases its final rules for implementation of MiFID II
The FCA has released its final policy statement (PS17/14) detailing aspects of its implementation of MiFID II, including final rules and its response to the six preceding MiFID II consultation papers dating back to 2015.
Read moreThe Automated and Electronic Vehicles Bill
The Automated and Electronic Vehicles Bill was announced during the Queen's Speech and is intended to put the UK at the forefront of the driverless car market, estimated to be worth £28bn by 2035.
Read morePayment against letters of indemnity – is it safe?
In the commodity trading world, it is traditional for payment to be made by the buyer against the presentation by the seller of certain shipping documents including bills of lading. That is the case whether payment is to be made under a letter of credit (LC) or by direct tender of documents to the buyer. However, a common practice has developed, particularly in the oil trade, for parties to agree in their contracts that the seller may, instead of presenting shipping documents to trigger payment, present a letter of indemnity instead. But there are risks to the buyer in paying against such letters of indemnity.
Read moreRetail CFD firms face potential EU market-wide restrictions and further criticism from the FCA
The European Securities and Markets (ESMA) has announced it is considering imposing restrictions on contracts for difference (CFD) trading that would mean seismic changes for the industry, whilst the FCA has announced its serious concerns about the CFD industry's continued failure to meet expectations regarding the treatment of retail clients.
Read more"NEW FLAMENCO" – Supreme Court reverses Court of Appeal
In a shock decision, the Supreme Court has allowed shipowners' appeal in the "NEW FLAMENCO". The Supreme Court held that the sale of the ship following the repudiation of the charterparty was not an act in mitigation, and was not relevant to the calculation of damages for breach of contract.
Read moreFCA proposes remedies following asset management sector market study
The FCA today published the final findings of its asset management market study and it has announced the remedies that will be implemented to address the concerns previously identified.
Read moreContinued FCA focus on appointed representatives – more regulatory interventions in the London Market
FCA announce follow up supervisory work and regulatory interventions on insurance intermediaries with networks of appointed representatives (ARs).
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