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No room for error – The decision in Mahoney v Royal Mail
In a decision reported by Crown Office Chambers, the claim of Mahoney v Royal Mail had been proceeding through the online claims portal uneventfully and in the usual manner. Liability had been admitted by the Defendant at stage 1 and the parties had been negotiating settlement at stage 2.
Read moreProduct Law bulletin – June 2020
Welcome to the latest edition of our product law update, this month we focus on how COVID-19 is impacting product liability regulation.
Read moreA look at Lloyd's of London
Welcome to Insurance Covered! The podcast that looks at the inner workings of the insurance industry with the help of expert guests. This episode we look at Lloyd's of London, who they are and why they are such a key part of the global insurance industry. Our guest this week is Elliot Maule, Senior Programme & Marketing Manager at Lloyd's.
Read moreInternational risk team: The potential and perils of offshore wind
A recent report by the IEA(1) has laid bare the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the energy industry. Demand for coal and oil plummeted as entire countries and industries went into lockdown in the first quarter of 2020. Renewable energy, however, bucked the trend and actually saw demand increase, primarily due to larger installed capacity and priority dispatch.
Read moreTales from COVID: Insurance in the time of coronavirus - Bankruptcy and insolvency
In conjunction with our US alliance partners, Hinshaw and Culbertson LLP, we have produced a series of 'informal chats' with the title 'Tales from Covid: Insurance in the Time of Coronavirus'.
Read moreTales from COVID: Insurance in the time of coronavirus - Event cancellation
In conjunction with our US alliance partners, Hinshaw and Culbertson LLP, we have produced a series of 'informal chats' with the title 'Tales from Covid: Insurance in the Time of Coronavirus'.
Read moreCoronavirus – a bumpy road ahead for D&O
Globally, insurers are waiting to see how COVID-19 related exposures will impact their respective D&O books. RPC has accessed a number of pre-eminent insurance practices in the major claims centres to swap notes on the possible D&O exposures in their respective jurisdictions and how they envisage insurers might act in response.
Read moreTales from COVID: Insurance in the time of coronavirus - Business interruption
In conjunction with our US alliance partners, Hinshaw and Culbertson LLP, we have produced a series of 'informal chats' with the title 'Tales from Covid: Insurance in the Time of Coronavirus'.
Read moreDraft Fatal Accidents Act 1976 (Remedial) Order 2020: Second Report
On 18 May 2020, the commons Human Rights Committee published their second report on the reforms proposed to bereavement damages available in the UK.
Read moreInternational risk team - What’s my part in all this?
One of the most common issues to arise in offshore energy construction claims is the application of WELCAR’s Defective Parts clause.
Read moreInternational risk team: Aggregation issues in Covid-19 related claims
A lot of electronic ink has been used by lawyers to debate whether coronavirus on the surface of physical things constitutes damage. Although that may have seemed a crucial question some weeks ago before the lock-down it is probably largely academic now.
Read moreA look at Lloyd's Lab
Welcome to Insurance Covered! The podcast that looks at the inner workings of the insurance industry with the help of expert guests. This week we are taking a look at Lloyd's lab, the renowned insure-tech startup programme. Our guest is Ed Gaze, who is the Lab Manager.
Read moreGeneral liability newsletter - April 2020
Welcome to the latest edition of our general liability newsletter, rounding up some the key cases from the last few months.
Read moreInternational risk team - The Atlantik Confidence: precautions to take in respect dubious claims in the wake of economic crises
Insurers want to pay claims. However, insurance claims history shows that when certain businesses face an existential threat they are inclined to take a very aggressive attitude towards their insurance “assets” in a desperate attempt to generate liquidity.
Read moreInternational risk team: The Evolution of the Remedy of Avoidance
There used to be a side-splitting “joke” amongst the barrister authors of a particular insurance law textbook that its title ought to have been “How to Avoid”.
Read moreInternational Risk Team: Arbitration in the time of Coronavirus - should Tribunals suspend proceedings?
The global pandemic has caused many of the ‘normal’ facets of life to come to an abrupt standstill. The legal world is, of course, not immune to the effects of coronavirus and dispute resolution has been impacted.
Read moreInternational Risk Team: Practical briefing - marine products
The impact of the current COVID environment (and its longer-lasting effects) on marine insurance products falls, we believe, into three categories.
Read moreInternational risk team: The impact of COVID-19 on existing business interruption claims
The global spread of COVID-19 and its impact on a wide range of businesses is unprecedented in its speed and scale.
Read moreInternational risk team: To repair or not to repair
A universal truth for businesses in the grip of the current global pandemic is that “Cash is King”.
Read moreMental health and wellbeing in the insurance industry
Welcome to Insurance Covered! The podcast that looks at the inner workings of the insurance industry with the help of expert guests. This week we have Nick Bloy, Founder of Wellbeing Republic, and the topic of discussion will be mental health and wellbeing with a particular focus on the insurance industry. Nick talks about his career journey, starting as a lawyer before moving into a mental health and well being role.
Read moreCOVID-19: Trials - the show must go on
Judges are taking to heart the HMCTS's guidance focused on encouraging judges to maximise the use of video and telephone hearings using current technology. So, while the theatres in the UK remain closed, the theatres of justice continue with their activities.
Read more“Tech, lies and video-conferencing”: The Court’s implementation of remote hearings
Perhaps very few legal practitioners would have thought that an establishment so rooted in 19th century custom and tradition would be so willing to adopt comparatively modern means of navigating the logistical challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read moreInternational risk team: Practical suggestions for prompt payment on complex claims
In the current climate, settling claims and getting funds to an assured promptly is as vital now as it ever was.
Read moreInternational risk team: Mitigation in Trade Credit Insurance
The measures taken by governments around the world to halt the spread of COVID-19 are already having a significant impact on the global economy. The prohibitions on trade, and closures of businesses, unfortunately mean that an increase in defaults and insolvencies is inevitable.
Read moreTax breaks to promote insurance sector
On 30 March 2020 the Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) published its paper “Insuring Hong Kong’s Future –Tax Recommendations to Enhance and Grow Hong Kong’s Insurance Industry”. This is a further step taken by the FSDC to enhance the competitiveness of the Hong Kong insurance market as a key global risk management centre and regional insurance hub. The several proposed tax measures would extend to both (re)insurance companies, brokers and individual policyholders.
Read moreHealth and Safety Bulletin – March 2020
Welcome to the latest edition of our Health and Safety update.
Read moreThe role of an insurance broker
Welcome to Insurance Covered! The podcast that looks at the inner workings of the insurance industry with the help of expert guests. This episode we are joined by Steve Ray, Director at Howden Group and our topic for discussion is the role of an insurance broker.
Read moreInsureds likely face uphill battle in seeking coverage for coronavirus losses in both US & UK
As the coronavirus, COVID-19, continues to spread, organizations around the globe are facing mounting business disruptions and economic losses. Some of these entities may seek coverage for these losses under a variety of insurance policies. Coverage under any form will depend, of course, on the facts of the claim, policy wordings, and the applicable law. Here, we highlight some policy wordings insurers should keep in mind when evaluating coronavirus-related claims under various coverage forms.
Read moreRisk management for surveyors – how to be prepared for your PII renewal
Surveyors will be aware of the requirement to have Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII), both for RICS membership and to protect themselves in the event of a claim. Despite the fact that valuers are facing considerably fewer claims than they did in the years following the 2008 economic crisis, there has still been a reduction in the availability of PII and surveyors are facing a challenging time when they come to renew their insurance.
Read moreContingency market coronavirus briefing – event cancellation
On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation declared the current COVID-19 outbreak to be a worldwide pandemic. For the vast majority of people, this label may make little practical difference; the WHO designation does not trigger any automatic or mandatory global reaction, and the decision as to the steps to be taken in response to the outbreak remain in the hands of national governments.
Read moreCovid-19 risk update for UK insurers
In the context of the novel coronavirus dominating international news headlines, RPC consider some key insurance issues with respect to the potential application of notifiable disease and supply chain extensions to standard business interruption insurance policies.
Read moreInternational risk: the evolution of the remedy of avoidance
There used to be a side-splitting “joke” amongst the barrister authors of a particular insurance law textbook that its title ought to have been “How to Avoid”. This was because twenty-five years ago telephone calls between insurance carriers and their lawyers might often have started with: “We are going to get clobbered. How can we get out of this?”. Back then the insurance market was a very different place to what it is now. It was somewhat fragmented and there was a heady mix of under-capitalisation and LMX spiral business (a hazardous game of “pass the exploding parcel” played through mutual reinsurance). A big loss could spell doom – hence the “joke”.
Read moreBuilding on renewable energy #2 - Wind power
Wind power is, unsurprisingly, generated by wind (typically as little as a light breeze) passing over and turning the turbine's blades. The blades are connected via a shaft and gearbox to a generator, which converts the kinetic energy into electrical energy. A transformer then increases the voltage of the generated energy to enable transmission to the grid.
Read moreA CEO's outlook of the insurance market (with Sian Fisher)
Welcome to Insurance Covered! The podcast that looks at the inner workings of the insurance industry with the help of expert guests. This episode we look at the insurance market from the perspective of Sian Fisher, CEO of the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII).
Read moreProduct Law update - Feb 2020
Welcome to the latest edition of our product law update, this month we focus on product regulation post Brexit, the relationship between the limitation longstop and the Consumer Protection Act 1987 and product recalls of electrical goods across the UK.
Read moreNovel Coronavirus ("Covid-19") and its potential implications for Business Interruption Insurers
In the context of the novel coronavirus dominating international news headlines, RPC Partners Antony Sassi and Mark Errington, consider some key insurance issues with respect to the potential application of notifiable disease and supply chain extensions to standard business interruption insurance policies.
Read moreA look at MGAs
Welcome to Insurance Covered! The podcast that looks at the inner workings of the insurance industry with the help of expert guests. This episode we look at MGAs with the help of Tim Jones, Director at MPR Underwriting.
Read moreThe march of the machines?
You may have seen the piece by the BBC a couple of weeks ago about Artificial Intelligence entering into a “winter”, following its “summer” of the last decade). In short, there appears to be a growing consensus that AI has been over-hyped particularly by those selling it.
Read moreGeneral liability newsletter - January 2020
Welcome to the latest edition of our general liability newsletter, rounding up the key cases from January 2020. This month we look at recent cases involving; claims for court fees, late applications to vacate trial, part 36 settlements & litigation privilege.
Read moreThe Future at Lloyd's Blueprint One
Welcome to Insurance Covered! The podcast that looks at the inner workings of the insurance industry with the help of expert guests! For our maiden episode we look at 'The Future at Lloyd's Blueprint One' with a particular focus on the plans to revolutionize the claims process.
Read moreBuilding on renewable energy #1 - Solar power
Solar power is produced by the absorbing of the sun's rays by solar panels. The photovoltaic (pv) cells contained within the panels convert sunlight into electricity, which (after conversion into an alternating current) can then be exported to the grid or used to power the sites on which the panels are situated. This all sounds simple enough, but solar pv arrays can present some challenges from a design and construct perspective.
Read moreBuilding on renewable energy
2019 was potentially a significant year for the renewable energy industry. Record temperatures and environmental catastrophes highlighted the need to reduce carbon emissions and make greater use of sources of renewable energy, and political parties championing green policies saw – for the most part – their share of the vote increase both domestically and internationally.
Read moreThe risks of peer to peer lending
Insurers are on the watch for a potential increase in claims arising in 2020 from peer to peer lending.
Read moreProduct liability update - November 2019
A round-up of some of the recent stories making the news.
Read moreGeneral liability newsletter - October 2019
Welcome to the October edition of our general liability newsletter. This month looks at recent cases involving; fraud, privilege, covert surveillance, non-party access and legal costs.
Read morePrivilege Absolute: documents remain privileged forever, unless privilege is waived
The Court of Appeal has taken a robust stance against an attempt to retrospectively redraw the boundaries of legal professional privilege in the recent decision of Addlesee and others v Dentons Europe LLP1.
Read moreHong Kong insurance regulation update - Regulator Codes of Conduct for Brokers and Agents
With effect from 23 September 2019, the independent Hong Kong Insurance Authority (the IA) will take over regulation of insurance intermediaries from the three existing self-regulatory organisations (the Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers, the Professional Insurance Brokers Association, and Insurance Agents Registration Board) and administer a new statutory licensing regime.
Read moreProduct liability update August 2019
A round-up of some of the recent product liability stories making the news.
Read moreHigh Court rejects Part VII transfer - Prudential and Rothesay Life
High Court rejects Part VII transfer in Prudential and Rothesay Life case which had been approved by the regulators and blessed by the independent expert.
Read moreGeneral liability newsletter - August 2019
The latest general liability news coming out of the courts.
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