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Regulatory update - March 2020
Welcome to the March edition of our monthly Regulatory Update, which aims to pull together key developments from the past month across the various UK regulators – and help you to navigate the regulatory maze.
Read moreCOVID 19 Your workforce: What on earth is "furlough"?
Meaning of furlough, especially in the context of companies dealing with the impact of COVID-19.
Read moreCOVID-19 Your workforce: pay and costs - practical ideas our clients are exploring
COVID-19 Your workforce: pay and costs - practical ideas our clients are exploring. These are extraordinary times that place extraordinary pressures on all of us, including dealing with your workforce. We set out below some ideas that we are hearing about from our clients and some areas you may wish to think about in terms of your employee costs.
Read moreCOVID-19 Your workforce: supporting mental health when home working
COVID-19 Your workforce: supporting mental health when home working. Many of us are working from home during this crisis and while this can be an effective way of working for some, it is less happy for others; loneliness, caring for vulnerable dependants and challenging home environments are all being experienced. There may be members of your teams who fall into these categories.
Read moreRegulatory update - February 2020
Welcome to the February edition of our monthly Regulatory Update, which aims to pull together key developments from the past month across the various UK regulators – and help you to navigate the regulatory maze.
Read moreRegulatory update - January 2020
Welcome to the January edition of our monthly Regulatory Update, which aims to pull together key developments from the past month across the various UK regulators – and help you to navigate the regulatory maze.
Read moreRegulatory update - December 2019
Welcome to the December edition of our monthly Regulatory Update, which aims to pull together key developments from the past month across the various UK regulators – and help you to navigate the regulatory maze.
Read moreRegulatory update - November 2019
Welcome to the November edition of our monthly Regulatory Update, which aims to pull together key developments from the past month across the various UK regulators – and help you to navigate the regulatory maze.
Read moreRegulatory update - October 2019
Welcome to the October edition of our monthly Regulatory update, which aims to pull together key developments from across the various UK regulators – and help you to navigate the regulatory maze.
Read moreSharpen your blue pencil: the doctrine of severance in employment cases
In Tillman v Egon Zehnder Ltd [2019] UKSC 32, one such business asked the Supreme Court to reconsider the law and to change it to be fit for modern day purposes. In its landmark judgment handed down in July, the Supreme Court has done so. The core facts of the case are not unusual. Egon Zehnder (EZ) is a global specialist executive search and recruitment business. EZ recruited Mary-Caroline Tillman in 2004. As the High Court judge observed, the company regarded Ms Tillman as “a bit special”. She was recruited into a senior role on a salary of £120,000 and first year bonus of £100,000 and then rose steadily through the ranks of the organisation. By 2012, Ms Tillman was joint global head of the company’s financial services practice and a shareholder in the Swiss holding company.
Read morePut your little stone in the great mosaic
IWD is a day designed to galvanize such desire for change into real, sustainable action by people, by business and by government. And on Thursday 8th March many of us will pause for thought. In our reflections, one question will come up time and time again: what can I actually do to improve gender equality?
Read moreGender Pay Gap Reporting – are you ready?
Hear Patrick Brodie and Kelly Thomson discuss the requirements on businesses to comply with Gender Pay Gap Reporting legislation.
Read moreSome holiday pay reading
A new decision on holiday pay and commission.
Read moreEmployment update, December 2015
Implied terms: when can a term be implied into a contract?
Read moreEmployment update, November 2015
Penalty clauses: what is the test where a clause is claimed to be unenforceable?
Read moreEmployment update, October 2015
Whistleblowing: A dispute about terms of employment can be a matter of “public interest”
Read moreEmployment update, September 2015
HR assistance in disciplinary procedures: how much is too much?
Read moreRestrictive Covenant Clause Enforced Despite it Containing a Drafting Error
The High Court has just handed down its judgment in the case of Prophet Plc v Huggett.
Read moreDifferent Emails, Read Together, Can be a Qualifying Whistleblowing Disclosure
In the case of Norbrook Laboratories (2B) Limited v Shaw the EAT considered whether emails sent to different recipients could be taken as a whole to amount to a qualifying disclosure for the purposes of a whistleblowing claim.
Read moreBritish National Working Overseas Has No Right to Bring a Claim in the Employment Tribunals
For employers who engage staff to work overseas, determining whether the can bring a claim in the Employment Tribunals is becoming increasing difficult.
Read moreCollective Redundancy Consultation: Expiry of Fixed Term Contract Does Not Count Towards 20+ Headcount
University College v University of Stirling [2014] CSIH 5.
Read moreReport Card
We're casting our critical eye over the Government's employment law proposals and writing its school report.
Read moreFaith and Freedom
In a debate that has lasted several years, one of my colleagues and I have been at odds on the case of Lillian Ladele, the Islington registrar who refused to conduct civil partnership ceremonies.
Read moreCyber_Bytes Issue 71
Welcome to Cyber_Bytes, our regular round-up of key developments in cyber, tech and evolving risks.
Read moreData Dispatch - January 2025
Welcome to the latest edition of Data Dispatch from the Data Advisory team at RPC. Our aim is to provide you on a regular basis with an easy-to-digest summary of key developments in data protection law.
Read moreKey cyber developments: looking back over 2024
For the cyber market, 2024 brought with it many legislative and regulatory changes, as well as sophisticated cyber-attacks and ground-breaking law enforcement activity.
Read moreCyber_Bytes Issue 70
Welcome to Cyber_Bytes, our regular round-up of key developments in cyber, tech and evolving risks.
Read moreNew guidance on balancing data protection with the FCA's Consumer Duty and the TPR's Code of Practice
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) and The Pensions Regulator (TPR) have published welcome guidance (Joint Statement) aimed at retail investment firms and pension providers on how to ensure their customer communications comply with the FCA's Consumer Duty (Consumer Duty) and the TPR’s Code of Practice (Code of Practice), whilst ensuring they follow the rules on direct marketing and data protection.
Read moreEU publishes draft Code for general-purpose AI models
What measures are proposed by the EU AI Office to regulate general-purpose AI (GPAI) models?
Read moreOfcom rolls out implementation phases for compliance with the Online Safety Act
What is Ofcom’s timeframe for implementation of the Online Safety Act (OSA) and what actions will in-scope services need to take to ensure compliance?
Read moreNew Safer Phones Bill aims at “making social media less addictive” for young people
How does the Safer Phones Bill intend to protect young people online?
Read moreTwo years on from the Digital Services Act
How has the European Commission (Commission) enforced the Digital Services Act (DSA) since its inception?
Read moreThe EU's Cyber Resilience Act: 10 on the 10
Today the EU's Cyber Resilience Act (Regulation (EU) 2024/2847) ('CRA') enters into force. The CRA recognises that the continuously evolving world of smart products is frequently challenged by vulnerabilities which can potentially lead to cyber-security incidents. Whilst most of the Act's obligations will not be applicable until three years from now, 10 December is the day when the EU takes a big step towards it's ten-year Cybersecurity Strategy. To mark the occasion, we have outlined ten key points that entities in scope must be aware of in preparation for compliance with the CRA.
Read moreDORA Watch - November 2024
As financial entities and ICT service providers undergo the final stages of implementation of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) requirements into their systems and processes, it is imperative to understand the legal developments and ongoing updates arising from EU Member States as they go through their respective transposition and alignment processes. Through TerraLex - our global legal network, which provides us with access to 22,000 lawyers from highly regarded and carefully vetted law firms stretching more than 120 countries – we have collated legal updates focusing on DORA and its implications in EU jurisdictions.
Read moreData Dispatch - November 2024
Welcome to the eighth edition of Data Dispatch from the Data Advisory team at RPC. Our aim is to provide you on a regular basis with an easy-to-digest summary of key developments in data protection law.
Read moreNew Data (Use and Access) Bill
What does the new Data (Use and Access) Bill (the Data Bill) mean for businesses?
Read moreCyber_Bytes Issue 69
Welcome to Cyber_Bytes, our regular round-up of key developments in cyber, tech and evolving risks.
Read moreNavigating a cyber breach
Cyber attacks remain a board-level concern for companies given their ability to disrupt services and unleash serious repercussions on financial, reputational, and operational fronts.
Read moreDORA Developments Compilation – October 2024
As financial entities and ICT service providers undergo the final stages of implementation of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) requirements into their systems and processes, it is imperative to understand the legal developments and ongoing updates arising from EU Member States as they go through their respective transposition and alignment processes. Through TerraLex - our global legal network, which provides us with access to 22,000 lawyers from highly regarded and carefully vetted law firms stretching more than 120 countries – we have collated legal updates focusing on DORA and its implications in EU jurisdictions.
Read moreData Dispatch - October 2024
Welcome to the seventh edition of Data Dispatch from the Data Advisory team at RPC. Our aim is to provide you on a regular basis with an easy-to-digest summary of key developments in data protection law.
Read moreThe EU Cyber Resilience Act targets digital components made available in the EU market throughout the entire supply chain of a product
Last month, the EDPB published their "Guidelines on Examples regarding Personal Data Breach Notification" (the Guidelines). These are intended to provide "practice-oriented, case-based" guidance on when it is necessary to notify the relevant supervisory authorities (the SA) under Article 33(1) of the GDPR and/or data subjects under Article 34(1) of the GDPR following a personal data breach.
Read moreCyber_Bytes Issue 68
Welcome to Cyber_Bytes, our regular round-up of key developments in cyber, tech and evolving risks.
Read moreDORA Watch – August and September 2024
As financial entities and ICT service providers undergo the final stages of implementation of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) requirements into their systems and processes, it is imperative to understand the legal developments and ongoing updates arising from EU Member States as they go through their respective transposition and alignment processes. Through TerraLex - our global legal network, which provides us with access to 22,000 lawyers from highly regarded and carefully vetted law firms stretching more than 120 countries – we have collated legal updates focusing on DORA and its implications in EU jurisdictions.
Read moreData Dispatch - September 2024
Welcome to the sixth edition of Data Dispatch from the Data Advisory team at RPC. Our aim is to provide you on a regular basis with an easy-to-digest summary of key developments in data protection law.
Read moreCyber_Bytes Issue 67
Welcome to Cyber_Bytes, our regular round-up of key developments in cyber, tech and evolving risks.
Read moreICO Processor fine – the ICO's approach to assessing technical standards and its impact
The ICO recently confirmed its provisional decision to fine Advanced Computer Software Group £6.09 million following a data breach that it suffered in 2022.
Read moreCyber_Bytes Issue 66
Welcome to Cyber_Bytes, our regular round-up of key developments in cyber, tech and evolving risks.
Read moreUK’s Digital Regulation Co-operation Forum announces new AI and Digital Hub Pilot
What is the AI and Digital Hub and how can AI innovators use it?
Read moreEU designates Apple a gatekeeper for iPadOS but not for iMessage
Can a business avoid being designated a “gatekeeper” under the Digital Markets Act (DMA) even if it satisfies the quantitative criteria under the DMA?
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