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Hong Kong data protection: cross-border transfers of personal data
We take a closer look at businesses' obligations under Hong Kong law to protect personal data in a cross-border transfer and the new recommended model contractual clauses.
Read moreBHS: Key Takeaways for Insolvency Practitioners
The dust has now settled since Justice Leech handed down his judgment on the claim issued by the liquidators of BHS against certain of its former directors for wrongful trading and misfeasance. This included a novel claim for misfeasance trading. We examine the key takeaways for insolvency practitioners (IPs) arising out of this decision in light of the significant amounts ordered to be paid by the directors personally to the high street retailer's insolvent estate for the benefit of creditors.
Read moreAgainst a Backdrop of Rising Corporate Insolvencies HMRC Joint and Several Liability Notices: Should Directors be Concerned?
It is widely anticipated that the next twelve months could be a challenging period for many businesses in the UK and that there could be a significant rise in the number of companies in financial distress.
Read moreSilicon Valley, Signature and Credit Suisse: what do they all share(holder) in common?
In what has been termed "the biggest banking crisis since 2008", both Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank have collapsed, and Credit Suisse has been rescued. Whether more banks are to follow suit is yet to be seen.
Read moreChoppy waters ahead? The significance of Oceanfill
The economic outlook for the UK in 2023 remains uncertain, and more companies may need to restructure their businesses to ensure survival. This
Read moreBTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA and others – Supreme Court decision
The Judgment of the Supreme Court in BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA was handed down on 5 October 2022.
Read moreCorporate bankruptcy and insolvency litigation roundtable
The corporate bankruptcy & insolvency litigation landscape has experienced a turbulent period over the past year and a half, largely a consequence of the extreme circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Against this backdrop, many businesses have sought arrangements and restructuring plans in an attempt to avoid corporate bankruptcy. However, as government COVID-19-related stimulus is withdrawn and the true financial impact of the pandemic becomes clear, the focus turns to which businesses will remain in crisis or fold, and which are able to restructure and survive. As the battle lines are drawn, disputes are sure to rise.
Read moreWhat are the latest trends in bankruptcy and restructuring? What developments can we expect to see?
The pandemic led to the biggest change to insolvency legislation in the UK for over 20 years.
Read moreThe UK's new restructuring plan
The UK has introduced the Restructuring Plan; a new, flexible court supervised restructuring tool. The Restructuring Plan draws upon features of the existing Companies Act 2006 scheme of arrangement procedure (which remains available) but includes features which are new to the UK but similar to those under U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings.
Read moreCarluccio's serves up a rescue recipe
On Friday 24 April, RPC hosted a 30 minute webinar on the interaction of furloughing and insolvency law.
Read moreCOVID-19: the supply chain
Concerns regarding the strength of UK supply chains and the consequences which arise when links in the chain fail, are not new and were recently subject to significant scrutiny in the context of Brexit negotiations. But with COVID-19 causing a host of new problems for already stressed supply chains, what can businesses do to protect themselves?
Read moreCOVID-19: Good news on wrongful trading provisions but why should directors tread carefully?
The Government has launched a number of initiatives to assist companies and businesses to trade through the current financial stress. But what should directors still be aware of as they steer their organisations through these unprecedented times?
Read moreCOVID-19: The suspension of wrongful trading provisions and a moratorium for businesses in restructuring – what is the likely impact on your business?
COVID-19: On 28 March 2020 the Business Secretary announced further new far-reaching measures to help businesses combat the financial impact of COVID-19. What it the likely impact of the suspension of wrongful trading provisions and a moratorium for businesses in restructuring on your business?
Read moreRestructuring and Insolvency roundup January 2018
In this roundup, we look at crowdfunding, a sector which continues to be of interest to practitioners giving the changing regulatory landscape and the risk to investors. Other cases we look at include cover privilege in bankruptcy, the adequacy of ATE policies, and the requirement for boards to be quorate when directors appoint administrators.
Read moreRestructuring and insolvency roundup, July 2017
In this roundup, we consider four recent cases with implications for practitioners in the restructuring and insolvency sector.
Read more“Gagging orders”: an office holder’s secret weapon
Practitioners are fully aware of the extensive powers available under ss 235 and 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986) allowing administrators and liquidators as office holders (OHs) to require individuals and organisations to disgorge information.
Read moreMake insolvency great again
One of the great criticisms of the new President of the United States of America is that his companies filed for bankruptcy four times when he was a business mogul.
Read moreRestructuring and insolvency December 2015
An update on recent changes
Read moreLegislative changes in effect today: what IPs need to know
Previously under section 165 IA 86, liquidators in a voluntary winding up would have to seek sanction of the company (in members’ voluntary liquidation) or of the court or liquidation committee (in creditors’ voluntary liquidation) in order to exercise their powers to pay debts, compromise claims etc.
Read moreThe summer of discontent?
What comes to mind when you hear the word "summer"? The unbridled joy of no more school for 6 whole weeks? Buckets, spades and wind-swept beaches? Perhaps the call of a sun-soaked tropical island? For most, summer means taking some time out to recharge and switch off.
Read moreEmployment Rights Bill: 10 key amendments explained
On 5 March 2025, the government published a 200 page amendment paper containing a wide range of amendments to the draft Employment Rights Bill (the Bill). A number of the amendments follow the government's response to various consultations on some of the most significant proposed reforms. We highlight 10 of the key amendments and what they mean for employers.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Data protection and HR-related challenges (Part 2), with Jon Bartley and Helen Yost
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast where we discuss all things employment.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Preventing sexual harassment - is your business compliant?
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast where we discuss all things employment.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Data protection and HR-related challenges (Part 1), with Jon Bartley and Helen Yost
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast where we discuss all things employment.
Read moreThe Work Couch: What's on the horizon for employment law in 2025?
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Disability inclusion at work (Part 3): What does genuine accessibility look like? with Samantha Renke
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Disability inclusion at work (Part 2): Narratives, reasonable adjustments, and the business case for accessibility, with Samantha Renke
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Disability inclusion at work (Part 1): The lived experience, with Samantha Renke
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: How to tackle seven tricky disciplinary issues, with Joanna Holford
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Employment Rights Bill: What employers need to know, with Patrick Brodie
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Black maternal experiences and supporting colleagues, with Shanice Holder, Tinuke Awe, Clo Rebecca Abe and Tonye Alagoa
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreNeurodiversity at work (Part 3): How to implement effective neuro-inclusion
Ahead of ADHD awareness month in October, we are devoting our latest deep-dive mini-series to the topic of neurodiversity. Given 15 to 20% of the UK population are neurodivergent - and more than half of Gen Z identify as "definitely" or "somewhat" neurodiverse - it is essential for employers to understand how neurodiversity interacts with, and affects, employment law and the world of work.
Read moreNeurodiversity at work (Part 2): The law, HR considerations and wellbeing, with Kelly Thomson and Victoria Othen
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast where we discuss all things employment. Ahead of ADHD awareness month in October, we are devoting our latest deep-dive mini-series to the topic of neurodiversity. Given 15 to 20% of the UK population are neurodivergent - and more than half of Gen Z identify as "definitely" or "somewhat" neurodiverse - it is essential for employers to understand how neurodiversity interacts with, and affects, employment law and the world of work.
Read moreNeurodiversity at work (Part 1): Myths, misconceptions and the lived experience, with Ashlea Cromby, Tracey West, Alice de Coverley and Victoria Othen
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast where we discuss all things employment. Ahead of ADHD awareness month in October, we are devoting our latest deep-dive mini-series to the topic of neurodiversity. Given 15 to 20% of the UK population are neurodivergent - and more than half of Gen Z identify as "definitely" or "somewhat" neurodiverse - it is essential for employers to understand how neurodiversity interacts with, and affects, employment law and the world of work.
Read moreMyth busting and moving the dial in DEI
This article is a summary of a session delivered by Kelly Thomson (Partner, Employment, Engagement & Equality and ESG Strategy Lead at RPC) and Rachel Pears (Head of Responsible Business at RPC), at the second Annual D&I Conference, in partnership with the British Retail Consortium (BRC). During this particular session, common myths and misconceptions surrounding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) were discussed and different sides of various issues were dissected, drawing out the nuances of seemingly polarised positional statements. Below, we address a handful of these myths, offering a balanced perspective on the complexities of DEI and exploring how to drive meaningful progress in our organisations.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Bonus Live episode: Exploring the cost of untapped talent, with Tskenya-Sarah Frazer, Trevor Sterling and Mark Ash
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast where we discuss all things employment.
Read moreSupporting and retaining Gen Z talent (Part 2): Work-life balance, communication and wellbeing, with Rose Sellman-Leava and Laura Verrecchia
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreEmployer lessons from teacher's menopause bias win
On May 31, a Scottish employment tribunal made its decision in Allison Shearer v. South Lanarkshire Council and awarded a teacher over £60,000 ($77,829) for disability discrimination and unfair dismissal, following her dismissal for ill health after a period of long¬term sickness absence.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Supporting and retaining Gen Z talent (Part 1): Myths and opportunities, with Rose Sellman-Leava and Laura Verrecchia
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: AI (Part 3): The role of emotional intelligence and AI's impact on wellbeing, with Jake Wall and Patrick Brodie
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: AI (Part 2): Privacy, bias, and discrimination
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreAI (Part 1): Impact on litigation, responsible use and the regulatory landscape
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Mental health at work (Part 4): Mental health first aid, with Simon Blake OBE
We are marking Mental health awareness week this month by devoting a four-part mini-series to mental health at work. In our concluding episode this week, Ellie is joined by Simon Blake OBE, Chief Executive at Mental Health First Aid England to explain the role of mental health first aid in the workplace.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Mental health at work (Part 3): Protecting your employees' digital wellbeing, with Alice Hendy MBE
We are marking Mental health awareness week this month by devoting a four-part mini-series to mental health at work. This week, in part 3, Ellie is joined by Alice Hendy MBE, CEO and founder of charity R;pple Suicide Prevention to explain how employers can protect their employees' digital wellbeing.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Mental health at work (Part 2): Implementing effective mental wellbeing measures, with Neil Laybourn
To mark Mental health awareness week this month, we are devoting a four-part mini-series to mental health at work. In part 2, Ellie is joined by the other key person from the incredible "Stranger on the bridge" story, Neil Laybourn, who on that fateful day in January 2008, stopped to talk to Jonny Benjamin, who was about to take his own life on Waterloo Bridge.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Mental health at work (Part 1): Turning despair into hope, with Jonny Benjamin MBE
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreGovernment "crackdown" on "gagging clauses" is not new, but an important reminder
The use of confidentiality clauses and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) by employers, whether as standalone agreements, or forming terms within employment contracts, settlement agreements, or COT3 agreements, has been subject to considerable scrutiny in the UK in recent years - despite existing professional obligations on UK regulated lawyers not to advance all-encompassing, unlimited NDAs.
Read moreThe Work Couch: Whistleblowing (Part 3): 5 key challenges for employers in 2024
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreThe Work Couch - Addiction at work: Disciplinary or wellbeing issue?
Welcome to The Work Couch, the podcast series where we explore how your business can navigate today's tricky people challenges and respond to key developments in the ever-evolving world of employment law.
Read moreWhistleblowing (Part 2): How to approach whistleblowing complaints
In part 2 of our mini-series on whistleblowing, Ellie Gelder is joined by Sybille Raphael, legal director at whistleblowing charity Protect, to explain how employers can approach whistleblowing complaints proactively and effectively.
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