RPC signs up to UK Legal Apprenticeship Pledge

Published on 12 October 2022

International law firm signs commitment to recognising apprenticeships as an equal pathway into law

RPC has joined 16 other leading UK law firms in signing a pledge recognising apprenticeships as an equal pathway into a legal career.

The UK Legal Apprenticeship Pledge, launched by Norton Rose Fulbright, asks firms to show the same commitment to apprenticeships as more traditional paths to qualification, such as training contracts, as well as ensure that solicitor apprentices are treated in the same way as their peers.

All 17 firms have pledged to collaborate in driving forward the adoption of legal apprenticeships within the legal sector, as well as providing career, networking and other opportunities to apprentices. 

RPC's office in Bristol launched the firm's first legal apprenticeship programme in 2018. Participants start with a two-year paralegal apprenticeship, followed by a five-year solicitor apprenticeship in partnership with Damar Training and The University of Law.

In 2019, RPC launched its UK Business Services apprenticeship programme, expanding opportunities across IT, finance, design, brand, marketing and sales, secretarial, and people and talent development.

RPC has to date recruited 38 apprentices, with 89% (34 apprentices) moving into a permanent role on completion or progressing to the next level of their apprenticeship. 

The programme has provided a pipeline for top talent from diverse backgrounds looking for an alternative way into legal, secretarial and business services careers.  

Will Sefton, RPC's Partner Champion for Apprentices, said: "We are pleased to support this trailblazing initiative and are fully committed to the UK legal apprenticeship pledge. 

"Apprenticeships are a really important way for us to get high quality people into the firm, and they make a wonderful contribution to both our legal and business service teams.

"We are especially proud of the success of our apprenticeship programme and are fully committed to opening doors for people from all backgrounds."

Farmida Bi, Norton Rose Fulbright's Global and Europe, Middle East and Asia (EMEA) Chair, said: “For many, legal apprenticeships offer an essential route into the legal profession by providing on-the-job studying without incurring the costs of university. 

"Through this pledge, we as law firms are collectively making a public commitment to recognise the rights of individuals to have equal access to opportunities and progression throughout their careers, regardless of their route to legal qualification.”

Clementine Hogarth, corporate and early careers recruitment partner at Norton Rose Fulbright said: “It has been inspiring to see so many leading law firms come together to help level the playing field across the industry – the enthusiasm in the market about legal apprenticeships is really exciting. 

"As we continue to further diversity and inclusion in the workplace, it is essential that we are recognising alternative routes into legal careers, and recruiting and progressing people based on talent and merit alone. The pledge is designed to highlight this commitment.” 

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