"Tom brings sense, wisdom and strategic insight to all his client's cases." - Chambers UK 2025
"Tom Hibbert is one of the heavyweight figures in the London market, with vast experience." - Legal 500 UK 2025
"Tom Hibbert is an extraordinarily impressive lawyer, with real insight and strategic flair. He is exactly who you would want in a negotiation. He has huge experience of banking litigation from both sides, stretching back over 30 years." - Legal 500 UK 2024
"Tom Hibbert is a fantastic litigator. He’s always on the ball – whether it’s identifying the killer point, or the issue that is most likely to trouble the Court – and comes up with innovative solutions to ensure the litigation is always conducted on the best footing." - Legal 500 UK 2023
Top Ranked – Chambers UK 2022
Tom Hibbert is the firm's global head of commercial disputes and widely regarded as one of the City's leading banking litigators. He has an accomplished track record of bringing major claims against financial institutions and is a particularly strong choice for capital markets disputes and claims stemming from high-profile insolvencies. - Chambers UK 2022
"Tom has a fantastically developed tactical sense." - Chambers UK 2022
"He is a terrific lawyer who is tough but fair."- Chambers UK 2022
"He has a practical way of cutting through things to what matters to the client as well as what is achievable for them." - Chambers UK 2022
"Tom Hibbert – true Titan in the field. A real heavyweight commercial litigation partner who has seen it all before. Worth his weight in gold in a big case." - The Legal 500 UK 2022
"Tom Hibbert is one of the star partners in this sphere – right at the top of his game. A genius for melding client trust and the killer points into a winning combination. Impeccable judgment." - The Legal 500 UK 2022
Tom Hibbert is the firm's global head of commercial disputes and widely regarded as one of the City's leading banking litigators. He has an accomplished track record of bringing major claims against financial institutions. - Chambers UK 2021
"He is fantastic - a very impressive banking litigator who is very sensible." - Chambers UK 2021
"He's the oracle - when he speaks, he is persuasive due to his gravitas and experience, and you trust him implicitly." - Chambers UK 2021
"Tough and pragmatic." - The Legal 500 UK 2021
Hall of Fame - The Legal 500 UK 2021
"Tom Hibbert created the banking litigation team. He has built an exceptionally strong group of more junior partners who are in the forefront of the most heavyweight cases, usually against banks." - The Legal 500 UK 2021
"Tom Hibbert is one of London’s leading litigators. He is tough and pragmatic and very impressive with clients. I would rate him among the very best" "Tom Hibbert is an outstanding strategist – he’s unflappable." - The Legal 500 UK 2021
"Tom Hibbert is a very shrewd and difficult opponent – you want him on your side." - The Legal 500 UK 2021
"Tom Hibbert is a titan in the civil fraud world, as in all commercial litigation at present." - The Legal 500 UK 2021
Hall of Fame - The Legal 500 UK 2020
Leading individual - The Legal 500 UK 2020
"Tom Hibbert has years of experience of high-profile commercial litigation and brings a light touch to complex tactical decisions." - The Legal 500 UK 2020
"Tom Hibbert is a beacon of calm authority and wise counsel."- The Legal 500 UK 2019
"He is deeply experienced in banking litigation, regularly acting on behalf of institutional investors, funds and corporations." - Chambers UK 2019
"He has excellent judgement for key client issues and concerns, as well as a good nose for how things will play out in court." - Chambers UK 2019
[Tom] "must be about the best litigator around when going against a bank.'"- TheLegal 500 UK 2018
Leading individual - TheLegal 500 UK 2018
Tom Hibbert earns acclaim for his "excellent blend of commerciality and tactical sense."
- Chambers UK 2018
"True star." Tom Hibbert is "a giant in this field." - The Legal 500 UK 2017
Tom Hibbert enjoys an outstanding reputation as a highly skilled and experienced litigator with a very strong track record of acting against banks and financial institutions in the most high-profile of disputes. Clients hold him in high regard, saying: "He is exceptional. It comes down to being very professional, very pragmatic, non-emotional and always giving straight advice, even if it's advice we don't want to hear." - Chambers UK 2017
Strong on banking litigation and "very insightful." - Chambers UK 2017
"Tactically superb." - TheLegal 500 UK 2016
Recommended - The Legal 500 UK 2016
Tom Hibbert is a "leading figure in this area" and is "in possession of a legal mind that inspires great respect amongst his peers." - Chambers UK 2016
The "very highly regarded" Tom Hibbert receives strong endorsement from market commentators, who praise his "good instinctive feel for what's a good point and what's a bad point." - Chambers UK 2016
Listed in the elite "Leading lawyers" list - The Legal 500 UK 2015's guide to outstanding lawyers nationwide
Tom Hibbert is "truly one of the top litigators in the London market." - The Legal 500 UK 2015
Highly regarded - The Legal 500 UK 2015
"Very bright and very innovative in his approach - I'd hate to be against him." - Chambers UK 2015
Tom Hibbert enjoys a strong reputation in the sector. Sources say he is "first-class," continuing: "He's very experienced in the field and has the ability to stand back from the case and see the big picture." - Chambers UK 2015
"Knows how to win massive litigation." - The Legal 500 UK 2014
Praised for his commercial judgement and legal acumen, Tom Hibbert heads the team at the firm. He has a leading reputation in the field. Sources describe him as "tremendously good at handling complex disputes involving complex financial instruments. He really understands the business of banking." - Chambers UK 2014
Tom Hibbert is marked out as a "very astute and experienced lawyer." - Chambers UK 2014