Rhian Howell
Partner, Head of Bristol, and PFR Team Lead
Rhian is a professional negligence expert with significant experience dealing with claims against lawyers and construction professionals. She also handles disciplinary and regulatory matters and often deals with fraud and dishonest assistance claims against solicitors. Rhian also regularly provides legal updates to clients, as well as training on risk management and best practice when handing claims.
“They say I fight cases like I'm writing a personal cheque”
“I enjoy building relationships with insurer clients and working together as a team to defend professionals. I also enjoy having professionals as clients, and helping them defend the professional reputations which they’ve worked so hard to achieve.
I deliver the best outcomes in the most commercial way. I have a reputation for caring about the outcome on every case. They say I fight cases like I'm writing a personal cheque.”
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Expertise sectors
Insurance & Reinsurance, Professional Practices, Professional Risks, Legal Professionals
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