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Harriet Evans

Senior Associate

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Harriet specialises in complex, high value commercial and financial disputes, often with an international or cross-border element.

"My clear communication style and technical expertise, combined with a proactive, collaborative and strategic approach, leads to focused advice."

"I am dedicated to achieving the best outcome for my clients. It is important for me to understand a client's business and the commercial context in which they operate to advocate for an outcome centred on their priorities and ambitions. 

My clear communication style and technical expertise, combined with a proactive, collaborative and strategic approach, leads to focused advice. 

Harriet's recent work highlights:

IlliquidX Ltd v Altana Wealth and others - a claim for breach of confidence, breach of contract and copyright infringement, arising from a JV relating to a distressed sovereign debt fund. 

Acting for two directors in defence of claims made against them personally for fraudulent misrepresentation and breach of fiduciary duty.

Acted for aerospace industry claimants in a breach of warranty claim, relating to financial forecasts.




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