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RPC claims management system - end user terms

Access to RPC's claims management system (System) allows you to see the information that RPC holds in relation to certain insurance claims. Your permission to access to the System is subject to the following terms and conditions of use (these End User Terms). Please ensure you read and understand the disclaimer set out in clause 3 in relation to the Claims Information.

By accessing and using the System, you agree to comply with and be bound by the End User Terms.

1. Definitions

For the purposes of these End User Terms:

Claim: an insurance claim where RPC is acting for the Client.

Client: either your employer or one of its group companies.

Near Time: describes the usual speed of the transfer of data to view in the System subject to a time delay introduced by network transmission limitations and the automated data processing required for on-screen presentation.

Claim(s): an insurance claim in connection with which the Client has instructed RPC to provide legal services.

Claims Information: information about each Claim or combination of Claims which is displayed through the Service and which may include (but is not limited to) information at both an individual matter or portfolio level about the Claim or Claims relating to policy coverage, the merits, reserving information and key references

Service: access via the System to view relevant information and updates about live Claims.

2. Username and password

You may only use this Site if you have been authorised to do so by the Client. On the Client's instruction, RPC will grant you access to the Site by allocating you an account with a registered username and password.

You must:

  • keep your username and password secure and ensure that no other person obtains access to them;
  • update your password when prompted to do so (or your account will be locked);
  • not allow anyone else to use the System under your account details; and
  • notify us immediately of any unauthorised use of your account, you become aware that another person my know your password or other security breach of which you are aware.

All access and activity on your account will be tracked and recorded for security purposes and, by using the System, you agree for us to do so.

3. Disclaimer

You acknowledge and agree that the Service captures Claims Information on a Near Time basis and may include RPC's working, preparatory or draft work. RPC therefore does not guarantee the accuracy of the Claims Information provided through the Service, nor does any information provided through the Service constitute legal advice.  While RPC takes reasonable measures to ensure that the information provided through the Service is as accurate as possible, it is always possible that some of the Claims Information is out of date, inaccurate or in draft form.

You must not rely on the Claims Information for internal or external reporting purposes and, in particular, you must not advise or suggest to any third party that RPC has verified the accuracy of any Claims Information provided through the Service. If you require a formal report, portfolio information (including bordereaux) or legal advice on a particular Claim or Claims you must contact the RPC Claims Team Leader or Client Partner who are dedicated to managing the Client's account on RPC's behalf.

4. Data protection

RPC will collect and process personal data (as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679) under these terms for the purposes of providing you access to the Service. Such personal data will include, but is not limited to, email addresses, account information, phone numbers as well as other personal information. RPC will only process personal information for as long as is necessary to provide you access to the Service.

The use of such data is governed by our privacy policy (as published on or as advised to you from time to time).

5. Your obligations

You may not use the System:

  • if the Client has removed your authority to access the Site or if you are no longer employed by, or otherwise engaged by, the Client;
  • to falsify any protocol or email header information (eg "spoofing") to spam or distribute malware, or for any similar purpose;
  • in a way that could harm the System or impair anyone else's use of it.

With regards to your use of the Service you will:

  • provide RPC with all other necessary information as may be required in order to provide the Client and you with access to the Service;
  • comply will all applicable laws with respect to your use of the Service;
  • not attempt to reverse compile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise reduce the Service to human-perceivable form all or any part of the software applications;
  • not use the Service and/or any documentation provided to the Client in relation to use of the Service to provide services to third-parties;
  • not allow anyone else to access the Service using your account ;
  • not attempt to obtain, or assist third parties in obtaining, access to the Service; and
  • use all reasonable endeavours to not transmit any viruses or any other malicious software during the course of your use of the Service.

RPC owns or has the right to use the copyright, trademarks, software and other intellectual property rights with respect to the System. You may only use information provided through the System in accordance with the instructions of the Client for its internal business purposes and in accordance with these End User Terms. Any use of the information provided through the System for your own purposes is expressly prohibited.

6. Termination

Your continuing use of the System is at RPC's discretion and RPC may at any time revoke your authorisation or otherwise prevent you from using the System.

7. Liability

You are authorised by the Client to access the Site solely for the benefit of the Client and RPC has no liability to you as an individual user through your use of the Site.

8. General

If you have any problems accessing the Site please email RPC at

These End User Terms constitute the entire terms that govern your use of the System and supersede any prior terms that applied to you in relation to the System and the Service.

These End User Terms are governed by English law and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

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