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Your information will be held by Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP, which is part of the RPC Businesses that this website supports. The RPC Businesses are a network of affiliated firms, comprising Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP in England, Reynolds Porter Chamberlain in Hong Kong,  and RPC Premier Law Pte Ltd in Singapore.

Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP, a limited liability partnership, registered in England and Wales with registered number OC317402, whose registered office is at Tower Bridge House, St Katharine's Way, London E1W 1AA. It is a body corporate, which has members whom we refer to as "partners". The firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. A list of members' names is available for inspection at the registered office. In this cookie policy "RPC", "us" or "we" shall mean Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP.

RPC is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. We aim to be as open and transparent as possible around the information we collect when you visit our website ("Website") including through the use of "cookies". This policy explains what cookies are and how we use them. It also explains the different types of cookies we use, and how you can change or delete them. We hope that this policy helps you understand and feel more confident about our use of cookies. If you have any further queries, please contact us on

We may update this Cookie policy at any time and we would encourage you to review this policy from time to time to stay informed on how we use cookies. This policy was last updated in May 2018. 

For information on how your information is collected and used by RPC, please see our Privacy Policy.


1. What is a cookie?

1.1 Cookies are small text files downloaded and stored by your browser onto your computer. They are widely used in order to make websites work or work in a better, more efficient way. They can do this because websites can read and write these files, enabling them to recognise you and remember important information that will make your use of a website more convenient (e.g. by remembering your user preferences) such as your username and password, and they also allow us to improve our site.

1.2 We may work with third party organisations to provide the services on our Website. A third party is an organisation which is not hosted at the domain address in your browser when you visit our Website. These third parties may also use cookies on our Website and can also place cookies on your browser without you visiting their website directly. If you would like more information about third party cookies, please read section 4 below.

1.3 The two types of cookies we use are known as "session" cookies and "persistent" cookies. These may be cookies which we use and/or a third party uses.

1.3.1 A session cookie is used each time you visit our Website to give you a session ID. We use this type of cookie to link your actions on our Website and each session cookie will only last for a browser session. Each browser session will start when you open your browser window and finish when you close your browser window. After your visit to our Website all session cookies are deleted. Every time you visit one of our Website you will have a different session ID.

1.3.2 A persistent cookie has a longer lifetime than a session cookie and lasts for the period of time specified in the cookie (this will vary from cookie to cookie). This type of cookie will not be deleted when you close your browser window and will be activated every time you visit our Website which created that particular persistent cookie.


2. What cookies does RPC use on the Website?

To help you understand the cookies we use on our Website, we have classified each cookie as one of the following:

  • strictly necessary cookie;
  • performance cookie; and
  • functionality cookie.

Strictly necessary cookies

2.1 Why does RPC use strictly necessary cookies?

These cookies are essential to our Website in order to enable you to move around and to use the features, such as remembering information you have entered on forms when you move to other pages within a browser session. Without strictly necessary cookies, we may not be able to provide certain services which you have asked for and our Website will not perform as smoothly as we would like them to for you.

Please see section 3 for details of the strictly necessary cookies we use on our Website.

2.2 How do I consent to use of strictly necessary cookies?

Accepting strictly necessary cookies is a condition of using our Website and you cannot decline consent.

Performance cookies

2.3 Why does RPC use performance cookies?

Performance cookies collect information about your use of our Website and enable us to improve the way it works. For example, performance cookies will show us which are the most frequently visited pages on our Website, and help us record any difficulties you have with our Website.

Performance cookies do not collect information that identifies you personally and ll information that is collected by these cookies is aggregated and anonymous. Please see section 3 for details of the performance cookies we use on our Website.

We may use third parties to manage our performance cookies but we do not allow any third party to use these cookies other than for the types of purpose listed in this paragraph. For example, they do not remember information about you for the purposes of targeting adverts at you on other websites.

2.4 How do I consent to use of performance cookies?

By continuing to browse our website or by indicating that you agree to our cookie policy on the cookie message displayed on the Website, you will be taken to have consented to these cookies. If you reject these cookies then we cannot or predict how our Website will perform when you visit it, nor guarantee your security.

Functionality cookies

2.5 Why does RPC use functionality cookies?

Functionality cookies allow us to remember the choices you make on our Website. These cookies also allow us to provide enhanced and more personal features and to remember changes you have made to our Website, such as customising a certain webpage. These features help us to improve your visit to our Website. Our functionality cookies will not track your activity on other websites. Please see section 3 for details of the functionality cookies we use on our Website.

We may use third parties to manage our functionality cookies but we do not allow any third party to use these cookies other than for the types of purposes listed in this paragraph.

2.6 How do I consent to use of functionality cookies?

By continuing to browse our website or by indicating that you agree to our cookie policy on the cookie message displayed on the Website, you will be taken to have consented to these cookies. If you prevent the use of functionality cookies then this may mean that we cannot offer some services on our Website and may interrupt your enjoyment of it. It may also mean we are limited in the scope of support we can offer you.

3. RPC cookies

The table below sets out which cookies are used on our Website.



Managed by



ASP.NET_SessionID Strictly necessary

ASP.Net Session


Randomly generated identifier assigned to uniquely identify a user's session.


Strictly necessary



Security measure which helps protect the website from unauthorised data submissions.


Performance cookie

Google Analytics

1 year

Recording which pages a user visits and how long they stay on it. It helps us deliver personalised content to users and provide anonymous reports.

This cookie is not used to identify individuals using the website.


Performance cookie



Tracks a user's language selection.


Performance cookie

Google Analytics

2 years

Used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client ID. Once generated, the ID is included with each new page visited.

This cookie is not used to identify individuals using the website.


24 hours

Used to distinguish users and sessions.


1 minute

Used to throttle request rate.


2 years

Used to distinguish users and sessions.


30 minutes

Both cookies register a timestamp with the exact time of when the user enters (_utmb) and leaves (_utmc) the website. It is used by Google Analytics to calculate the duration of visits.




6 months

Collects data on where the visitor came from, what search engine was used, what links were clicked, what keyword was used, and where a user was in the world when they accessed a website.


Performance cookie


8 months

Used to embed and show our videos. YouTube may set cookies on your browser to display the video and monitor non-attributable statistical information.




8 months


Performance cookie



Improve the performance and level of security on the website




1 year

DoubleClick Floodlight

Functionality cookies

Google Ads

2 years

Help us measure the results of our digital advertising e.g. to understand if visitors have clicked through one of our display ads served on Google or other platforms to access the website.

These cookies do not collect personally identifiable information.


Functionality cookies

RPC website

1 year

Determines if you have already accepted the use of cookies on our website.


4. What third party cookies may be used on the Website?

4.1 Third party organisations may use their own cookies or other technologies to collect information about the content of our Website. We do not have access or control over the cookies placed on our Website by third parties and use of their cookies is subject to their own privacy policies. We recommend that you review the privacy policies of these third parties.

4.2 To disable or reject third party cookies you must go to the relevant third party’s website – please see section 5 below for details of how you can control third party cookies on your browser.

4.3 Please also note that this Policy does not apply to, and we are not responsible for, the privacy practices of any third party websites which may be linked to or accessible through our Website.


5. How do I manage cookies on the Website?

5.1 You can control which non-strictly necessary cookies you get and which you keep on your browser. Unless you have adjusted your browser settings so that it will refuse our cookies, our system will issue non-strictly necessary cookies when you continue to browse our Website.

5.2 You may refuse to accept our non-strictly necessary cookies on your browser at any time by activating the setting on your browser which allows you to refuse cookies. We have included links below to direct you to the pages of the main web browsers sites which provide details about changing your browser settings. For information on how to control cookies on web browsers which are not included below or on other devices which you use to view our Website please refer to your user manual.

5.3 Please note that by deleting cookies or disabling future cookies you may be unable to access certain areas or features of our Website and it will mean that settings such as your stored username and password may have to be reset. If you adjust your cookie settings this will also affect the other websites you visit.

Useful links

5.4 All of the major browsers offer tips and guidance for managing cookies. You may choose to decline these by visiting the following sites:

Internet explorer (Windows 7, 8.1 and 10) - Delete and manage cookies page

Firefox - Enable and disable tracking cookies page

Safari 11.1 (macOS Sierra) - Manage cookies and website data page

Safari iOS - Clear the history and cookies page

Google Chrome - Enable or Disable cookies page

Microsoft Edge -  Browsing data and privacy page


6. Where can I get more information about cookies?

6.1 You can find out more information about cookies by visiting the following information websites:

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