Retail Compass Live!

Engaging the consumer in a multi-dimensional world

Duration: 3h 30m

Event type: Conference

Provided by: RPC

Ask yourself: how do you connect with and retain the consumer in the midst of a rapidly evolving and highly competitive environment, against a backdrop of political turmoil, economic uncertainty, rising costs, reduced spending and ever increasing regulatory pressure?

Join us on 1 November 2023 at Retail Compass Live! Where leading consumer brands, retailers and industry experts will reveal their insights and inspire ideas to help you navigate this multi-dimensional world and truly engage with the end consumer.


14.30 – 14.45 Roundtable registration and coffee 

14.45 – 15.45 Legal roundtables

Prior to the main event we will be joined by industry experts to host roundtables on the hottest legal topics for retail and consumer brands:

  1. "Recommended for you" - Data risks in AI-powered customer solutions.
  2. Drip pricing, fake reviews and other digital dark arts: Why the CMA may have you in their sights and what you can do about it (before you get landed with a new DMCC fine).
  3. Int-arresting times - how the new criminal penalties for fraud and mis-selling under the economic crime and transparency bill may impact your business.

The roundtables portion of the afternoon is designed for members of the legal community. If you would like to attend please make your selections via the register button here

15.30 – 16.00 Registration and coffee

16.00 – 16.45 Engaging customers with infinite purpose

In conversation with Susie Ma, Founder and CEO of Tropic Skincare

16.50 – 17.45 Commercial authenticity and the conscious consumer - panel discussion

It's tempting to move fast and back the latest societal movement or human rights hash tag with the best of intentions, but you risk reputational damage if it's not thought through, with accusations of "social washing" possible. Reputational damage can occur if the cause doesn't match your narrative or if you don't have the right internal policies and values to back it up. What does commercial authenticity mean to your brand? What do you do if it does go wrong? Leading brands, retailers and industry experts discuss what this means to them and how to avoid the pitfalls.

18.00 – 20.00 Drinks and canapé reception

Three benefits to attending:

1. Uncover practical solutions to this business-critical area of discussion to implement back at HQ.

2. Be better prepared and double-check (confidentially, in a one-to-one with our tier-one ranked experts) the practicalities of upcoming regulation and legislation covered in our R&C horizon-scanning publication Retail Compass.

3. Meet or catch up with industry peers over drinks and canapés.

Location: Past event

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